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Shitty weather

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I thought people might have given a fuck.


There's no sense in us getting all worked up before the fact. It's going to happen, and when it does, we'll deal with it. Right now I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what happens, and how/if I can help from all the way over here.


Don't assume that nobody cares.. you made a pretty bold statement.

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Excuse me, I find it humorous when humans stress about natural occurrences. Every day you have a 50% chance of dying. I didn't die yesterday. I celebrate such accomplishments. I beat the odds.


50% chance of dying, hardly. That means that on average you would live 2 days before running out of luck. If you were real lucky you might 'roll the dice' and go 3, 4... hell maybe a week. Lets say you are 20 years old, that means that you have beaten those odds by over 7,300 times.


In 1999 the chance if dying from any external cause in one year was one in 1,803. Pretty good odds. The chance of dying from any external cause during your lifetime was one in 24. Close but still


The chance of you dying tomorrow is extremely unlikely.




Talk to ya later....... maybe.

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I am 20 years old. I have beaten the odds as many times as I've beat Medal of Honor.

If you simplify it to die or not die, not your chances of dying from a certain death, it's 1/2. Yes, or no. You either die that day or you don't. Your chances of dying from a certain cause are different than your chances of dying or not dying. I'm basing that ratio on whether you DIE or DON'T DIE. If you base it on statistics then it is different.

Hell.... if you base it on statistics, you shouldn't have even been born :rofl:

It's a random and hysterical world. You can either enjoy it or fear it.


Best advice I can give anyone.

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Looks like a few states are also going to get dumped on.....don't forget to chain up!


Throw a little levity into the mix.....





ROFL :rofl: :rofl:


Oh, and good luck out there you guys. I'd gladly go through earthquakes here than hurricanes. Canes ain't no joke for reals.

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I heard a news reporter say, "The subways could possibly be flooded"


And while watching local Colorado news they showed a live security cam of water gushing out of the subway elevator.


that's the shit I'm talking about!

I saw the same vid.

then the news was like DISREGARD THAT K


I bet theres bodies erwhere

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Fkn hell Ratsunners, if you're going to be affected by this, take care!




All the best from down under and god speed.




I am in the suburbs of Washington, DC and my little (3/4 acre) piece of paradise weathered the storm ok.

I had some downed tree branches but no damage and I never lost power or cable.


Lots of people in my area are still without power and it is still raining and pretty wet and cold today. No heat will mean cold homes for lots of folks.


East of us, the beach areas got slammed. North of us in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut they got hit much harder.


I hope everyone is ok too.

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