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KA24 Turbo Or LS1 ?


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The facts continue to be skewed, awesome.


An l16 is under 300lbs, a vg30et is 470lbs with manis, alt etc... Thats heavy by most standards, definitely by mine. Idk how in one post it can be said that the extra weight up front from a ls1 is going to do this or that then suggest a motor that adds almost 200lbs. How does that work? Everyone keeps talking about how a v8 unbalances the car then suggests engines that do either the same thing for less power or worse lol. In this particular case a motor that weights more then an lsx but makes half the power stock. Actually less then half.


How is a v8 going to twist the frame so bad but a vg with the same power isnt? Why does a lsx require so much extra bracing but heavier engines making the same power don't? The same goes for mentioning the dif and driveshafts as Bonvo did. How does the lsx require work there but not a vg or ka-t making the same power? The POWER warrants and dictates the support mods.


It will most certainly devalue the car, not due to performance but because of everyone's incorrect assumptions about it when they see it. People would gladly pay more for a gimmick vg30dett thats both heavier and sub par in performance just because they dont know any better.


This has been so beaten to death even the OP hasn't responded in days haha.

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The facts continue to be skewed, awesome.


An l16 is under 300lbs, a vg30et is 470lbs with manis, alt etc... Thats heavy by most standards, definitely by mine. Idk how in one post it can be said that the extra weight up front from a ls1 is going to do this or that then suggest a motor that adds almost 200lbs. How does that work? Everyone keeps talking about how a v8 unbalances the car then suggests engines that do either the same thing for less power or worse lol. In this particular case a motor that weights more then an lsx but makes half the power stock. Actually less then half.


How is a v8 going to twist the frame so bad but a vg with the same power isnt? Why does a lsx require so much extra bracing but heavier engines making the same power don't? The same goes for mentioning the dif and driveshafts as Bonvo did. How does the lsx require work there but not a vg or ka-t making the same power? The POWER warrants and dictates the support mods.


It will most certainly devalue the car, not due to performance but because of everyone's incorrect assumptions about it when they see it. People would gladly pay more for a gimmick vg30dett thats both heavier and sub par in performance just because they dont know any better.


This has been so beaten to death even the OP hasn't responded in days haha.


I have been thinking the same thing, but decided that the argument is a lost cause because no matter how many facts you put in front of some people they will continue to argue that its heavier or to big or will twist the frame or blah blah blah simply because its a v8......and you cant put a v8 in a 510... HAHA

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That vg30dett swap is clean and has always made the case for the swap. Gimmicks arent always a bad thing even they have their place. Shit ill take that dime to shows and have a good time doing it lol.


hahaha that 510 does the opposite of all that :rofl:

buddy of mine did the build for a guy.... he spends more time fucking with it then he ever has driving it.


theres a reason its the only one.



lol thats not an accurate case for the LS.


Thats Marcus' car, that thing is so one-off from top to bottom.

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The facts continue to be skewed, awesome.


An l16 is under 300lbs, a vg30et is 470lbs with manis, alt etc... Thats heavy by most standards, definitely by mine. Idk how in one post it can be said that the extra weight up front from a ls1 is going to do this or that then suggest a motor that adds almost 200lbs. How does that work? Everyone keeps talking about how a v8 unbalances the car then suggests engines that do either the same thing for less power or worse lol. In this particular case a motor that weights more then an lsx but makes half the power stock. Actually less then half.


How is a v8 going to twist the frame so bad but a vg with the same power isnt? Why does a lsx require so much extra bracing but heavier engines making the same power don't? The same goes for mentioning the dif and driveshafts as Bonvo did. How does the lsx require work there but not a vg or ka-t making the same power? The POWER warrants and dictates the support mods.


It will most certainly devalue the car, not due to performance but because of everyone's incorrect assumptions about it when they see it. People would gladly pay more for a gimmick vg30dett thats both heavier and sub par in performance just because they dont know any better.


This has been so beaten to death even the OP hasn't responded in days haha.


dude i shattered a stock r160 with a completly stock l20b


its simple really a vg30 isnt putting out as much power as a ls1 vg30 puts out about 160ish? stock and the ls1 is at least 2.7 liters more then the vg30 that is almost 2 vg30s with the higher displasment its going to make alot more torque then the vg30 and this is what will twist the car into a pretzel


all i have been saying all along is that for the number of modifications that are required to make a ls1 fit in a 510 its just not worth it in my opinion not to mention the fact that you will go threw tires like no tomorrow because you will never get enough traction thats all ive been saying


ive played with a vg30 i really dont think it weighs as much as you think it does and an l series with all accesories and everything strapped to it does in fact weigh more then 300 lbs not much more but more this comes from working on all 3 of these power plants numerous times IN MY OPINION the ls1 is to much for a 510 that is all its my opinion and thats what this thread originally asked for opinions it doesnt matter if you think my opinion is wrong or not it is my opinion and im entitled to it

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VGs not weighing a ton. ha. By the one link posted earlier, A LS1 swapped 240sx gained 40lbs over a KA24DE (on corner weight scales). VG is known heavier than a KA. SR is lighter than a KA, CA is lighter than SR. L series is lighter than CA.


