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Lol, you have no idea how many people question that on a daily basis though



And there's five pipes coming out of it I'm assumed they were exhaust pipes. One for each cyl. I really have no idea what I'm looking at half the time but I'm learning slowly



What makes you think it's a 5cyl engine homospyder joey ?

*giggles like school girl* you're right..... that is humor filled.....

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And this leads me to subject you all to a "cool story bro".


I have this friend (Cliff). He is one of those guys that takes hunting WAY too serious. Like months before the season starts, he will be out sneaking around in the brush doing reconn. Well, one elk season years back, he made the huge mistake of inviting me and my Brother to go with him on opening day. We got to "the spot" at like 3:30 AM and were waiting for it to get light out. Mike and I were bored out of our minds, so we started to hit the whiskey. Pretty soon, we were being too loud, which lead to us laughing about Cliff giving us the SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH a bunch of times. Soon, Cliff had enough of our grab assery, read us the fuckin riot act and told us to leave. So, we did. It had just started to get light out at this point, Mike and I were bumbling down the logging road on our way back to civilization when this absolutely MASSIVE elk comes crashing down the bank in front of us and stops right in the road. I shut the truck off, Mike slowly opened the door, got out and shot it.


Cliff drove by (with nothing) as we winching it into the back of my truck and flipped us off, which lead to even more laughter. 


This story has no morals.

I like to shoot the shit every chance I get, even out of season.

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The YO package hauls ass.


The YO package shuttles that Bosnian ass with the really really small left hand that makes my junk look yo bigger ... thanks for that number yo !

Never get anywhere anytime soon , but get there in old persons style .... just expect to be late .... make it yo middle name yo.


 I knew a dirty DIRTY blonde Bulgarian chick once in college .. omg ... Dat woman ....... I won't say her name ....... just her middle name .... Stacey ......


Lol, you have no idea how many people question that on a daily basis though



And there's five pipes coming out of it I'm assumed they were exhaust pipes. One for each cyl. I really have no idea what I'm looking at half the time but I'm learning slowly


lol. I don't want to KNOW .... lol .... or secretly do I ??? .... lol .... no I don't ..... fook off eh .... that's efff off in Canadian eh ....


You learned pretty quick compared to me ..... I'm like that "pet rock" .... yup .... ....and the " I really have no idea what I'm looking at" is pretty much what I said when I first saw a chicks junk "dafaq is this .... what does dis do .... what the fuck is this .... where am I suppose to .... wtf ...... oh dat's nice ..... dat's real nice" .... then I stopped undressing barbies and started out into the real world thinking chicks didn't have any holes down there .... just plastic ..... oh boy was I in for a surprise .... this was like 2-months ago btw....... you can imagine the state of shock I'm in yo...... hair ? I mean didn't even see it comin !


Also I was born in 85' ironically .... downward of the Hanford nucleaur site that seems to be leaking ... THAT'S MY EXCUSE !!!! lol


Or are you the "Whoah" Joey with the chicks without dicks around your arms when he says "whoah" ... can't remember the name of that show ..... damn it ....

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No, no, you had the right Joey. Just different point in the show when he's being all smarmy and hitting in chicks


I'm a pansy male, not quite straight but I like females a little to much so I'm straight. Never played with barbies, never watched porn, grew up in the mountains and moved to the city. Yeah, had females wanting me and didn't even know in high school. Just did my own thing and had my brother try to beat the gay out of me every day or so. He's more accepting now though and he knows it's just the way I act


I feel I should know where Hanford is and may have actually driven by it at one point not sure


I need to get down to the tri cities on that note, go and visit my cousins down there

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