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Doty (Deal of the year)


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So this weekend was just not good for my Dastuns.


I noticed a nice dent friday night while out and about in SF. I thought someone kicked my door or fell on it. But the next day I looked at it in the light and realized it had to be done in the parking lot where I park for work because there are tire marks right in the center of the dent.


*sigh* what's wring with people that they can't even leav a note or anything. So pissed!!







I fucking hate parking lots!!!

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Wow... just wow.. Sorry to see this.


Do you think it can be pulled?

i think this is one of those "oil can" dents that supposedly pop out nicely. we'll see. :geek:  i figure even if it pops out there will still be a crease.

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:poop:  :poop:  :poop:  :poop:  :poop:  this is fucking unacceptable  :poop:  :poop:  :poop:  :poop:


sorry to see this happen to your baby, you work so hard on her and assholes come along and fuck shit up!!!


Hopefully this will pop out for you and buff up... FUCK the city drivers... 

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Man that's shitty.  From the tire marks on the door I bet it was some ass hat in a big truck backing out of a spot and couldn't see your car.  A few years back a good friend of mine had the front corner of his original paint Plymouth Valiant backed over by a dumb ass in a big truck in the JC parking lot.  Luckily somebody saw it happen and left a note.  If you are going to have a big ass lifted truck, at least learn how to drive and park the damn thing!

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