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I'm f***ing sick AHHHHHHH!

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So two weeks I ate some expired lunch meat and was up all night evacuating the contents of my bowels. My wife was really ill w/ this flu that she picked up in her cubicle heaven work environment.


The next day sure enough I started experiencing flu like symptoms. I was still able to do some work. My kid had a one day fever and was back to normal (or so we thought).


So I was fricking delirious for 3 days and slowly started getting better. Then last Friday my kid wakes up screaming with a 105 degree fever. We went to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with pneumonia and an RSV (respiratory virus). Saturday was okay but then Sunday she was all listless again so we went back to the emergency room.


We kept her home from school and daycare for three days. By this time I just had a hack but by the end of day two I started feeling it in my lungs. Yup I'm goddamn sick again. It's been over two weeks now and I feel like I've been beaten with a 2x4.


This blows...


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So two weeks I ate some expired lunch meat and was up all night evacuating the contents of my bowels. My wife was really ill w/ this flu that she picked up in her cubicle heaven work environment.


The next day sure enough I started experiencing flu like symptoms. I was still able to do some work. My kid had a one day fever and was back to normal (or so we thought).


So I was fricking delirious for 3 days and slowly started getting better. Then last Friday my kid wakes up screaming with a 105 degree fever. We went to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with pneumonia and an RSV (respiratory virus). Saturday was okay but then Sunday she was all listless again so we went back to the emergency room.


We kept her home from school and daycare for three days. By this time I just had a hack but by the end of day two I started feeling it in my lungs. Yup I'm goddamn sick again. It's been over two weeks now and I feel like I've been beaten with a 2x4.


This blows...

I seriously can relate, we just went through a couple weeks of this, with my wife, son and myself all having different bugs which got swapped back and forth. The flu/crud this year has been pretty bad. I hope you're all feeling better soon.

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im kinda glad im on top of a mountain where germs are frozen ... at 10 degrees  and i work outside most of the day. you catch stuff when you get in side warm rooms with people ..



i knew a lady from Texas and she swore by candles !  she said germs would flock to the heat like a bug and a light  she was about 85 and couldn't risk getting sick and she said she never did? hmmm old wives tale or decades of knowledge ...

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I was really sick in the end of last year had a bad fever for days on and one night after i broke from it I started to get red bumps all over my body like if I had chicken pocks. It was the worst I could hardly walk I had to go to the doctor and he didn't he know what the hell was wrong. The doc gave me steriod pills and had to take them for the next 6 days, finally that sameday I broke from another fever and the pills kicked in and days after I was feeling new again. What ever shit I had it was one of the worse and most annoying viruses I had.

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I know the feeling. This past November, just before Thanksgiving I had the flu and some kind of stomach virus that messed me up good. I felt awful, crapping my guts out for about a week. Too weak to get out of bed. It sucked!

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Do your research and find out what's in flu shots.You won't get one again.


5 days before Christmas,two of us were heading west along with the engineer.And he was sneezing all over the cab WITHOUT covering his mouth.Surer than shit,on X-mas eve day the wife and were both sick.In bed untill the day after X-mas.One night the fever broke and i'm like COOL!!.Get up the next day and by 10 AM,i'm back on the couch.Wife was the same.This went on for three days.I finally started feeling better 2 weeks ago.Wife took me to urgent care where the doc said it wasn't the flu, but a bug that mimics the flu.It just feels good feeling good again.(sorry Elvin).

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So it's bronchopneumonia, coming and going. Should be better soon.


Physically I seem to be improving but I have a vise around my chest and head, ( and a pain in my ass whose name I shall not divulge, she did not have a problem with me when I was sick and still able to work, but now that I'm somewhat down for the count and useless, she has alot to say about it).


All I could think about yesterday was that old George Jones song "He Stopped Loving Her Today".


Don't really care though, I'm just glad my kid is better and able to handle her hectic schedule.


That was pretty rough, watching my 3 year beautiful daughter sick and in pain, like I said I'm glad she's better.

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