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In a pickle oil pressure low


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Just hit a huge pothole and my oil pressure dropped from 30 at idle to like 15. It only gets up to like 50 when The rpms get higher. Thought I cracked the pan or something but there isn't really any oil leaking anywhere. The pan got dented but only like a half inch. The engine sounded ok and I had to drive for like 2 miles before I could pull over. Pickup for the gauge is fine oil pan Not leaking oil filter not leaking. I just did a heagasket and the things been running great. The gauge could have went but it seems unlikely. I'm running no air cleaner (waitin on my itg) and there was some gravel could I have sucked something up in there? I feel like it wouldn't sound to good if that were the case. I'm kinda stranded and don't really want to drive it any ideas of what it might be would be appreciated

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Sounds like the the oil pump pickup tube got cracked. It sits closer to the bottom than 1/2". Time to pull the oil pan, straighten it out and replace the pickup tube.


Or just keep driving it. 50 psi at 2000 RPM is within specification.


The above is plausible.If so,then the pump is also sucking air.Not good.Pull the pan and sleep good.

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Just hit a huge pothole and my oil pressure dropped from 30 at idle to like 15. It only gets up to like 50 when The rpms get higher. Thought I cracked the pan or something but there isn't really any oil leaking anywhere. The pan got dented but only like a half inch. The engine sounded ok and I had to drive for like 2 miles before I could pull over. Pickup for the gauge is fine oil pan Not leaking oil filter not leaking. I just did a heagasket and the things been running great. The gauge could have went but it seems unlikely. I'm running no air cleaner (waitin on my itg) and there was some gravel could I have sucked something up in there? I feel like it wouldn't sound to good if that were the case. I'm kinda stranded and don't really want to drive it any ideas of what it might be would be appreciated




What did it used to get to at higher RPMs, 60? 70? 80psi?

There is a possibility that if the pan was hit just right, that the screen could have been pushed up into the screen holder, this could create issues a couple differant ways, the screen will not work the way it's supposed to work and not pickup as much oil, and if the pickup wasn't lifted/bent up, and the pan is against the pickup, well eventually that could cause oil pickup issues also.

The pickup tube could also have been bent up at an angle, this can also create issues down the road.

You should find a oilpan and oil pickup tube soon as possible, but it could run fine for another 20 years also.

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Just hit a huge pothole and my oil pressure dropped from 30 at idle to like 15.


This says something happened and is still a problem.


The pick up screen is an upside down dome shape and almost an inch.... maybe 3/4" top to bottom. It doesn't sit on the bottom but close to it.


Here's what I'd do...



Remove the oil filter and empty out and cut open. Look for sand, metal filings or any solid crap in the filter element that may have been sucked up from a damaged screen or tube. If you find shit in the filter it probably ground up the pump or got into the pressure relief valve and it's stuck open at the 50 pound range and isn't closing at idle.


Change the oil pump. Hell I probably have over a dozen of them, more if I cut my lawn.

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My guess, the oil pan got pushed into the oil pickup. It may or may not have damaged the oil pickup screen, or tube.

Because the pan is closer to the pickup, it is restricting the flow of oil into the oil pickup, and pump. The damage is restricting the oil before it gets to the pump.

Putting a high volume oil pump on the engine will not change that. The problem is before the oil even gets to the pump.

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My guess, the oil pan got pushed into the oil pickup. It may or may not have damaged the oil pickup screen, or tube.

Because the pan is closer to the pickup, it is restricting the flow of oil into the oil pickup, and pump. The damage is restricting the oil before it gets to the pump.

Putting a high volume oil pump on the engine will not change that. The problem is before the oil even gets to the pump.


I have violated the law of parsimony. The above is much more likely.

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