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Mike, you're not open minded, that's why you choose to not believe, nor give the benefits of doubt to things beyond your comprehension.


As a species we don't know enough to know that we dont know, in other words, Mike, you're too full of yourself, you might even believe that you are supreme to everyone around you, I hope not, that'd be sad.




Edit, ps I'm gonna throw this phone out my window soon, Galaxy S6 is shit

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Nice, my grandma's neighbor passed away a couple years ago then took up rent in his old house for a year or so, he would turn the water heater on to "vacation mode" every few weeks, they also saw a few shadows with nobody to make them and he would keep every bedroom/bathroom door closed, then one day it all just stopped.

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sneezing hurts, a lot, even when i'm not trying to hold it in. and i'd rather keep doing what i'm doing than ejaculate. it makes a mess and i have to stop and clean up after


A small price to pay....


Mike, you're not open minded, that's why you choose to not believe, nor give the benefits of doubt to things beyond your comprehension.


As a species we don't know enough to know that we dont know, in other words, Mike, you're too full of yourself, you might even believe that you are supreme to everyone around you, I hope not, that'd be sad.




Edit, ps I'm gonna throw this phone out my window soon, Galaxy S6 is shit


Believing without reservation in something that is impossible to prove the existence of, is called faith, but outside of religion the same thing  is known as a delusion. (actually, faith is a form of close mindedness, as it defies sensible thinking and rejects rational thought.) Faith is what it is and glosses over the incomprehensible. A very handy word for religions to have don't you think? A 'get out of jail free' card. It explains nothing and everything. It excuses itself. You have it or you don't and it can also be wrong.


Are there inexplicable mysteries in our reality? Absolutely! Beyond our comprehension? Certainly! The universe is what it is. Crafted by an invisible unknowable watchmaker? Well, if you have 'faith' in this I'm sure it's harmless and a comfort to you. I find it interesting the things that people believe in. Interesting not wrong. Hell, maybe there is a cosmic watchmaker.


I don't feel supreme to everyone else other than the average ego. To one who 'believes', not having faith could be seen as a fault and a flaw. Maybe the reverse is true also.  

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I was once like you Mike, then I met the people who used to live here

http://www.starvationheights.com/ that shit is for real. I used to cano with a family that lived in a house in the property of starvation heights, the wasn't scared of shit, because played with ghosts, saw apparitions of rabid dogs with blood dripping from their mouths and thought it was funny. The mom said she would hear him talking to no, laughing playing that sort of thing and thought nothing of it. One day she saw him roll a ball across the floor it the stopped suddenly and was pushed back to him by absolutely nothing. Then light would turn on or off, furniture would move, dishes would get put away dirty or taken out and put on the table. They would see people standing outside in the fog at dawn or dusk, sometimes the middle of the day.


It's not faith when you see it.

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I was once like you Mike, then I met the people who used to live here

http://www.starvationheights.com/ that shit is for real. I used to cano with a family that lived in a house in the property of starvation heights, the wasn't scared of shit, because played with ghosts, saw apparitions of rabid dogs with blood dripping from their mouths and thought it was funny. The mom said she would hear him talking to no, laughing playing that sort of thing and thought nothing of it. One day she saw him roll a ball across the floor it the stopped suddenly and was pushed back to him by absolutely nothing. Then light would turn on or off, furniture would move, dishes would get put away dirty or taken out and put on the table. They would see people standing outside in the fog at dawn or dusk, sometimes the middle of the day.


It's not faith when you see it.


But you didn't witness it?

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I had an inexplainable once with my wife. Kinda fuct with us for life. Still not pushed into an afterlife assurance, as there are many far fetched concept that could explain a bed you are sleeping on slide more than a foot off the wall. But there is shit I don't understand out there. That I know first hand.


Not enjoying ejaculation is also some beyond comprehension thought. WTF. That also proves religion can't be correct, because God can't fuck up. Right? I mean, that's not a test, that's straight fuckery.


Also, heaven could be alright Mike. I figure it's just bjs mixed with favorite hobbies. You could get bicycle bjs!! And hobo, man. I really have no idea what your heaven is. But I suppose it might be family appropriate.

