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Jdm fish tank haha for fun

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I absolutely hate the taste of fish  :sick:, I quit fishing because of that fact when I was about 14-15 years old, let the people that like to eat them catch'm.  :thumbup:

Me too man... If it lives in water I won't touch it.

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I absolutely hate the taste of fish  :sick:, I quit fishing because of that fact when I was about 14-15 years old, let the people that like to eat them catch'm.  :thumbup:



Me too man... If it lives in water I won't touch it.



Fuck....you guys don't know what you're missing....

Too much tainted chicken?????


Deep fried cod/halibut....BBQ'd salmon/sockeye....etc....etc.....



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Besides if u ever been to a sushi restaurant.... You know half the people there are only there to say they been there or to be sighted by there Saab driving friends on there way to the gap..... Or Abercrombie....... We should run a ratsun pole ...... Starbucks or gas station 24 oz black coffee I bet there's a lot more starbuckers here then care to admit it ....lol..... Me I'm a rest area free coffee whore.... If I see the sign at 6 o clock at nigh I'm stopping..... I liken my black coffee to when I first started drinking beer .... At first I was like wtf people drink this shit and lots of it at onetime ..... Then after some time u start to like it..... Then before u know it your rushing home from work to run the one man beer bong to take the edge off..... Coffees not supposed to taste like a candy bar just like beer shouldn't taste like berrys and other Wierd shit they make now.....

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Very cool to see all the interest in fish here! I'd love to do a planted aquarium some day but right now I move too often. I would also like to do salt water but I'd want to have a large tank cause if how easily the levels can get out of whack on smaller ones and loose the fish. Ponds are also another thing I like haha when I was younger I dug a pond and lined it with concrete, I baught a bunch of 10 cent feeder gold fish and had them for years! Some of them got to be huge before the damn birds finally got them.


My newest addition to my 75 gallon bow front tank is my 16 inch pleco. He looks awesome and has cleaned my tank amazingly well


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