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Last episode Archer

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It was pretty bad ass. Seems Datsun is starting the classic comeback around Hollywood. The 280Z in 30 min or less, backrounds of all kinds of movies, and now a drifting episode of right hand drives and Yakuza in Archer. Lots of broken 510's though.:(

Oh well, they were cartoon anyway.

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  • 10 months later...

Archer is a horrible show, its a complete waste of time.  Lots of blasphemy.   No wonder these kids are going psycho, they are detached from reality because they watch this filth.  When I used to have cable I would change the channel even when an Archer commercial came on, because its that bad.

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Archer is a horrible show, its a complete waste of time.  Lots of blasphemy.   No wonder these kids are going psycho, they are detached from reality because they watch this filth.  When I used to have cable I would change the channel even when an Archer commercial came on, because its that bad.


Nah, Archer is fine, you can't blame society's problems on TV. You may personally not like it, but that's no excuse to fault it.


It's the parents responsibility to teach their kids, and keep them from poor environmental variables (such as, in your opinion, Archer or other blasphemous influences). You have to admit that the parental warning system is regularly ignored by most people.


What Archer is, is damn funny.


(Imagine in Archer's voice) - "You're probably a communist and shouldn't even be allowed to own a Datsun, j/k, but seriously"...

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Tv is not the problem with society ..... Society is the problem with society..... We're just afraid to admit we are bad at life...... People need to look in the mirror and shut off Fox News..... Although I will agree archer isn't the greatest show...I highly doubt these are the things that cause people to snap... What's the old saying a bad woodworker blames his tools....a good one says, yeah I fucked up..

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Archer is a horrible show, its a complete waste of time. Lots of blasphemy. No wonder these kids are going psycho, they are detached from reality because they watch this filth. When I used to have cable I would change the channel even when an Archer commercial came on, because its that bad.

Christ on crutches!... and you're posting here? Ratsun detaches me from reality so I can wallow in filth.


Yeah I used to think the same about Family Guy. Then one day it all just didn't matter any more.

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Archer is a horrible show, its a complete waste of time.  Lots of blasphemy.   No wonder these kids are going psycho, they are detached from reality because they watch this filth.  When I used to have cable I would change the channel even when an Archer commercial came on, because its that bad.



thats the most ignorant heap of shit Iv heard in quite a while.


to blame things like television or video games for any ones actions is a detachment from reality

its looking for a convenient easy way out instead of actually being intelligent enough to resolve a real issue.




its nice and easy isnt it? to just cast blame on to some form of media for the actions

you cant shuffle into a nice simple explanation...





take your ill-informed blindly ignorant ass the fuck out of here.


go read a fuckin book or something...... a real book... with facts in it.

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