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Let's assume.................

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OK, I'm NOT starting a thread of "doom and gloom". But LET'S ASSUME, that gas goes up to $5.00, $6.00 or higher within a year from now. Let's assume that BIG motored V-10s, V-8s and such are taking around $200.00 plus to fill up WEEKLY or so. Let's assume that as in the 70s (and Yes, I was there. I began driving in 1972) that there are odd-even days and other inconviences. So are We all sitting on GOLDMINES??? We can easily get good milage with Our cars and trucks. Look at what Geo Metro prices on ebay are doing. With a little work most of Our Datsuns can be made very presentable. What I'm getting at is............. What are Our Datsun vehicle prices going to be a year from now? If it keeps on like it is, start watching Your Datsuns become INVESTMENT vehicles!!! Also, keep in mind THEFT reports rising. Keep Your investment LOCKED UP!!! One other thing.... maybe those extra Datsuns that You have been trying to get rid of (I know, I have a 1976 pickup I've been trying to sell for 4 years now) will start moving. Truly an interesting thread. I'm curious to read this a year from now.

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Funny you bring this up. I've been looking at getting a new daily driver and noticed my orginal choice of small 4 cyl car have already gone up in price. To the point that a 10 year old car that cost AUD $17,000 new, still go for around AUD$7,000! And this isn't a case of the dealer priceing them high and slowly dropping before they sell, they are spending a week or two on the lot then are gone. In the end I've gone for a 5 year old Chyrsler minivan, I do need it actually, which the dealer had taken AUD $8,000 off it in the 3 months they've had it.


As for prices of old dattos, I don't think they will change that much here. The things are still popular as ever!

Thinking about getting a 120Y coupe for fun actually, should be able to pick one up cheap.

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For years I've rode my bike to work. I find it strange that there are still as many vehicles on the road. People must be cutting back on other things in order to pay for the gas for them.


Mike I remember '72 oil crunch. Cars backed up for blocks, idling away. Not so bad in Canada, no shortage, price was up and climbing. I just got in on the tail end of the muscle car era with a brand new '70 340 Dart. Gas was $0.34 an Imperial gallon for premium. Real premium for 10.5:1 motors. $5 filled the tank, go for a cruise anywhere, we thought the endless summer would go on forever.:D

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It cost Me $70.00 to go to Murrietta weekend before last!!! On a HARLEY!!!! Next year, will it be over $100.00 to ride a BIKE over there?!?!?

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For years I've rode my bike to work. I find it strange that there are still as many vehicles on the road. People must be cutting back on other things in order to pay for the gas for them.


Mike I remember '72 oil crunch. Cars backed up for blocks, idling away. Not so bad in Canada, no shortage, price was up and climbing. I just got in on the tail end of the muscle car era with a brand new '70 340 Dart. Gas was $0.34 an Imperial gallon for premium. Real premium for 10.5:1 motors. $5 filled the tank, go for a cruise anywhere, we thought the endless summer would go on forever.:D

Automobiles epitomize the symbol of freedom in America and the do what you want, when you want attitude. You can't take that from us!!! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE IT, COMMIE!!!




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Wellllllllll, They're not commies, they are muslems. And We ARE infidels to them. They want to destroy all that We believe in. And they just MIGHT suceed. Food prices are going to rise over this. Fuel prices this winter are going to be outragious. It WILL affect EVERY aspect of Our lives. They are a different type of enemy. They do NOT just fight with ammunition.

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I think at $10 a gallon it might get a bit iffy.


I said I would stop driving at $5 a gallon but honestly with the cars i've been driving lately it'd cost me about what SUV drivers were complaining about when it got close to $2.50-3 per gal. So I think close to $8-10 a gallon I'll get concerned.


Unfortunately my 510 isn't the greatest for this kind of fuel price. Has to run premium only.. Gets kinda spendy... Thats why i'm building up a 521 with a stock L16 which will be my daily. 510 for fun...


