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Reset the Net

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Okay, so I'm not usually the activist type, nor one of the ones who start threads in GD.  I just can't find a place to put this, and I think it's rather important.


I know Ratsun was pretty interested in the SOPA, PIPA, and Net neutrality things, so I figure shutting down the ability of the various organizations not to be named to do mass surveillance might be something we're all interested in as an internet based community.







Hope I don't get a vacation for this one.  I also don't post links to other sites normally.


I promise I haven't been taken over by spam bots.

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I think we're a little bipolar on the issue of surveillance. If some jack ass taps your ride in the Wal Mart parking lot, you'll wish they had 7 cameras all focused on the license plate of the car that hit you while you were shopping for a pair of socks. If someone steals your ride, you'd be all in favor of those little black boxes that scan license plates and instantly tell the policeman if the registered owner has a warrant out on them. 4 houses down from my place lives a registered sex offender. My kids are all grown but the guy next to me with little kids...I think he ought to know that shit. Everybody spys on everybody. Period. I'm more concerned with private industry not taking their net security very seriously, and we end up losing what little competitive edge we have to "allies" like France.



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It is not about them watching you do nothing wrong. Its about not giving someone power they do not deserve to have. And you never get power that the government takes/acquires back. So why let them be in a position that they can abuse something they shouldnt even be doing in the firstplace?

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It is not about them watching you do nothing wrong. Its about not giving someone power they do not deserve to have. And you never get power that the government takes/acquires back. So why let them be in a position that they can abuse something they shouldnt even be doing in the firstplace?


Okay, I understand your point.  I just think that train left the station a long, long, time ago.

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I'm more concerned with the broad reaching stuff like my private joking conversation with a friend getting read by a computer in an office somewhere. I know the government doesn't care about the pic my wife texted me of her rising sun panties. And I know that if I make it public, then it's public.


I just think it's the duty of private citizens to protect their privacy. I don't want to rely on anyone else to decide which parts of my life are private. I can make that call.


I googled the 5150 thing. That's kinda scary already. Also, this reset the net thing isn't trying to do anything except give people the tools to protect themselves and spread the word that it IS the responsibility of the individual to do so.


I think everyone agrees that in the end, your business is your business. This is the equivalent to giving gun owners free trigger locks to help protect kids. It's not a Fuck you to the man. It's a here are some tools, use them wisely, to the people.

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If your not doing anything wrong or illegal who cares if big brother is watching.I doubt they're checking in on Ratsun very often.


If you are doing no wrong you don't need watching. Parents trust their kids, if they are trustworthy, and certainly don't 'spy' on them.  Bad apples need oversight and rules strictly enforced for the good of all.  Maybe they could sieve out the good from the bad somehow?

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I'm not a child in need of raising by anyone. Including corporations who want to advertise to me. Including governments foreign or domestic.


I don't rely on police forces patrolling my neighborhood to keep my family and possessions safe. If I'm robbed, I don't blame them. I blame the thieves, and I buy better locks.

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I'm not a child in need of raising by anyone. Including corporations who want to advertise to me. Including governments foreign or domestic.

I don't rely on police forces patrolling my neighborhood to keep my family and possessions safe. If I'm robbed, I don't blame them. I blame the thieves, and I buy better locks.

It's hard for me to disagree with most of that. I pay taxes and expect services like police and fire protection. I'll have a look at the tools you're suggesting and I appreciate your post.

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would you protest if cops wanted to come in and search your house? i mean if you have nothing to hide then why not right?

No...I would LOVE IT...after all, I'm not doing anything wrong. After that, I can stare through your window while you fuck your ol'lady, no biggy though right, because you're not doing anything wrong.

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would you protest if cops wanted to come in and search your house? i mean if you have nothing to hide then why not right?

I thought this was about electronic survelliance and what you put up on the internet.Our homes are different,you cant compare the two,What you talk about in your house is not the same  as what you type into a computer and send out into the internet.

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It's mostly about what you say in private phone conversations, emails, texts, or private messages online.  What you make public is then public for anyone to read.  As it stands, there are databases being made about everything from your browsing history, to what words you say most often in emails.  And it's not just the big bad NSA that can do that.


Really simple, free encryption can stop the passive scanning of your private life.  If you are under active surveillance, then good luck with that, an app probably won't help much.


The idea is, that if enough people take control of their privacy, then passive scanning won't be an effective tool anymore.

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It's always been something we joked about, and used code words and junk as teenagers. I realize also that certain government agencies only get paid to spy, so that's what they're gonna keep doing.


I do like the idea of playing along in the game. Thieves have been around longer than locks. Thieves get better, buy better locks.

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I thought this was about electronic survelliance and what you put up on the internet.Our homes are different,you cant compare the two,What you talk about in your house is not the same as what you type into a computer and send out into the internet.

I fail to see how it is different. If you allow them to take your privacy in the name of security you are heading down a slippery slope. I dont know about you bit I am just not afraid of this boogey man terrorist they keep trying to scare us into complacency with. I would rather deal with a terrorist than an out of control government.
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