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I won't cry if you eat all the vegemite without me. I wiki'd that shit because of this thread, and now my brain's hard drive is dangerously full of useless info about some diskusting method of feeding garbage back to people. I feed all my homebrew waste to the pigs yo! And then they stumble around and make me laugh.

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I'll take my share and tristin's. I <3 cheese of all kinds. Really like the Irish castle cheese. We're adding goats to the stable soon and gonna do some goat cheese experimentations :D


Youre more than welcome to my share... :sick:

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Still boring old alive here. I also enjoy a good cheese and ample pushin cushion.


Also, I think the girl sitting on the other side of the hallway from me shit her bed.

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Still boring old alive here. I also enjoy a good cheese and ample pushin cushion.

Also, I think the girl sitting on the other side of the hallway from me shit her bed.

Hang in their mate, 2014 is looking like a go for me.


Just gotta convince relevant USA authorities to let me bring about 500 lbs of RHD stuff, and the same weight of cheese into the country!

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I think we're actually out of tornado danger right now. It looks like we're kind of in the middle of the storm and the tornadoes usually come up around the edges. So.... Yeah. I guess I'm gonna be ok. :thumbup: I'll stop being a drama queen now.

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I understand.


No one (or very few) look forward to change. We tend to learn and get comfortable with what we have now and change is upsetting. I can only say that it's intended to be better even if at first it doesn't appear to. The last forum change was the same and now I don't even remember the way it was. Use the classifieds as much as you can. Think of it as new clothes, slightly stiff and with fold lines on it, needing to be worn and washed a few times to be comfortable.

New clothes are overpriced chinese tiawanese bangladesh junk, when you put them on the cheap dye stains your skin.   The new classifieds section is like buying a brand new pair of 100$ jeans that already have holes worn in them, totally fucking worthless.

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The new classifieds section is like buying a brand new pair of 100$ jeans that already have holes worn in them, totally fucking worthless.

Extreme statements like this just make it easy to dismiss you as a "complainer" and "possibly too passionate about fashion." List the things that you actually dislike about the new classifieds. Be constructive. It'll make it more likely that your opinion is considered and maybe you can help correct some of the issues you have with the classifieds and turn it into something really great! :thumbup:

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New clothes are overpriced chinese tiawanese bangladesh junk, when you put them on the cheap dye stains your skin.   The new classifieds section is like buying a brand new pair of 100$ jeans that already have holes worn in them, totally fucking worthless.


Ummm... We were talking about Australia, but... Srsly though, can we please stay on subject here? What's this about the abundant Aussie girls? They don't eat vegemite do they? that may lead to some dragon breath when they wake up next to me. Not a deal breaker though. Hey Upsidedownwagon1600, hows bouts some pics for us Yanks? (I guess that excludes you Mike :( , close yer eyes. )

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I can hardly believe it, all I see here is a few ratsun members just waiting for someone to say anything about not liking the new classifieds so they can whine about the said post, get a life.

If you're referring to my last post you see one Ratsun member trying to save face after several pages of silliness because he realized how many questions he's gonna need to ask Mike when he attempts to rebuild an engine/transmission soon.

But, what I said has been considtant with my other "on-topic" posts and I don't see how they could be considered whiney or that I'm just waiting for someone to object to the new classifieds so I can be shitty to them. I think I'm trying to foster a dialog so people can maybe get things they don't like changed and we can all be happy again. I love you Wayno. I hate that something like this could come between us after all we've shared (that being me reading a bunch of posts you've made and thinking "this Wayno seems like a pretty cool guy").

And if you weren't referring to my last post, I offer my apologies. Please forget I said anything.

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