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I'd like to hear your opinions

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Hey all, just thought I'd pop in and say hello, and also get some opinions on my truck. I am planning to do a bunch of engine/trans work, and I'd like to hear your inputs on what I should do. It started out by just needing to change the head gasket, and I figure while I'm at it I could have the head freshened up, And then I started thinking I could tear the bottom end apart and change the bearings (have a slight knock). Then I figured since I'll have the trans off, I could rebuild it (again) to fix the grinding.


I'm kinda torn between just having things freshened up, or since I'll have it all apart I could do an LZ build.

And if I do that, do I want to stay 2.2, or have it bored for 2.3?

I also have some R1 carbs laying around, I'd like to be able to use those.

I live in Cali, so I have to consider the BS smog laws, and if I'm able to get around them.

I have another DD for work, so I don't need to get it done right away.


Money is not really tight right now, but I don't usually have much extra. I'll have to do little bits here and there, and save up for the bigger things.


My ultimate dream is to build an R1 LZ23 and stuff that into a datsun 4x4, money and time permitting.


So I guess I'm just debating on whether I should do it now, wait until I have more money, or figure out if it's even worth it.


What do you guys think?

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If you dont have the money for a rebuild I would wait... they can get pricey quick, especially if youre going to 2.3 route as you have to have it machined even more. You could make sure that you do all your research and by parts to get ready. Or build what you got. 

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Old project management mantra,  Unfortunately and usually all too true. "The first 90% of the project takes 90% of the budget and schedule.  The remaining 10% takes the other 90% of budget and schedule."  You really can't predict what you will find as you dig into any project.  It WILL cost more and take much longer than your worst dreams!  Not being pessimistic, just realistic.

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Sell a kidney, whore out your nether regions at 50 cents a time, steal the neighbors milk money, peddle crack to school children!, my god man do whatever it takes to achieve your goal of building an R1 LZ23 4*4.


Seriously dude, I'm with Flatcat on this one!


Convert it into a lawn ornament and in the meantime you should, I don't know .........................

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Another thing I have to consider is parts. Right now there is a truck at Ecology that I can get an A87 head off of, plus the timing stuff & cover, but is it a good head? I know any L series head will work for an LZ, but it doesn't mean its the best.

I'm OK with not being able to drive it for a while, it's already been sitting for quite some time, and I have another car for work, I'd just like a truck available just in case.

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Old project management mantra,  Unfortunately and usually all too true. "The first 90% of the project takes 90% of the budget and schedule.  The remaining 10% takes the other 90% of budget and schedule."  You really can't predict what you will find as you dig into any project.  It WILL cost more and take much longer than your worst dreams!  Not being pessimistic, just realistic.

A pessimist is just a realist that can't be bothered to pretend otherwise.

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Another thing I have to consider is parts. Right now there is a truck at Ecology that I can get an A87 head off of, plus the timing stuff & cover, but is it a good head? I know any L series head will work for an LZ, but it doesn't mean its the best.

I'm OK with not being able to drive it for a while, it's already been sitting for quite some time, and I have another car for work, I'd just like a truck available just in case.

The best head is a u-67.
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Decide what it is you really want. Until then, just rebuild your stock motor. In my case, I have no motor so I'm waiting for the cash, and a wrcked FC. To pop up near by for my truck. If you don't have a definate plan, and not 100% sure on what you want yet, don't do it. And just get It running.

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So I've decided to go ahead and build it outright. I have the time and I have a bit of extra cash flow for doing mechanical side work for my boss. I do need to figure out a parts list though. 


As far as I know I need:

U67 head & bolts/studs, cover

Z block, modified

Head gasket, modified

L matchbox dizzy

L timing system

L timing cover?

L exhaust mani/header to fit head

KA pistons

L20 rods?

Custom intake mani for R1 carbs

Elect. fuel pump/reg?

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Yes L20b cover on a Z22 block.


If you are going with KA pistons, I don't recommend a closed chambered (peanut) head. So stick with the U67. If you decide on a closed A87, use Z24 pistons.


Ka+A87 closed = too much compression for pump gas.  

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Just put a V8 in it.  Or, better yet, tackle rebuilding it first, then build a second motor that you can swap in later.  In the meantime you'll have a running truck.

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Thanks for all the input. This is more of a 'fun' type of project, not something that HAS to be done. I don't need to have it running, but eventually I will get me a Datsun 4X4 to swap it into. I've got a V6 Eclipse I could be pouring money into, and going fast is nice and all, but out here in the desert I think a 4X4 (or a truck in general) will be much more fun (and somewhat legal). And when I get it all finished, I'll be able to step back and say, 'I built that'. It's also a change of pace from all the brake/clutch/oil changes I've been doing lately.

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