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sleep paralysis...


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Didn't want to start a new post about this.


Last night I had a dream where I took all my clothes off and drove my 710 around. I have no idea why I removed my clothes or where they were, seemed like I had a good reason at the time I guess. However I thought that the easiest way to get dressed was to run over to where my wife works borrow her keys and the sedan and buzz home to get them. I ran several blocks and ran into the store she manages and asked her in front of her girl and women employees and customers. (no guys, no homo I guess) I don't remember being the slightest embarrassed just in a hurry. I jumped in the 710 and zoomed away through town and ended up in a large building like a hanger driving around looking for new tires.


To sum it up, it was fun and I lulzed about it later. Naked in your 710 driving around.


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Didn't want to start a new post about this.


Last night I had a dream where I took all my clothes off and drove my 710 around. I have no idea why I removed my clothes or where they were, seemed like I had a good reason at the time I guess. However I thought that the easiest way to get dressed was to run over to where my wife works borrow her keys and the sedan and buzz home to get them. I ran several blocks and ran into the store she manages and asked her in front of her girl and women employees and customers. (no guys, no homo I guess) I don't remember being the slightest embarrassed just in a hurry. I jumped in the 710 and zoomed away through town and ended up in a large building like a hanger driving around looking for new tires.


To sum it up, it was fun and I lulzed about it later. Naked in your 710 driving around.


Well.....I'd say you possibly flashed as a youngster and REM finally 'exposed' some of those subconscious latent desires.... ????

Wife has some issues at work....and you....need new tires for the 710?


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I seem to remember driving around in a large building with 3" of water on the ground. Maybe that's why I thought I needed new tires?? I must have unconsciously known I was dreaming because I gave no shits at all.


I did eat some spicy peperoni before bed.


I never felt so.... free!!!!

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Didn't want to start a new post about this.


Last night I had a dream where I took all my clothes off and drove my 710 around. I have no idea why I removed my clothes or where they were, seemed like I had a good reason at the time I guess. However I thought that the easiest way to get dressed was to run over to where my wife works borrow her keys and the sedan and buzz home to get them. I ran several blocks and ran into the store she manages and asked her in front of her girl and women employees and customers. (no guys, no homo I guess) I don't remember being the slightest embarrassed just in a hurry. I jumped in the 710 and zoomed away through town and ended up in a large building like a hanger driving around looking for new tires.


To sum it up, it was fun and I lulzed about it later. Naked in your 710 driving around.


sounds like a movie to me......ryan reynolds would play u .....cameron diaz as mrs. d mike


i was just telling my wife how i rode home from jet skiing once naked cause i didnt wanna get my truck interior wet.....had to stop to get gas....in a towel.....wished i was dreaming

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  • 7 months later...



Ive had multiple experiences since my last post...  Ive also learned alot on the subject...


If anyone is actually interested in LD or OBE or there is alot of sleep oriented behavior...   just google it...



But, I experiences SP again a couple times. first time since last  wasn't fun, thought I was dying again, paralyzed on my couch, with every muscle in my body only able to open a sliver of an eye lid.   seeing my phone next to me and wanting to dial 911 to save me.   Yet couldn't move a milometer... after sinking into the couch thinking these are my last thoughts ( as I stare at the phone that could save me), I regain my powers of life and snap into reality (its what you would imagine how it would be coming out of a coma) .... wow....that sucked, yet was fun... ive researched this and have found the SP leads to Lucid dreams and outer body experiences and more...    I let my body relax again, hoping to fall to the same state I once was, but. tingling and lots of wooshing noises happened and at that time, I realized I was starting a lucid dream..  But, I was too weak to hold on to the moment and was too exited and snapped out of it...Im on the right track for greatness...


Ive also learned how to induce sleep paralysis...sometimes fun...


