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Good point, I will erase here then?

To see where it is,and will be going see link in my sig :D



You can keep us updated and shit,, just someone posts it's going to San Franny i would expect the tired old bridge background.. But if someone just posted the same pic outta the blue  i'm all,, " right on , it made it to Golden showers bridge,, i wonder where it will pop up next" ..

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You can keep us updated and shit,, just someone posts it's going to San Franny i would expect the tired old bridge background.. But if someone just posted the same pic outta the blue  i'm all,, " right on , it made it to Golden showers bridge,, i wonder where it will pop up next" ..



I will try :thumbup:

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Two things


A: I got a hole in my butt


B: I'm in Tully's waiting fir my drink to be made and my brain totally wanted me to be Joey from friends for a minute. Just sitting ther and brain goes "hey, how you doin'?" So I started laughing to myself and she questions what I'm laughing about. Told her I love being a nineties kid and that my brain wanted me to I almost did something inappropriate. She thinks I'm an 80s kid and not a 90s kid because I was born in 85 and claims to be a 90s kid cuz she was born in 94. We've had a couple debates over this in the past. Seriously though if it weren't for me actually knowing her boyfriend and being friends with him (kinda) I would totally hit on her.




And then later on feel like a dirty old man.

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And this leads me to subject you all to a "cool story bro".


I have this friend (Cliff). He is one of those guys that takes hunting WAY too serious. Like months before the season starts, he will be out sneaking around in the brush doing reconn. Well, one elk season years back, he made the huge mistake of inviting me and my Brother to go with him on opening day. We got to "the spot" at like 3:30 AM and were waiting for it to get light out. Mike and I were bored out of our minds, so we started to hit the whiskey. Pretty soon, we were being too loud, which lead to us laughing about Cliff giving us the SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH a bunch of times. Soon, Cliff had enough of our grab assery, read us the fuckin riot act and told us to leave. So, we did. It had just started to get light out at this point, Mike and I were bumbling down the logging road on our way back to civilization when this absolutely MASSIVE elk comes crashing down the bank in front of us and stops right in the road. I shut the truck off, Mike slowly opened the door, got out and shot it.


Cliff drove by (with nothing) as we winching it into the back of my truck and flipped us off, which lead to even more laughter. 


This story has no morals.

it's legal to take Elk on the road where you live?

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I got a short list of ex girlfriends and one ex wife that point to this fact



Though I wish I could have one back (only one whos sucking I enjoyed) I am currently single and enjoying life a little bit at this point which is odd to me. What am I forgetting to worry about here? Something is wrong oh god

Women......I was thinking about women..........not here......but that's what I was discussing......






..........and how much they suck :sneaky:

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