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Your not buying that $300. dollar one are you??  Surely you could find a cheaper one with a little patients  ,, have you tried putting an ad for a truck trans you want on craigslist,, Hobbies-the-cat has a running ad for 510s and he seems to do pretty well.

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So I have had this for a week or so now. Only today have I had a chance to do anything with it. 






Been scrubbing it clean. 

Plan is to get it clean then tear into it. 


Went too far to get and paid too much for it. 

As soon as I saw it I felt like I was over a barrel. Fuck. 


I have it though. Time to move forward. 
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Just ship the car down here to me. I'll call you when it's done.   :rofl:


It's a trap, don't believe him! :rofl:  Don't give up on hunting, just let off the gas and make sure you got a little part fund money stored away. It's when your not looking for something your going to find it and be like, OMGWTFIWANTINEEDIT...kinda feeling.

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  • 1 month later...

Been too long since I've done anything with this thread. 



Still have the car. Still doing small things. Still sourcing needed parts. 









Nothing too crazy or exciting going on. But I do want to share a picture of the A10 crossmember that's going in. 



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