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Datto down.....620 carnage

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Going to court in 8 days AGAIN to finally speak to the judge. Super excited, because I've got myself pulled together and I feel I stand a fighting chance after the last court date. I really can't see myself being ticketed for this.


If I can get my name off the ticket and police report in my favor, I think I could push to get some $$ back. The way I look at it, with the extent of the damages seen in the pictures, and all the evidence leaning in my favor, I think i could get away with asking for $600 to cover my repairs. As low as that is, It shouldn't be hard to get them to pay out to get me off of their back.

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Judges don't need to know the law. Judges are simply lawyers that know how to either get elected or appointed.


Lawyers certainly don't know the law... they know how to twist the law for their clients purposes.


Being the driver with front-end damage in a rear-end collision is really hard to defend. VERY hard to prove being cut off without unbiased witnesses. Near impossible to find unbiased witnesses too.


You'll note that a lot of guys in Eastern Europe carry dashcams now. Only way to prove fault in violent aggressive driving cases sometimes.

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sounds like you got fucked.


By the long dick of the law.


Judges don't need to know the law. Judges are simply lawyers that know how to either get elected or appointed.


Lawyers certainly don't know the law... they know how to twist the law for their clients purposes.


Being the driver with front-end damage in a rear-end collision is really hard to defend. VERY hard to prove being cut off without unbiased witnesses. Near impossible to find unbiased witnesses too.


You'll note that a lot of guys in Eastern Europe carry dashcams now. Only way to prove fault in violent aggressive driving cases sometimes.


Dashcam Datsun coming soon. I'm fucking furious about this all.






Patience, here's the story in it's entirety.




So here's the courts events from start to finish. I showed up 30 minuets early to court with my mom who came to watch. I came in and sat down, reviewing the police report for any more inconsistencies.


-On the police report, the officer listed the accident occurred in the apex of the turn, however the damages DO NOT support that. Her damages in the passenger rear and mine in the driver front indicate that when the accident occurred, either I was coming from the right, or she was coming to the left. Since I was in the far right lane, you all know what happened.


-The officer also listed my truck's restraints as 'shoulder belts only' meaning no lap belts. Not relevant to the accident, but it shows how little attention he payed.


-The airbag section of the report listed mine as 'not deployed,' rather then 'not equipped' Same as above.


-The officer listed me as 'ejected' from the vehicle. WTF REALLY?


I was ready to go knuckles swinging, when I noticed they were in the back of the court room. That's right, the lady and her husband. Cool, I can take them.


Time comes up, and I hit the stand. I relax as the officer makes some bullshit drawing of the intersection, but FAILS to list the turn lane properly, and shows that the right hand turn lane branches off from the right hand through lane with no entrance to a separate lane. Bullshit. When I object, the judge told me that it's too late and it was already entered as evidence. The cop is questioned by the DA who asks routine questions. I asked a few questions, none that really mattered here. He gave me an attitude and answer stupidly. Cop leaves court and the lady is brought up as a witness. Again routine questions but one I have to high lite because it was so stupid it HURT to try and keep in.


DA- "How was the traffic on that day?"


BitchTitsMcJeeves- "Sunny." ERRRR uhhh herp derp LOL



Right then I was about in tears. It was so funny but I had to keep my composure.


I had no questions for her, which was good because I would have just picked on her for her idiocracy.

DA presents his case, which just consisted of the police report re-stated. Durrrr no hard evidence right? Just the officers bullshit report. Shouldn't be hard right?


I reach the stand and present my 20 pictures as evidence. No objections. Cool, about to pwn the SHIT out of them. (Oh and I did, trust me.) I showed the judge pictures of my truck prior to the accident and after, along with pictures of her car. I indicated where the accident occurred and showed supporting information in the pictures, showing pictures in the fenderwell of the wrinkles where the impact was absorbed. Driver side. FAR driver side (reference pictures a few pages back.)


DA was unprepared for this, because my epic grammar left the courtroom in absolute awe. The judge just stared at the pictures, and the DA looked like he was gonna cry. What a pussy. His cross examination consisted of herp derping around my testimony, and stuttering/stammering to find words. He ended up asking me stupid routine "last ditch effort" questions trying to get me to incriminate myself.


"Is your truck an automatic or Manual?"


-Me "4 speed manual"


"When was the last time your breaks were serviced by a mechanic"


-Me "Sir, I am my own mechanic. I've been actively working on cars since I was 5 years old. All my components are in proper working order and were replaced shortly after the truck was purchased last fall"

His face: :confused: Lost for words


"Was your radio on at the time?"


Me- "No sir. I enjoy the sound of my truck on a good winter morning."


"Where were you headed at the time?"


Me- "I had an appointment at butler tire, 3 minuets down the road from where the accident occurred."


"Were you running late that afternoon?"


Me- "No sir, in fact I still made it to my appointment early after the accident."


The look on his face was PRICELESS after I said that. :thumbup: In fact, the entire time the judge seemed to think it was humorous, because when I looked up he had a slight smirk.


Sat down and made our closing statements. Well, i did because he just waived his closing statement in defeat.



D.A. STILL FUCKING told the judge he believes the police report is accurate and I was at fault for following too closely, no matter where the accident occured. I was livid. I wanted to get up and slam the fucks head into my pictures and let him 're-examine them' the hard way. Of course, I didn't do that.


The judge asked to see my pictures and evidence to go read over in his chambers where he could review the report and the charges against me.



He leaves. EVERYONE in the court room (except the bitch and her husband) stood up to congratulate me, and insist that I go to school to be a lawyer. including the DA's assistant and records clerk. The DA didn't like that at all.


20 minuets later, judge comes in with his verdict and finds me guilty for following too closely.​ Fucking furious. But calm. She claims that she's gotten estimates totaling her damages @ $2800.


MY fine was $155 and 3 points on my license. The judge waived $105. I was so close to an outburst. My mom was astounded and pissed beyond belief.





Long story short,


if you want your Ratty Datto fixed up, all you gotta do is pull out in front of traffic in Georgia and whine about it. FUCK THE SYSTEM.

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you should be able to keep fighting it that is complete and total bullshit man file an appeal in my experience they are banking on you not fighting so the mroe you fight the more likly you are to win

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And this is why I have little respect for a growing portion of cops and judges.


Appeal that shit. And now it is time to file suit against her directly for fraud.


Being a cop/judge is a cush job 90% of the time; all you have to be good at is pulling bullshit out of your ass.


Must have been traffic court, where judges are allowed to make up their own fucking rules to the proceedings. To which I had the whole "The cop's report is testimony, but the signed and notarized witness statement from your passenger is shit in my eyes. Wanted a witness, should have brought them." Despite the fact the same court house TOLD ME that notarized statements were admissible.


You've already wasted plenty of time on this bullshit, might as well waste some more. You already know you'll win in a fair hearing. Might as well make the cunt come along for the ride.

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MM, without a witness, all the woman has to say is, "I was stopped and he was following to close to stop, and swerved to the right".. Save your money, you've been had. You should celebrate if she does not sue you for whiplash. Good luck.


I hate it when I'm right... as you go through life, you should make every attempt to defend yourself. In the long run, sometimes we are better off moving on and focusing our efforts on something we have control over. Sorry for you being had by the system like that, been there done that several times. Is why we have insurance.

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I say appeal simply for getting a new judge. Wish you could find that off duty cop...


Yep, your next step is to file an appeal. Head to the courthouse and get the appropriate forms, fill them out and submit them. Keep all of your evidence and work your case through the system. You will be vindicated.

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