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If I got paid for searching I think I'd have earned one by now....


Now that I have your attention (and I apologize for the slightly underhanded way I got it)~ I want to throw out some food for thought on modifying the FS/WTB section (and some applies to parts as well).


I've been stalking this category for some time now, hoping to find no particular model~ but in a particular condition. B210, 1200, 521, 1600~ don't care! But what I've noticed are valid points of improvement that would assist all of us in searching what we're looking for, and filtering out what's not our cup of tea. If any of this strikes a familiar cord with you I encourage you to like the thread, submit something I might've missed, and/or PM your favorite Admin~ send a note to your Ratsun Congressman~!


So here's my suggestions for a better world~


Sellers~ Put your location in the title. Just because you got me to look doesn't mean I'll drive 800 miles to look at/buy your car. Be kind, and help those close to you know they're close to you. If it's a project put that word in the title.


WTB'ers~ how about posting how far you're willing to go for your dream car?


Moderators~ How about locking sold item threads? Better still, lock it and move it to it's own unpostable category~ "autos sold" or "parts sold"~ keeps them still searchable for reference's sake. Even without a new category the lack of ability to post will force sold items to the bottom of the heap~ clearing the way and making it easier for both new buyers and sellers to move on. Require the location in the title. Now, here's the big one, Mod's~ allow us searchers to block a thread! Words simply cannot express how weary I am of rereading multitudes of threads~ because we can't remember them all! How many times have any/all of you reread a thread (weeks/months old) simply because someone else posted "Nice car! GLWS", and shoved it BTT?? For potential buyers this will be an invaluable tool in separating the wheat from the chaff...


What else? The more new info that's up front (and old info shovelled aside), the less diskspace/bandwidth the RatComputers will eat up~ and the easier it will be for all of us to find or sell our treasures!


I know I forgot something, one eye's closed~ and the other can't focus. :yawn:

Mine isn't the only perspective on this~ so let's here more ideas if they're out there....




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Good points, Scott.


I think marking all as read will do the trick, then you'll only see new content since your last visit (or on the left side, 24 hours, week, etc). That's how I separate old stuff from new.


And about the location thing... I have seen more than a handful of WTS threads that never include a location. I asked about an item once and I got a nasty reply via PM saying "Why don't you just read my profile". Which there was nothing on his profile, I checked... shortly therafter, I received an apology. Either way, simply putting the location and willingness to ship would greatly expediate a sell or a purchase. Having to ask questions just makes a conglomerate of random posts on a WTS/WTB thread, and since they are valid questions which should have been answered in the original post, they don't get removed due to "not being about the item in question".


What would be even nicer is a For Sale/WTB template for people to copy/paste. We used to do that on tech questions to weed out the simple stuff on a tech forum. Same for really any forum. Simple stuff like item name, location, some details, price range. And I can't stress this enough... post a bloody picture, people!


Simplifies things, gets the required info right out in the open, and eliminates a bunch of replies. Nothing more annoying than "have any pics?"

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The classified sections is way better than it used to be. I trim and prune many of them to reduce clutter... things like GLWS!!! Like who needs that anyway? Waste of a post. Once there are several weekly TTTs I start deleting the oldest ones. It is also nice when the price is in the title so you can evaluate before you even open to look... or have to read the whole thing to find it was ridiculous to begin with. Things like 'Rims For Sale' and having to read the post to find out they fit only the trucks piss me off. The title should give price and say truck rims at least. Old obviously sold items are usually locked but not everyone posts that the item is sold. Pisses me off when someone open a For Sale item that is two years old and asks "is it still for sale' ??? A quick check often shows the seller last visited six months ago and isn't going to see this post either. A p/m would get better results and keep that dead post where it belongs. (end rant)

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All great responses~ even the sarcastic/funny ones!

(Thanks, Indy, for my first good laugh of the day... :thumbup: )

And D-Mike also makes a great point with putting the price in the title as well~ after all, there's daily drivers on here that go from $500 to 5000+++

I still think the most valid point made is enabling us buyers to permenently weed out what we're not looking for~ enable the block....


And in the spirit of following thread rules & etiquette, here's a pic of said free (1/2) car~




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I think we need a suggestions section.

I feel kinda bad about bumping an old thread but here's a suggestion. How about deleting ads posted in the wrong section. I just counted 7 parts/parts wanted ads in this section on the first page alone. Maybe I'm letting this bother me too much but it's a huge pet peeve of mine. The catch is that by replying to the ad with a "wrong section" comment, I would only be rewarding the OP numbnut with a free bump. Am I way off base here?

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