I'm hoping when gas gets high enough I cans score some deals on some nice (not so fuel efficent) cars .. :D

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Always been asked time to time if I want to sell my Datsun ever since I got into them. But lately, I get at least once a week if I want to sell it.

Also get business cards left on my windshield.

Tempted to put a sign that says not for sale.


Two reasons, it looks damn good and the impression that it get's very good gas mileage.

Not really fuel efficient by today's standard.

Maybe I need to get a B210 or 1200 that gets 50MPG or something like that.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

well i wonder if it is going to become MAD MAX,You know the movie the precious fuel ..:eek::eek:


Hmm maybe I have a goldmine in my suzuki swift 40 plus mpg in a 4cyl:blink:

And my comment for the next year,

We are at over $6.00 a Canadian gallon here now,

Wonder what it will be next year??

$10.00-$20.00 ??

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Guest jaimesix
2 words.... volkswagen rabbit. :D my datto at that point will be a sunny day driver as will my pathfinder. everything else would be on backup status. i KNEW there was a reason to hoard the rabbits.


Here in Arnold Swatzenegger "Kalheephorrrneea" we are screwed. Because Arnold has implemented a pro insurance industry mandatory law by which you have to insure all and every car you own. It does not matter if your Datto or your Pathfinder are a sunny day once a week driver.That makes it very difficult to have car(S). Either you insure all of them, or else your sunny day rides become dust & rust collectors in your backyard or storage place.


That silly and mandatory pro insurance industry rip off law has to be repealed, and I hope people think about it and get worked up.

Their argument is ( the real reason is assurance of plenty and big profit for the insurance industry...we know that...but their smoke screen is.....)

.... for safety every vehicle in CA has to be insured....

My argument is:

I can own 10 vehicles at a time, but I can only drive one, and only ONE at a single time , so why should I have all 10 vehicles insured AT THE SAME TIME????? The policy is only valid if I am at the wheel of any of my rides, and that can only happen with ONE car at a time. The person should be insured while driving any of his cars. Individual car policies is unnecesary and costly, as well as ilogic. But insurance companies do not care , neither Arnold, who is collecting revenue expense tax from these companies like there is no tomorrow.


That law , which is a scam, will prevent many persons from purchasing a second more economical car, because whatever savings in gasoline the econo car would add to a family, will be wasted away by this extra insurance policy.


Yes, and that sunny day car, or that summer only car....has to pay for insurance......


rip off.........


If there is a positive side to this gasoline craze, it will be the apathic american constituent waking up to the horrors of no participation and oversight.



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My .02 cents here...Mike as you well know, we (I am older'n dirt remember) have been through this before, the 70's are a perfect example with the gas crunch, the odd even days the mile long wait in the gas line , only to get almost there and be told that "we are out of gas for today", remember?.....one thing no one has addressed, get a locking gasoline cap for your Datsuns..."they" will steal your gas if you let it sit outside overnight....believe me that is real...I have heard of people getting shot over a few gallons of gas.....Truthfully though, the biggest reason we are paying so much is the devalue of our dollar as opposed to all the other world currency...oil is priced in American Dollars worldwide...as the dollar continues its' slide against other world currency, oil prices will continue to rise (and gasoline as a byproduct as well)...don't know when this will end; don't have a clue....but, as with everything else in history, this rollercoaster ride will start downhill at some time.....it always has and the "people that know" say it will again....just my "OLD MAN" opinion here...

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i bought my 620 just because the mileage is better than a 92 octane eating beast of a zx. im putting my 5 speed in it and lowering it with a chin spoiler. and hopefully gonna have fuel injection. that way i can tune 30+ mpg out of it so i can save on my 80km round trip per day.

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I've wondered this same thing. About the value of our cars going up. Heck I've seen prices go up in just the year that I've owned my 521.


I've only driven the 521 a handful of times. I gotten comments alsmost every time. The guy at napa even thought it was gool, and said, "I bet you get good gas mileage!" Though it is not as good as folks think.


