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any one know if this brown background is permanant instead of the old color?

If so is it possible to change the view new content and go to first unread post to a different color like white or something we can see it dissapears in the brown back ground

just my 2 cents

Thanks Randy

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Brown for me as well, but it only seems to be that color on a super slow connection. I was tethering my phone to my laptop with like a single bar of signal and I'd get that brown. If I'm in good reception it's the normal color.

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any one know if this brown background is permanant instead of the old color?

If so is it possible to change the view new content and go to first unread post to a different color like white or something we can see it dissapears in the brown back ground

just my 2 cents

Thanks Randy


It's brown for me also, I'm having the same problem with the lack of contrast. Not a speed problem on my end.


Edit: Looks like it goes away with a refresh, maybe just brown in the browser cache and the problem is already fixed??

Edited by Dguy210
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wow looks brown and the blue writing dissapears

sucks getting older and losing contrast

weird just logged in on my phone and its blue also

home computer brown

yea my connection is FAST and its brown

same result refresh page and walla its magicaly fixed


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Ah, I cleared the cache and the brown went away just now. Probably was the style sheet (css) getting changed.


Correct. The info page for when the board is offline had the brown background and poor contrast issue, so I swapped a couple style rules and slightly altered the markup. Now people will actually know what's going on when we're backing up the database or upgrading the board.


If you see a brown background, it's because your browser has the old stylesheet cached. :)

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