Greatness? you ask...   Yes.  Ive later controlled it and had my first Lucid Dream (knowing when your dreaming and do what you want)  I was in front of my house and had some unknown friends around.  I was looking at the roof of my house and saw "AJs Auto" the scanned over to the other side of my roof and saw TJs Alignment".  I turn to someone and said, "this is a wired dream".  he was confused. thenI sais again, " this is a weird dream" BAM there gone, im now realized im in a dream.  the colors all around change from  dull to vibrant.  I run down my driveway, look both way down the street, nothing.  (ok, I want to run to town like the roadrunner.  I start running down the street at normal human speed.  (well fuck this, i thought)  Im gonna Fly!.... So, I take a leap and start floating.  well, I just start floating like a balloon, then start slowing down by some tree branches, then stuck. then AWAKE!.... blah!



Ive had alot of Lucid Dream moments since then,   Most going from lucid to just normal weird dreams then to Sleep paralysis type moments...  I have yet to have an Outer Body Experience...

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I've had similar experiences, but the weirdest one was within a year of the death of one of my best lifelong childhood /  high school friends.


I was in a lucid dream and I could see my room as if I was totally awake (was confused about whether I was actually dreaming or not), but there was a bright bluish-white light at the ceiling and I felt like I was being raised [levitated] out of my bed and couldn't move a muscle.


It was really powerful, scary and comforting at the same time and when I finally came all the way back to consciousness, I was fucking crying like a baby.


I had been real depressed over my friend's death, but after that it was like someone said " it's okay ".

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Vietnamese people believe that this is a very real spiritual connotation. It's called " the sitting ghost ". And they believe that it's a demon trying to take your soul while you sleep. Many friends of mine have claimed to experience this along with terrifying visions of the dead and nebulous shadows inside their rooms. Never happened to me though...

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Vietnamese people believe that this is a very real spiritual connotation. It's called " the sitting ghost ". And they believe that it's a demon trying to take your soul while you sleep. Many friends of mine have claimed to experience this along with terrifying visions of the dead and nebulous shadows inside their rooms. Never happened to me though...

And what about your mexican side,was it to many shots of Tequila from the night before.lol

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Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Zhuangzi. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuangzi. But he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi.














Some have speculated that it's all connected to this--



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Vietnamese people believe that this is a very real spiritual connotation. It's called " the sitting ghost ". And they believe that it's a demon trying to take your soul while you sleep. Many friends of mine have claimed to experience this along with terrifying visions of the dead and nebulous shadows inside their rooms. Never happened to me though...

it's happened to far too many people to dismiss, they all have the same experience of seeing a shadowy person there, people in completly different countries see the same thing over and over

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I've had this once it it really sucked. Lying wide awake and unable to move anything is not a fun feeling. But as I laid there i was slowly able to start moving until everything returned to normal. I hope I never experience it again.

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Vietnamese people believe that this is a very real spiritual connotation. It's called " the sitting ghost ". And they believe that it's a demon trying to take your soul while you sleep. Many friends of mine have claimed to experience this along with terrifying visions of the dead and nebulous shadows inside their rooms. Never happened to me though...



the 'friend ' of mine that has experience sleep paralysis is viet. what happened was a few years ago she visited vietnam and her and her cousin were walking down this (non lit) road at night and they saw this lady, who i think asked them to accompany her to her house to which they declined of course. turns out no one lives in the house the lady pointed to, that its haunted. 


a few nights later while she was still in vietnam she awoke and saw a ghostly lady 'floating on the ceiling' and she was saying something but cindy (my friend) couldnt figure out what she was saying. well since that visit to vietnam, every now and then cindy gets paralysis and its always that ghost lady floating on the ceiling or some shit, and saying something that she cant decipher. last time we talked about this she told me it hasnt happened in a long time, which is good of course. another friend of mine, cindy's cousin diane, also gets them.


they both looked into them and i guess there are like 5 different common things people see during sleep paralysis. 

1, is they are getting raped (which must be the most horrible.)

2, alien abduction

3, they are at their funeral, in their casket being buried usually with all their fam around them

4, and 5 i forgot but im sure at least one of them has to do with demons/devils/ghosts

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