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I found it ironic

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I found it ironic that these two new stories are from on the same day in US history.


Feds won't sue states over recreational pot laws:



A stoned father is arrested after his 3 month old son dies:



^ I've heard folks say, "it's not like alcohol at all, no one gets killed when someone gets stoned" ... but to me, this is a very sad story.


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Thats also called just being a bad parent. No one will argue that pot can lead to losing track of time. But so does stopping at a bar and having a drink. Hell you can be completly sober and lose track of an hour.


There was a Korean couple who went to the internet cafe to play World of Warcraft and left their baby at home. 5 hours later you come home to a dead 4 month old.


Bottom line is if you have another life dependent on you pay the fuck attention and be a parent. (not endorsing drinking/smoking around your kid even if you can pay attention)

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^ I've heard folks say, "it's not like alcohol at all, no one gets killed when someone gets stoned" ... but to me, this is a very sad story.


Plenty of people leave their kid in the car to die while being very sober.. also a very sad story everytime. But this time its pot so OMG

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^ I've heard folks say, "it's not like alcohol at all, no one gets killed when someone gets stoned" ... but to me, this is a very sad story.

Yeah, people say tht but it's not true. Stupid people + pot can have the same sad results as stupid people + beer, stupid people + meth, or even stupid people + time. But I think that shouldn't be used as a justification for banning it for responsible parties.

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I agree with all the comments above (no opinion about the comments below - yet), I just found irony in these two news stories of the day.


We should not forget those who count on us to watch out for them.  Let's look out for one another, even the jerks and the stupid people.

I just hope everyone has a great holiday weekend - enjoying whatever it is you enjoy doing, and for Pete's sake ... DO IT IN A DATSUN

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Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL

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Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL


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Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL

I'm just glad we fixed the drunk driving problem

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Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL




(I wrote that just for you Bill... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )





(and don't think I didn't because I did!)

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The fact is, if what is below was fact, of the 16,000+ members on here, only 16 members on this forum would exist today, and there would be no Datsuns, as there would have been no one to build them.

Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL

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I think we need stricter drug laws to immediately kill anyone dealing drugs (besides marijuana).  Stop when the population gets about half of what it is now.

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Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute think we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL


I too preach similar sentiments. 

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The fact is, if what is below was fact, of the 16,000+ members on here, only 16 members on this forum would exist today, and there would be no Datsuns, as there would have been no one to build them.

Your math is a bit off.The vast majority of the problem is with people born after 1980.And there would still be plenty of Datsuns,as the problem of which we speak doesn't exist and never existed in Japan.....where ALL Datsuns were built.
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Your math is a bit off.The vast majority of the problem is with people born after 1980.And there would still be plenty of Datsuns,as the problem of which we speak doesn't exist and never existed in Japan.....where ALL Datsuns were built.


My math may be off, maybe only 10 members would exist today if what he said was fact, when he typed this sentence below he included the whole planet, not just North America.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 


​If what I quoted originally were fact, and what he said was implemented, 90 percent of the population of this planet would be gone in one to two generations.


Tell me, who is the one that picks who gets to have kids, and who does not????

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No doubt it's a controversial topic, but something will have to change in the near future.


For sure. Eventually we are going to have to get pragmatic over the situation and not so emotional. It sounds all Brave New World, but I fully support some sort of governing body to regulate births. Less parental hardships based on unexpected births; which in turn brings less hardship on kids who are unwanted; less people on Welfare because their parents cant afford it; fewer abortions; fewer orphans; smaller population to control overcrowding, trash, and pollutants. 


As poor as it sounds, Im also one for eugenics. There are so many serious diseases that are hereditary that could be prevented by stopping the bloodline. You have a serious disease?- adopt. Saves a kid and stops the passing of poor genes. With that, where do we draw the line on bad genetics?






I dont know how all this came about from a pot thread, but whatever. 

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Eugenics is alive and kicking good sir.  And the one thing that messes it all up is Alcohol.  Some call it Beer Goggles.  But we are quite selective with who we breed with. The disease issue is only a problem because of our insistence on keeping people alive as long as medically possible.  Meaning big Pharma and Pharmaceuticals.  Grain of salt:  I'm healthy and not in need of drugs.  But if I were sick I'm sure I'd take the magic pill as well.  But that is the cause of that problem.  Tristan, you would promote mandatory chemical castration of all medical issues that could pass through genes?  This would be a can of worms to say the least.  No one with medical issues would go to the hospital, and if the disease were transferable, it surely would transfer.  Black market medical facilities would pop up, although this would be an improvement most likely.  I think awareness is key.  Get people to test their genes to find precursors to disease.  Make sure they know damn well what they will be passing on.  Many of those people will likely choose to not have kids, and if they do, take steps to minimize their chances of increased risk.  This will at minimum help.  

And add sterility to drugs to cheap alcohol.  Just kidding...

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With reduced population or having it under control there would be lots of money for medical research to cure many diseases including genetic. Naturally religion would have to get on board or be outlawed as a threat to humanity. (Time we grew up anyway)

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Eugenics is alive and kicking good sir.  And the one thing that messes it all up is Alcohol.  Some call it Beer Goggles.  But we are quite selective with who we breed with. The disease issue is only a problem because of our insistence on keeping people alive as long as medically possible.  Meaning big Pharma and Pharmaceuticals.  Grain of salt:  I'm healthy and not in need of drugs.  But if I were sick I'm sure I'd take the magic pill as well.  But that is the cause of that problem.  Tristan, you would promote mandatory chemical castration of all medical issues that could pass through genes?  This would be a can of worms to say the least.  No one with medical issues would go to the hospital, and if the disease were transferable, it surely would transfer.  Black market medical facilities would pop up, although this would be an improvement most likely.  I think awareness is key.  Get people to test their genes to find precursors to disease.  Make sure they know damn well what they will be passing on.  Many of those people will likely choose to not have kids, and if they do, take steps to minimize their chances of increased risk.  This will at minimum help.  

And add sterility to drugs to cheap alcohol.  Just kidding...


Im fully aware of the innate ability to choose good genetic matches for partners. There was actually a study done about how females could pick out near perfect genetic partners based on pheromone traces on shirts. It was some high percentage of perfect matches... until women started taking hormonal birth control pills. The pills fucked up the receptors enough to provide bad match results. Birth control is a currently theory on why there are so many divorces in the World. When youre dating someone youre on birth control to make sure you dont get pregnant at the wrong time. You think youre into each other and then all of a sudden you try for a kid or just decide to stop taking BC because youre with one partner. Her hormones flip back to normal and now all of a sudden your pheromones tell her you two suck at genetic compatibility and you two start fighting... 


Anyway, I was talking about medically promoted eugenics and not natural selection. Like I said, if you have some sort of disease thats on whatever list then youre not allowed to have kids. Feel free to adopt one of the millions of children in foster care right now. I also think you should not be allowed to adopt non-US children. We have enough that need homes we dont need to be bringing in and Chinese, or trendy African country kids. 


Youre right, its a very "hot button" topic and just like anything theres going to be some sort of black market for whatever world govt says you cant do. I dont see anything wrong with having to go down to the courthouse and picking up a birthing license just like you did for a marriage license. You fill out a questionnaire and a small DNA test and they let you know. If you dont meet the questionnaire wickets then there are programs in place to help you get there. Something like additional room in your household, under so many kids already, certain income based on location and current dependants, etc. 


Its all some controversial stuff though and Im sure you can take it to some extremes. 

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