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Garage - Cluttered/Unclttered?

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I saw a video of Craig Jackson's (Barrett Jackson) multimillion sterile garage,

& the multimillion cars parked in it,& thought that "It's cool,but not COOL".

I love visiting enthusiests with cluttered garages,that have all kinds of cool odds-

& ends in them,rather than a totally organized one,where everything's in it's place.

I'm one of those people who keeps EVERYTHING,but I'm trying to sell off what I

don't want/need (finally),but I still like to look through all of the weird "stuff" every once-

in awhile.

Your thoughts?


- Doug

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Same here. Though I like my tools organized. I love going through everyones crazy garages where stuff is just piled everywhere... but when I need a #2 Phillips or a 3/8th to 1/2in socket extension, I want to find it quickly. If I wasnt living in an apartment, I would be keeping everything I could get my hands on. My girfriend always yells at me for the mess in out little garage and how every week I take over more and more of the living room with car things.

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Yep, other's garages cluttered with stuff they don't need that I can use = Good


My garage being so cluttered I lose or forget I already have the part I get from other's garage = Bad


Tools must be organized so when putting them away I know I got them all and they are not still in the car, house, the grass, etc.

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It's nice having a somewhat organized garage to be able to find shit in a timely manner, but at the same time, I would never want our garage to look like a showroom without a spec of dust and nothing lying out of place. That would just feel a little too weird. And it would completely outshine all of our cars :lol:

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For the longest time I didn't own a tool box. It was such a pain in the ass to find things when I worked on my rigs. One day I found a craftsman tool box on CL for 50 dollars. I emailed the guy, he said hey I lost the key and its locked. Yours for 20 bucks!... A drill and thirty seconds later it was open. I keep my tools organized. Makes things so much easier, but the top of my tool box is the only exception. That thing is like that fucking catch all for odd/various shit. Sears sells socket holders and wrench holders.. For a cheap price, too.


I finally have a carport. I have just enough room to work on my rig, one side at a time. Once one side is done I have to turn it around to work on the other side. I don't like cluttered garage because I like room to work on my stuff or get around without tripping over shit. I can appreciate other peoples garages that are kept up nice, and love digging thru cluttered shit finding cool items/parts.


So to keep the clutter down, I bought tote containers and just pile the shit in there. Every time I dig through those totes/storage bins I find shit I forgot I had and its like christmas :D

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