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Pinnapples, coconut, sugar cane, bannanas, is any of that stuff native to merica? not to go down a beaten path, but what I think is the pacific islanders were the first to use sail or rowing technology as in fast kyake style, probably like a catamaran with oars. Those fools were buff too.

Anyone who is native to an island had to be the first to sail. How the heck did they get there to begin with.


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They showed up on a contract to build pyramids. But the contractor ended up fucking them on some insurance premiums. The Union went on strike, so local workforce was employed. A bunch of the union guys ended up in Polynesia. Fascinating story really

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Trump lost the vote today!!!! in his trump casino anyway. They voted overwhelmingly to unionize, but Trump chose not to recognize the voting process. Waite a minute, what was it he was saying about the Republican electoral process being a rigged system? 

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He's learning to be a politician...why you surprised?


No different from Hillary saying she's gonna shut down all coal mining companies and activities and telling them no I didn't mean it, i'm going to help you if you vote for me...

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I said dozens of pages back that people were pissed off and would vote trump in just as a 'fuck you' to the political machine. Trump might or might not care but he's riding it till the bell.

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Trump lost the vote today!!!! in his trump casino anyway. They voted overwhelmingly to unionize, but Trump chose not to recognize the voting process. Waite a minute, what was it he was saying about the Republican electoral process being a rigged system? 

Overwhelmingly would be a slight exageration.

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Under Dubya there was Al-Qaeda but sure if the name change makes some folks feel like there weren't any shills to get them all feared up and need less liberty and more spying done to them,then sure that delusion is a wonderful thing. 


ISIS is Al-Qaeda 2.0.


Israel not an asset for the people of USA,but they are good for getting rid of $3 billion worth of older redundant weapons per annum.

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Yeah,someone doing more of something that is fucked totally clears anyone who did the other fucked stuff.


Being in Iraq at all did not elminate Al-Qaeda.


They were never there. 


Stay in Iraq? 


Want to do that? 

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Nope,it sure wasn't.


But that did not let Dubya stop from bullshitting about Osama having colluded with Saddam etc.


It was about a lot of other things,none of which has ever done anything to help the people of USA be "safer" 

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Nope,it sure wasn't.


But that did not let Dubya stop from bullshitting about Osama having colluded with Saddam etc.


It was about a lot of other things,none of which has ever done anything to help the people of USA be "safer"

I might have prevented a collapse of the dollar. Well, prolonged the inevitable might be more accurate.

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