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Canby 2013: Where Wet Dreams Come From


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In reality you just have to have a running car,


We don't care if you washed it, lowered it more. have a naked girl in it. (that would get alot of spectators)


I agree with good U-joints, and bearings, driving over 10 hours.


ripped seats are cool you can hide stuff when you get pulled over for billowing smoke from your windows  :blink:


Just bring some food and some red cups and were all good

i like this :)

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My lady wants to come with. So that's cool but yes bearings and ujoints are absolutely necessary and screw the rest of the list. It still drives.


I told my work after they gave me a hard time about 4 days off... last year I quit my job to go, cause Datsun Driving Canby Fun!



did you sort out your strut inserts ?

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well, I should be there. Im closer now that im in washyourhansington and I have missed it two years in a row, last year I had planned to go and was getting my truck all ready, but went to jail :/ .... I am selling my honda to fund my trip in the 620 :) some guys coming to buy honda tomorrow hopefully. I need to work on brakes, clutch, carb, and distributor before I can go. Hopefully I dont go to jail again! :/ 

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Ordered a hydrometer, some champagne yeast, and yeast energizer. Gonna throw 5 gallons of cider in the carboy, maybe infuse it with cherry. Like keeper said, bring your red cup :D Anyone know if they'll sell me a vendor spot when I get there or do I gotta pre-pay?

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Do I have to have a vender spot if I'm only selling rims? Or can I just sit by them with them laid out with a for sale sign? Never been to canby so just wondering what is okay and what isn't


They don't want anyone selling out of their car/truck, others paid for a spot to sell, so everyone selling pays for a spot to sell.

I know this because I sold a gas tank to a member and brought it to canby, I was paid for it and it was then grabbed out of my rig, and I was caught and got in trouble, same thing with windshield gaskets, they were sold before I arrived, still got in trouble.

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They don't want anyone selling out of their car/truck, others paid for a spot to sell, so everyone selling pays for a spot to sell.

I know this because I sold a gas tank to a member and brought it to canby, I was paid for it and it was then grabbed out of my rig, and I was caught and got in trouble, same thing with windshield gaskets, they were sold before I arrived, still got in trouble.

Bummer. Thanks for the info though wayno

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YES! im lazy and not mechanically inclined at all haha. so i took my goon to firestone about a half hour ago to get my brakes serviced. i thought they were completely shot and needed to be replaced. would been a starting price of $120 a pair... luckily my brakes are in great condition! almost new is what the guy said. the rear just needed quite a bit of adjusting and cleaning. this trip is only going to cost me 30 clams :D pretty excited about it! we will see how much it changes shit. 


Next step is finding a new vaccum advance or whatever its called. autozone and oreily's dont carry the one i need anymore  :blush: wish me luck! 

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Alright. My truck isn't gonna make it. Anybody got an extra seat I can ride with? I can pay for half the gas :P someone from Modesto or Sacramento or maybe even southern Cali guys pick me up on the way up?



Whats with the truck yo?  can you make it to keepers place and catch a ride with him?  I think he usually  brings his truck and a trailer full of parts... Did you get the brakes fixed?

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