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There is bird shit inside my truck...

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I just came home to find a small bird trapped inside the cab of my 620, and it has shit everywhere. On the dash, on the seats, not even the steering wheel was safe.



Looks like getting a new shift boot just got moved to the top of my to do list...:rolleyes:

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Had a ground squirrel get into our work van last summer up at a ski lodge. My partner saw him lugging one of my sandwiches away. Little fucker shit on the dash. Greasy little turd. Looks like he went through everything in my backpack. I ate the other one. No ill effects yet.

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took the neighbors cat to seattle once it crawled under the hood of my one ton when it had no inner fender wells and road on the intake all the way up there...heard meowing when i got out in seattle, popped hood and theres a tabby on my intake...



I let it ride inside the cab on the way back...


i can ask if the cat is still around and if you can borrow it to catch your bird... :cool:

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took the neighbors cat to seattle once it crawled under the hood of my one ton when it had no inner fender wells and road on the intake all the way up there...heard meowing when i got out in seattle, popped hood and theres a tabby on my intake...



I let it ride inside the cab on the way back...


i can ask if the cat is still around and if you can borrow it to catch your bird... :cool:


Took my neighbors cat to school one day in my Delta 88. The mechanic barfed when he pulled most of it out of the intake the next day...

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An old tom showed up out on the farm one day, and only had three legs remaining and 2/3 of his tail. Fixed him up and by the end of that summer his remaining front paw was 3x larger. Looked like a chicken leg. He could jump up and down from the counter top and land on that paw and not do a face plant. Great cat.

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birds can't fart or burp.


in theory, when they eat the alka-seltzer, they go boom. blink.gif


the idea seem right, but they can regurgitate




A friend of mine who lives in Corpus Christi tried to feed Alka-Seltzer to seagulls a few years ago (in the name of science.) My friend reported that the gulls did not want to eat the plain tablets (I would think that, to a bird, they look like flat little rocks,) so my friend wrapped the Alka-Seltzer in Wonder Bread and glommed the bread down tightly around the tabs. The gulls grabbed the bread-wrapped tablets, gulped them down, and a moment later, barfed them up again. No explosions, unless vomiting counts as an explosion
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