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Guys who let their girls drive their datto

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Holy thread jacking hahah!!!



I was of for an hour and three pages of fuckery. So seems I should probably ride around with her for a bit and decide which one she can't drive than which one she can drive. But asking her which one she feels most comfortable with seems like the better option. I love her and trust her and all that good stuff, but I've poured alot of man hours into my vehicles so if something happend to either of them (or god forbid her with them) it'd be gut wrenching. I know she respects my stuff though and she drives just like I tell her to.


The problem with old cars like this is that insurance is going to be a real fuck about repairing them if anything does happen, especially if its her fault in an accident.

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720, hands down. Easier to find parts for should she wreck it. Not saying she would. 411s are a pain to find parts for, were something to happen, you'd feel bad and she'd feel worse most probably.


As long as she pays attention to her surroundings while she's driving, she'll probably be okay. Me, I have control issues. I'm constantly looking for a way out in traffic. My anal-retentive nature leads me to not let anyone else drive my car except a very choice few. Mainly racing/car buddies who know how to handle the off chance happening of a tornado, car wreck, and wheel coming off all at the same time. :P

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yeah I lean towards the 720 for now, but when I get my bigger carb setup, and drop more into the engine...I feel she will need to probably have her own car by then. I get panicky sometimes as is.



Only three people have driven my dattos since they've been in my possession. Me,pumpkn, and her.





720, hands down. Easier to find parts for should she wreck it. Not saying she would. 411s are a pain to find parts for, were something to happen, you'd feel bad and she'd feel worse most probably.


As long as she pays attention to her surroundings while she's driving, she'll probably be okay. Me, I have control issues. I'm constantly looking for a way out in traffic. My anal-retentive nature leads me to not let anyone else drive my car except a very choice few. Mainly racing/car buddies who know how to handle the off chance happening of a tornado, car wreck, and wheel coming off all at the same time. :P

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That's tough, man. If she gives you the choice, I'd send her down the road with the 720 for a couple reasons which have already been given; easy to find body parts for, cheap, etc.. probably also the safer of the two, since it is about 15yrs newer.


I recently had to decide what to do in a similar situation. My girl's MR2 was down with a busted shift linkage for about a week, and my options were to taxi her everywhere like a child, or give her the keys to the 610. As hard as it would be to repair the car, I think it would be harder to repair the idea that I don't trust her. I value my things, which she knows and values them too, but I value her all the more. If she was just some girl, I'd have no problem telling her to get a bus pass or kick rocks. That's not the case with her, though; I plan to keep her around. Yes, my clutch had to bear the burden. So what.


As cool as they are, these cars are just things. Things that rust.

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^^Exactly^^. I know we all think our cars are special...they're just cars. If you can't trust your chick with your car, why would you trust her with your dick? If she's just a shitty driver you owe it to the rest of us to keep her off the road, period. I can't believe this thread has actually gone 3 pages. Worse yet, I can't believe I contributed.

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Me and phil where getting gas one day in my 710, and these 2 fairly cute girls asked if they coyld drive it... Split second later I replied NO!

Phil insantly second guessed my decision.

I might have failed the hetro test that day, but I let girls drive my b210 aaallll the time.

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Me and phil where getting gas one day in my 710, and these 2 fairly cute girls asked if they coyld drive it... Split second later I replied NO!

Phil insantly second guessed my decision.

I might have failed the hetro test that day, but I let girls drive my b210 aaallll the time.



"...checked the registration and Rolls was stole,

baby girl tried to break with my keys and gat,

but I ain't sprung on the cat!"


-Mix a lot


Never, NEVER, let anyone else drive your rig unless they're on the insurance. Period. No matter how cute.

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Dude I would NEVER let my wife drive my datsuns.




Shit....too late by six years.:frantics:


I worked like hell to get my 74 ready for '09 Canby and when it was over and I was relaxing with a smoke I let my wife drive it to work as the insurance was good through Aug or so and I bicycle to work. Well I never worried about her driving but should have worried about her really diggin' all the attention she got when out in it. No she didn't run off with someone else but she did run off with the car. Suddenly it was 'her' car. I got a '76 goon standard so I'm actually good with that. His 'n hers 710s are so cool. The odd ime last spring/summer when we drove to work together we looked like a Datsun car club.

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She drives stick fine, right now she drives the 720 for my errands. I haven't let her drive the goon yet because....I don't know...just because. Right now me and Pumpkn210 are the only ones who have driven it.



She's gonna get her own datto when funds are in her favor. Which won't be till she has the job, hence the catch 22. She really wants something that is a 210. She likes hatchbacks and fastbacks.

See if you can find an older 240SX or even earlier 200SX [maybe 200SXSE with the 3 liter V6? She might even let you drive it.] with Automatic transmission. The fastback versions look good and the basic car handles well.

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My car is very precious to me but my daughter is even more precious. She's learned to drive in my KA24 wagon (510). She roasts the tires 50% of the time dropping the clutch but I feel like the car should be able to take it. I let my son take it out too, and he even came home one day and told me "I practiced burn outs up by the school". If they ever call me saying they're upside down in a ditch of course I'll be bummed about the car but that'll be a far second from my worry about their well being. I want my kids to have just as much fun driving as I do. I don't want them stuck in some boring affordable car that's stupid enough to wreck without feeling bummed. Who wants that? Cars are for lovin'. So is family. Now on the other hand, if your Ratsun is a POS that needs the brakes pumped, is missing third gear, has intermittant lighting problems, etc. then keep them out of your car regardless of who's driving.

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