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Minty Fresh 510


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Those locks look great! Especially when locked. Are you going to do something to match on the turn signal stalk?


I'm thinking about it... I haven't decided what specifically I'm going to do though. I also need to replace the gear selector end as well, it's cracked.






Thanks for all the compliments guys. It's all manual work on the Bridge.

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I just started snooping around Ratsun today and stumbled onto your build. When I saw the picts of your 69 first I was gob slacked, then I was hit with a wave of terror. I was thinking Holy Shit, I hope this guy isn't gunnu hack into this angel from heaven? Dude, I'm so glad you showed this car all the respect it deserves. You did a really Fantastic job updating it man, it's a Masterpiece!

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I just started snooping around Ratsun today and stumbled onto your build. When I saw the picts of your 69 first I was gob slacked, then I was hit with a wave of terror. I was thinking Holy Shit, I hope this guy isn't gunnu hack into this angel from heaven? Dude, I'm so glad you showed this car all the respect it deserves. You did a really Fantastic job updating it man, it's a Masterpiece!


Oh wow, thank you! That's some pretty high praise. I really appreciate it. It was a really good score on part picking it up in the condition it was. I've tried to fix her up with a few updates and personal touches without going crazy and ruining it. Still auto, no cd player, no sticker bombing (I think mine are decently tasteful anyway), etc.


She still has a ways to go before I think she's perfect, but I'm hoping to stay true to the great condition and heritage the car has. Feel free to follow the thread and see what happens.


you might have covered it already but what brand is that green wheel you have?


It's a custom painted 'woody II' made by Grip Royal. It feels great in my hands, but cannot attest to how it handles installed. Some after market wheels are very flimsy with thin metal so I'm hoping this isn't like that. It feels pretty solid so I'm praying it turns out well. Decent price for a good looking and custom finish as well.





Once again, GoonFan came to my rescue. This makes 3 for 3 breakdowns that he's been able to get me back on the road: one blow out, one flat, and one dead battery. I mos def owe him for all the help.

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So is there some trick to the steering wheel when it comes to installation? I disassembled the stock unit and follow the instructions in Haynes to reinstall it (not like instructions were needed it seems) and it all went back together fine. My issue is I no longer have a working horn...


I'm afraid it might be shorted somewhere and it's going to drain my battery. I tried it a couple times and still no horn.

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I know Hobbes had a short for a bit and that's all I thought. That copper tab was going to be my last guess... Figured I would ask while I was in the house for something to drink. Thanks Indy, on my way back out to try.

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I figured for $20 why not? Will just take a little elbow grease to restore it... I kind of like the patina on it so I might keep it for awhile like this. I sanblasted all the rust off the back at least though.

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I just signed out of flickr and Ratsun and was able to see them... I dont know why you guys werent able to. Indy just liked that post, either he was being ironic because he couldnt see the images or he liked what I did with the clean-up.

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