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Minty Fresh 510


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Room mate?

Been lurkin on this tread almost since it's creation, just whatever you do, hold out till the very last moment to sell Mrs. Minty.

You've put way to much work into it just to up and sell it, although I have no clue as to your personal situation :blush:

Just think of things that sound outrageous, like moving in with your parents...

Whatever you do, I know and I bet a bunch of Ratsuners here will always have your back(emotionally).

Look at the good things and smile through it all. Like this:


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Tristan I kinda had the same thing her las week. I was looking around wondering where my wheel budget went and why I was always selling somethig.... So i printed off a month of transactions through my bank(. Errrr my wife's bank since she's the bread winner ....) and in thirty days.... Two pay periods my wife and I spent 850 dollars in fuel....and I live a mile and Half from my work and my work works 4 miles away and we don't really go places far away....that all got me thinking about just bucking up and switching from a l20 in my wagon to the stock ka instead but it's not really close to that....If U want U can throw my ka in your car and get that thirty mpg ... I probably wot need it this year as I m way behind and I have a boat to build..... Lemme know Tristan, I wanna help I wanna save u from losing your baby.... If the economy was better I would offer u a job but as it sits I can't afford one mHore body....lemme know what kinda work u wanna do maybe I got a customer looking for a reliable twenty something.... To be honest I would vouch for u to any of my customers..( and I m a strict believer in not vouching for people, thank Jesus for that on, got him a Job with me and he spent three weeks working on a friends car at work and wondered how he got fired). ..I will keep a eye out and my nose into the wind my little tight pant wearing buddy.....

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Thanks a lot guys... Im trying hard over here to come up with something quickly. Im even applying for the more "girly jobs" (though those of you know know me well in person, may know thats not a a big stretch). Selling the car is a the absolute last resort, and I wouldnt give it up if I didnt have to. Im trying to keep it because I like it so much haha


Tristan I kinda had the same thing her las week. I was looking around wondering where my wheel budget went and why I was always selling somethig.... So i printed off a month of transactions through my bank(. Errrr my wife's bank since she's the bread winner ....) and in thirty days.... Two pay periods my wife and I spent 850 dollars in fuel....and I live a mile and Half from my work and my work works 4 miles away and we don't really go places far away....that all got me thinking about just bucking up and switching from a l20 in my wagon to the stock ka instead but it's not really close to that....If U want U can throw my ka in your car and get that thirty mpg ... I probably wot need it this year as I m way behind and I have a boat to build..... Lemme know Tristan, I wanna help I wanna save u from losing your baby.... If the economy was better I would offer u a job but as it sits I can't afford one mHore body....lemme know what kinda work u wanna do maybe I got a customer looking for a reliable twenty something.... To be honest I would vouch for u to any of my customers..( and I m a strict believer in not vouching for people, thank Jesus for that on, got him a Job with me and he spent three weeks working on a friends car at work and wondered how he got fired). ..I will keep a eye out and my nose into the wind my little tight pant wearing buddy.....


I want you to know I really appreciate all that JRock. As much as I would love to work in the powder business helping you out (which helps me out?), just the commute to Tacoma is driving me crazy so I dont think I can make it to Olympia. Id gladly come down there with a gas stipend, but if you cant handle the wife driving 4mi then I dont think you would like my 1.5hr commute down to your place. I cant thank you enough for the KA offer, but I wouldnt even have the money to buy that, or the extra parts needed to put that it.


Well, todays another day of applying for better jobs so we shall see how that goes. Its shitty that its a holiday so most places are closed and wont be opening emails or have their doors open to apply in person. I guess my best bet today will be Craigslist jobs.


And to stop this from being all woe is me... I did save my girlfriend the other night with the Datsun. She had a dead battery at the ferry terminal so I drove out to her and jumped her car. Datsun to the rescue!

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Tomorrow go to TMF Inc. in Poulsbo and tell them your mechanically inclined and want to learn. It's a Machine Shop, keep bugging them until they hire you. You an also try TruLife right up the road. Much better pay then the normal jobs and you would actually learn a valuable trade.



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Looking at your title and picture, you do CNC work yourself. Do you happen to have a direct experience with them? I am decently mechanically inclined and looking at TMFs services, it looks like an awesome place.

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I was the Cnc Programming Lead. Its an ok place for machine operators but I needed to move away from the area. I had some issues with the place but you would be in a different position then I was. If nothing else the experience on your resume would be worth it. Sometimes you have to move every two years to gain more exerience amd increase your pay. I gained $10/hr in pay over a two year period....


I'll email the owner and see if he's looking.



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Well, it looks like I am poorer than I first thought. My job situation is in shambles and Im losing money like crazy trying to stay afloat here. Im not sure where all my money went, but Im sure it was from commuting so much. As of right now, I will not be going to Canby... I do not have the money to spend on two nights of camping, and then gas it takes to get there and back. Im looking for a better job in the Kitsap area so that I do not really have to commute anymore.


Im almost at the point where I need to sell parts off the car or the whole car itself so that I survive and dont end up on the street. Id like to make a joke about this, but Im really close to losing it all.


Probally the least of your worries right now, but ive been contemplating heading to canby for the day saturday, if you wanna catch a ride let me know!

And good luck with the job hunting!


if every ratsuner chips in a dollar we can pool some serious cash and help tristin out im in for a dollar


Im in

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Thanks a lot everyone, it means a lot to have a lot of supporters that dont actually know me in person. Thats why I I have 28 pages of build thread on Ratsun and like 4 on The Realm. This place is home.

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Hi tristen, I just spent the last last hour and a half reading and enjoying your thread, except for the last page of course. Great find on the 510 or 1600 we call them here in Oz. and nice write up to.

I may have a small job for you if you are willing, if it helps you out. As I am after some parts for my 521 they are a little harder to get here in Oz, do you know of any near you being wrecked? I will pm you more details.

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