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My dog is my best friend....

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My dog is getting on and has over the last year or so slowed down a bit. He's always willing to chase the ball. I taught him to bring it back and put in my hand. (makes it easier for me) He always used to run back with it and could keep that up until your arm is sore. The last years he trots back with it and now after a dozen throws will walk back and I know he's had enough. He eats only dry kibble (Pedigree adult)  and water. Has regular trips to the back yard. Always wants out in the winter and if out always wants in. In the summer he never want in. I dip my finger in my morning coffee and he licks that.


I guess you can see where this is going... Today I came home from work and he was waiting to go outside. When he got up he was unsteady on his feet. Had trouble with the steps off the patio and staggers. It hasn't gone away with me walking him around the yard. I don't notice the front worse than the back or one side worse than the other. There are no tremors, he just seems unsteady like he's been drinking.


Anyone know what's up? Stroke? He can't get into anything when I'm at work. Has water in his bowl so not dehydrated. Not slobbering.

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plants? soreness? front and back legs have issue? check ears, teeth and gums, nose needs to be cold and wet, if pain try a low dose bayer in a treat. Emma gets them when she is sore or it is real cold. As far as dog food I use Taste of the Wild, its grain free, bit high but I use alot less and the poo is much smaller. Lots of dogs don't do well with grains, many rashes and other issues stop with good food. I would prefer to go back to raw tho.

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He's had this food for years unless it's something developed with age. ..and it's a sudden onset not gradual. Appears fine other than the balance. Good point about pot, but not a chance he got any, none in the house. While I'm away he is restricted to only two rooms. Both are child proofed in fact the whole house is that way. Hasn't and doesn't get into the garbage pail..


Thanks for reply Don.

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I'm with Elmer on trying a little pain reliever.  See if it seems to help at all, and just slowly start picking off options of what it could be.  Food allergies are known to develop over time, but that does seem to be really sudden for an allergy.  But, you could try boiling up ground turkey, or even a whole chicken and serving the boiled meat with plain rice.  When our big guy got sick last March I fed him chicken and rice for weeks to try to get him to bounce back.  He was beyond help, but it was all that he would eat at that point... not even his beloved raw diet he'd been on for years prior to getting sick.


Hope it's something just temporary :hmm:

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Take him to the vet, seriously.  Our (my wife's) cat, Calypso, of 16+ years started eating less & less, not drinking as much water, not being playful, sleeping more than normal, etc.  At first we didn't think much of it, but after a while it became pretty apparent something was wrong.  He started to get a foul odor from his mouth and we took him to the vet for a diagnosis of kidney failure :(  If we had caught it earlier we could have maybe changed his diet and had him around for a few more years, but as it was we were going to have to give him subcutaneous IV's of fluid every day (sticking a large needle into the nape of his neck and holding him down for ~10 minutes every day as the fluids went in).  We tried it two days and it was just too much, too sad to handle.  We had someone come to the house to put him down peacefully with the surroundings and people he knew and loved...just last April :(


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I agree with Mr Big...age? What breed(s)? Labs and Shephards develop joint diseases and severe arthritis in old age.  Sounds like he is a male...does he have any swollen parts on his abdomen like he swallowed something, or maybe a tumor has grown under a heavy coat?   What is his size/approx. weight?  I can tell you are seriously concerned old friend, it's not like you to leave out the details ;)

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Hilarious about the vet asking aboot the pot.  


This sounds crazy to some, so choose your own path, but a Natural pet doc saved our dogs life I think.  He wouldn't drink water or move beyond 1 or 2 times a day.  for about a week we were freaking out.  Something was toxic in his system, and Tumeric in his water supported his liver, and basically brought him back.  Crazy part, after mixing it in the water, Our dog would drink it, after refusing normal water.  


Well, there could be something as simple as a sickness, or an ear infection throwing off balance.  I'm putting my dollar on a quick recovery if bowel function is normal.  

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I'm with those guys who have said to take him into the vet.  See if you can't have a full blood panel, etc. done on him and see what they can find.  We finally had an ultrasound done on our big guy after various tests done and nothing showing up, only to find full blown Lymphoma.  It's worth the while to try to find out what's making him unstable and see if you can't catch it before it's too late.  This whole thread makes me sad.

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Rowdy- pincher type highbred markings, mixed with white chest and fuzzy happy-camper lab face. Handsome!

I've seen big barreled Labs develop tumors and balance issues late in life, but not suddenly. I'm guessing the internal or nerve issue. Is the photo recent? Are his eyes clear and attentive? The sudden overall unsteadiness does seem more like a toxicity or nerve issue.


My first family dog was half beagle half lab. He was marked like a beagle, but size was like a 3/4 sized lab, weighed 50 lbs or so.. at 17 he had trouble getting up and moving, quite shakey. Always wanted to go in/out. In warm weather he like to lay outside where the earth was warm. One Thanksgiving we thought he wasn't going to make it thru the meal. We stopped the holiday, took him to the emergency vet since my dad was picking up the bill on a holiday. But as you stated mine developed it slowly, not suddenly like yours. He had hip and joint pain arthritis and such, but they shot him full of steroids and he lasted thru the year to keep my Dad company thru my Mom's passing on.  





We're pet owners and lovers, but better gear head diagnosticians... maybe try the fuzzy-ear heads blog above?

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