Yello620, using trucker scales, gained 110lbs from L20b to VG30e

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dude i shattered a stock r160 with a completly stock l20b


its simple really a vg30 isnt putting out as much power as a ls1 vg30 puts out about 160ish? stock and the ls1 is at least 2.7 liters more then the vg30 that is almost 2 vg30s with the higher displasment its going to make alot more torque then the vg30 and this is what will twist the car into a pretzel


all i have been saying all along is that for the number of modifications that are required to make a ls1 fit in a 510 its just not worth it in my opinion not to mention the fact that you will go threw tires like no tomorrow because you will never get enough traction thats all ive been saying


ive played with a vg30 i really dont think it weighs as much as you think it does and an l series with all accesories and everything strapped to it does in fact weigh more then 300 lbs not much more but more this comes from working on all 3 of these power plants numerous times IN MY OPINION the ls1 is to much for a 510 that is all its my opinion and thats what this thread originally asked for opinions it doesnt matter if you think my opinion is wrong or not it is my opinion and im entitled to it


Bonvo you really need to read before you respond with non pertinent books... w/e I'm not typing the same shit for a 4th time. Do you even qualify to argue? Owned an LS anything and or ka-t? Have you owned a vg30 in a running car? if not then your opinion is just that, though you are welcome to it.


Lurka for a non purists you have mentioned because nissan or how great nissan engine are like 5 times lol... I agree though the LX is an ugly motor. Not as ugly as sayyyyyyy a vq though :rofl:


hahaha that 510 does the opposite of all that :rofl:

buddy of mine did the build for a guy.... he spends more time fucking with it then he ever has driving it.


theres a reason its the only one.




lol thats not an accurate case for the LS.


Thats Marcus' car, that thing is so one-off from top to bottom.


Ya thats why I went from z32's to z31's to s30's lol. vg30dett's are so much trouble its ridiculous, tossing them in a c hair tight bay was just a fine idea from Nissan.


That dime looks like so much fun and a hell of a responsibility to drive.

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If your looking for some power, go with a built L20b bored to 2.2 with a custom plenum and a turbo.

Reason why I say this is, I have a L18 with a built head and custom EFI plenum alone will give you amazing power.

and I haven't even installed the turbo yet!

My way of thinking is to keep it real, what came with the datsun in my mind is what you work with. (old school always gets respect).


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But overpowering a 510 is useless. You get to a certain point and they aren't fun anymore. Who wants to feather the throttle all the time being on the verge of spinning out constantly?? A well balanced, fun little responsive car is more fun, and really what a 510 SHOULD be. Theres only so much room for tires under these little cars. I have a n/a Ka and already have traction problems.

If you want a v8 go buy a camaro........
























EDIT: why did I post this topic is already so worn out........o well. :D

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But overpowering a 510 is useless. You get to a certain point and they aren't fun anymore. Who wants to feather the throttle all the time being on the verge of spinning out constantly?? A well balanced, fun little responsive car is more fun, and really what a 510 SHOULD be. Theres only so much room for tires under these little cars. I have a n/a Ka and already have traction problems.

If you want a v8 go buy a camaro........
























EDIT: why did I post this topic is already so worn out........o well. :D

I think I might be the guy who wants to have to feather the throttle in order not to spin out. I've ridden in 1000 plus hp ttbbc cobra and it was so nuts the guy had a airspeed speedometer and a regular one so he could align the speedos at 80 plus mph not to spin the tires and it was a blast. I'm not saying any of these types of cars with traction to hp issues should be your first car or have one without a rollcage either but set up right it can be fun and challenging to drive both of which I like. Everyone has opinions though and that's what makes the world go round.

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It's all in the driver and you have to trust. I don't get in a car with anyone I don't trust. There are alot of people out there that have alot of wheel time in a high hp car and it makes a difference. Your first car you should start allittle above stock hp and move up in managable amounts until you get use to it. Have you been in a late 80's early 90's mustang with hp that car will teach you how to control a sideways machine and 510 is easy in comparison.

For quite a few years I was into offroad cars besides street cars and seen first hand people with too much money go out and buy a 1000 hp longtravel dune car and have no idea how to drive it and thats one of the stupidist things I've ever seen but at the same time seen Robby Gordon show up in a simular car and it was a work of art. I'm not saying I'm Robby Gordon and other people are the rich not at all just a comparison.

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if you decide to go ka also look into sr i was told its cheaper if you want to go higher boost than trying to build up a ka with high boost. Replacement for displacement is boost, my turbo lag gives your v8 a chance =)......until the larger motor straps on a turbo, then its back to the bottom





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I've got a major chub for the VG30DETT, I even have a spare sitting in my garage. I'd never put it into my dime unless all I wanted to do was drive in a straight line.


It's heavy as fuck but it's a powerful engine. It's just begging to be modded. You can squeeze a ton of power out of them on stock internals. They just aren't for a small car though.. and neither is an LS1.

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