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My pick would be caramelize  ,, when they are referring to cooking meat...  I'm not a cook and wanna punch a baby rabbit when some "cooking expert" says that  on the boob tube.



(edit) I am dearly sorry to anyones wife or mother offended from my posting of boobs in that last sentence ,, but i couldn't think of another word.

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You hate people who pick on people who make grammatical errors because they are too stupid to read or write properly?



So those who point it out are stupid and dumb-asses?


No, no, NO! You got that backwards on both counts!

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I cringe when a talking head says that a group of people were "decimated" by another. I highly doubt that folks were executed in groups of ten. Also, who here understands the difference between abstinent and celibate? In the classic sense, to be celibate is to be unmarried and nothing else.

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Most misused word in the english language: decadent. It means to be in a state of decay.


Part right. Not decay as in rot but moral decay. A downhill decent from right into wrong.



I've heard people constantly use it as some form of "indulgent", "delectable" or "rich".

As a noun it is correct and means a self indulgent person. This is a person who does as he wishes with little control. As such they would not only have a rich delectable 'cake' but eat the whole thing too. The act of out of control eating could be called decadent. The Romans used to party that way by eating till full then vomiting to make room for more and in this manner could eat for hours on end. Very decadent.


See previous two posts.

Still not seeing a good example.

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I've heard people constantly use it as some form of "indulgent", "delectable" or "rich".



In all 3 examples I gave, they were meant as adjectives, not nouns.


"That cake is so decadent; far too rich for my tastes."

In the above.... Is not cake the noun and the word decadent the adjective that describes it?




Hey I was terrible at English in school. Bear with me, it makes more sense when I see it written.

How about an example of the wrong use in place of "indulgent", "delectable" or "rich"

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Correct. Cake would be the noun. Decadent would be the adjective which describes the noun. You had made mention of the word being used as a noun, whereas I was giving 3 examples of erroneous use in adjective(descriptive) form.


The example I gave was meant to be incorrect usage(although commonly used) as per Q-Tip's original statement. I was just trying to give you a comparison between someone BEING A decadent vs. something BEING decadent.

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I remember one year. My mom took me school shopping It was me, my brother, my mom, oh, my pop, and my little sister all hopped in the car
We headed downtown to the Gallery Mall my mom started bugging with the clothes she chose.  I didn't say nothing at first
I just turned up my nose She said, "What's wrong? This shirt cost $20"  I said, "Mom, this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar!"
The next half hour was the same old thing My mother buying me clothes from 1963 And then she lost her mind and did the ultimate,, I asked her for Adidas and she bought me Zips! I said, "Mom, what are you doing, you're ruining my rep"
She said, "You're only sixteen, you don't have a rep yet"  I said, "Mom, let's put these clothes back, please"
She said "no, you go to school to learn not for a fashion show"
I said, "This isn't Sha Na Na, come on Mom, I'm not Bowzer Mom, please put back the bell-bottom Brady Bunch trousers
But if you don't want to I can live with that but,  you gotta put back the double-knit reversible slacks" ..She wasn't moved -everything stayed the same
   Inevitably the first day of school came,,  I thought I could get over, I tried to play sick,, but my mom said, "No, no way, uh-uh, forget it"
There was nothing I could do, I tried to relax  I got dressed up in those ancient artifacts, and when I walked into school, it was just as I thought ,,the kids were cracking up laughing at the clothes Mom bought... And those who weren't laughing still had a ball
Because they were pointing and whispering , as I walked down the hall
I got home and told my Mom how my day went  she said, "If they were laughing you don't need them, cause they're not good friends"
For the next six hours I tried to explain to my Mom ,, that I was gonna have to go through this about 200 more times
So to you all the kids all across the land , there's no need to argue,, parents just don't understand




True story



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