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the spookiest thing that ever happened to me actually took place in broad daylight. back in the late 1980s a friend and I took our dates to an abandoned shack out in the country to look for junk. when we got upstairs, we began to hear a cat meowing and hissing but couldn't see anything. a few seconds later this monster of a green eyed black cat jumped out from between some boxes and into a window frame. the glass of the window was broken but the screen was intact. the cat impaled itself on a shard of broken glass and blood went flying everywhere. freakin' thing kept howling. my bud and his girlfriend ran down the stairs but my girlfriend and I were kind of transfixed. finally, she broke her trance, punched me in the arm and we ran downstairs.


Within a mile of this place was an old farm house with a baby cemetery and a mass grave of field hands that died in a flood in the 1920s. Not too far from the graves are the remains of an old pioneer school where the bodies where laid out after they were recovered.


About a mile from there is an underground house where, in the early 1980s, a man and his stepdaughter murdered his wife/her mother and scattered her dismembered parts throughout the pasture. The dad confessed and law enforcement spent weeks trying to find all her remains but never did.


Within a mile of all this two little boys shot their daddy on the couch as he slept:


Murder Case Opens Eyes to Horrific Tale of Child Abuse : Slaying: Sons are charged in Oklahoma man's death. Officials ask themselves if they ignored warning signs.


September 09, 1993


RUSH SPRINGS, Okla. — It was a daily ritual. Lonnie Dutton washed down sedatives with homemade beer and then beat and kicked his four young children with steel-toed boots in a slovenly central Oklahoma mobile home hidden behind oak and wild plum trees.


It was Lonnie Dutton's own advice that may have gotten the best of him, relatives said. Over and over, he slapped sons Herman, 15, and Druie, 12, hard in the face to drive home a warning: "If anyone ever messes with (sister) Sissy, shoot them behind the ear or in the heart. Kill him!"


On a steaming July 12 afternoon, Sissy, 10, walked to the family tomato patch where the boys were hoeing and muttered: "Daddy was messin' with me."


The boys returned to the mobile home and loaded a stolen rifle that Lonnie Dutton had given Herman for Christmas. Dutton, 39, was sleeping on the couch when Herman allegedly aimed the rifle at a point behind his father's right ear and Druie pulled the trigger.




in the late 1990s I began delivering propane to a family whose trailer was about 100 feet from the trailer where the Dutton trailer was (is). the family said the grandfather of the boys would show up with whiskey and candles and spend the night in the old trailer at least once a month. all of these events took place on a square mile section and it's all kind of centered on a place called Gyp Hill which is a huge deposit of gypsum that sticks out of the ground.

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Hoboheaven sounds interesting....

I think hobos heaven is very not family friendly.


Not enjoying ejaculation is also some beyond comprehension thought. WTF. That also proves religion can't be correct, because God can't fuck up. Right? I mean, that's not a test, that's straight fuckery.


Also, heaven could be alright Mike. I figure it's just bjs mixed with favorite hobbies. You could get bicycle bjs!! And hobo, man. I really have no idea what your heaven is. But I suppose it might be family appropriate.


I don't beleive in a god, or heaven for that matter. I've ended up with some reincarnation type belief system at this point.




A small price to pay....


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I've seen stuff but it didn't land and grays get out. We all see unexplainable things. So a door closed or opened... so what?, that's what they do. Now if it slid sideways into the wall I'd be impressed. There are places in out brains that fit an explanation to what we thought we saw. There are ghosts, spirits, UFOs, area 51 and sasquatches.... therefore what we just experienced just has to be one. If you or a group believe in something strongly enough it becomes reality. If there were such things, why doesn't one walk down town and introduce themselves publically? Same with UFOs and sasquatch. If they were real they would be 'out' by now. Delusions are real to the delusional and are always impossible to prove (by them) or disprove (to them)  Mostly this is a harmless.


We have this strange compulsion to believe in an overlord, a god, a guardian a higher power than ourselves. This is what leads to myths, legends and religions. We are teenagers needing adult supervision? How many have died in the name of religion? Nothing to be proud of there, hell it's still going on. All over a delusion that 'they' are right and 'we' are wrong??? SMH

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