However I think the auto industry will change even more drastically. Fuel economy new cars will bury what we could get from our dattos MPG wise.

So most folks will go that route.


HOWEVER it is my feeling that the collector car market will indeed start buying up our dattos, and prices will go up. Cause if you want something classic, that doesn't have a gas guzzling V8 in it, what are you gonna get?


I've been really interested in Ol Skool Ratrods lately. But w/ triple stromberg v8's- then I think, damn I don't want to pay that much for gas!


Now, Tiny Rat rods with 4 bangers in them, that is something to think about. In fact, someone posted about one their dad made recently. It was beautiful.

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I'm already into the doom and gloom feeling of this. I've lost hope in my automotive hobby as there is no financial way to power these things. They are garage queens that you can't afford to take to a show with gas at $10+ a gallon.


I've been taking the bus to work lately and still I see families where husband and wife drive separetly to work in their respective V8 powered SUVs. (by themselves)


Like in Europe and Japan, only the filthy rich can drive every day.


I'm planning to , but not quite ready to yet, get well away from gas alltogether. 40 or 50 miles per gallon won't save us. Electric cars will for a short time; that is, until the electric power companies decide to screw their own people and tripple the price of power.


Our whole Real Estate slowdown could easily fix itself over time, but that won't help transportation costs which goes right back into every product we buy. Everything we shop for is transported by semi truck. If only there was a more economical fuel to power those beasts. (I think that is the key to keep prices down on consumer products)


...makes me wonder what really kept the gas prices fairly level from the mid 80's to late 90's.


Well, I sure enjoyed driving my 280ZX 120,000 miles and I had a lot of fun back when gas was 89 cents a gallon... one day I'll tell my daughter how good I had it before she was born into this crazy world. :o Then we'll hop into my electric Datsun and go get some groceries.

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Originally posted on the Realm in response to our province's Carbon Tax B.S.

Some thoughts on oil:


1 Oil is a reasonably priced energy supply and until something comes along anywhere near as powerful and compact we will continue to use it until it is all gone. Global warming won't be stopped by any thing we do, see #2 below.


2 Saving oil or reducing it's use will only save it for those who can afford it later. (not us) Even if we totally switch to solar/wind/wave... whatever, other developing countries like China and India, (who will demand their place in the sun) will continue to use it till it is exhausted, see #1 above.


3 We shoot ourselves in the foot every time we buy something made in another country. This drives up the demand for more oil for them, and competes with us. More competition for oil drives up the prices. at the very least, there is less to go around.


4 Developed countries with large populations depend on huge amounts of oil to feed ourselves (grow, fertilize, transport) , house ourselves (heat, build, air condition, utilities) transport ourselves (jets, cars etc) Few of us live within walking distance of work, live in a cabin, heat with wood, and grow our own food. Large populations will demand that their governments fight wars to keep their life styles. See #2 and #3 above. This will include, (besides energy) fresh water and natural resources.


I heat with wood in the winter and 99% of the time I ride to work on my bike. I'm just glad that the oil I save goes into the tank of the Hummer that almost runs me over. The carbon tax goes into somebody's pocket, but it ain't you or me. Any wonder the Kyoto accord is a flop and the biggest polluter doesn't sign on, see #4 above. If you reduce your consumption it just gets used by those who can afford it, (and the tax) or other countries.


So, before July first go out and buy a tank full (if you can) and enjoy it. There's no guilt,... if you don't use it, someone else somewhere will! Remember, we are in a deadly race... can we manage to use up all the oil before pollution and warming does us in. Carbon tax? it's not even: too little too late. It's totally wrong thinking in the wrong direction.


Sadly the only thing that might save us is a global epidemic like the influenza pandemic of 1918. About 50-100 million died, most agree much more. This amounts to almost 1/20 the world's population. This culling of the herd would cut carbon emissions but little else would.

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