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New 510


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^^^most of the people above this line were trolled.



Too bad the troll made it soooo obvious...it could

have been much more entertaining.


It is a hip thing to not be trolled and to call out those that were.


I equate this to calling "first."

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I thought for sure this was fake. Still think it is fake. What father buys his kid a 510 if the kid isn,'t already somewhat educated on them? And to replace dd Honda? Don't see it happening unless the kid had done some research to convince pops. Hell I would have had to have spreadsheets to convince my dad to buy me a 40 year old car when I was 19.


If this is real, I will be surprised.

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And you don't want a exhaust that big with a stock motor, it will be over exhausted and you will actually lose power,


If you want that look then go 2.50 exhaust and get any size tip you prefer


This is one of the only kits " I guess you can call it that of you want" that is commonly used.


Again I have all for fenders and the front air dam if you want to buy them

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Lol give the kid a break, and going from a ricer Honda pos to a classic jdm is progress.


But all in all it's his car, and this forum is here to help.


Good luck dude, like skibby said, you will really have to learn about your car, their isn't alot of bolt on kits or easy upgrades for these cars.


Remember that they havent even been built in over 30 years

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Ay so I dont wanna trade my 510 i just wanna make it one off and unique. everyone does small wheels and tires and hella expensive suspension setups and tiny engines and like no body kits or spoilers. Im open to other kits other than the invader style but i really like that type.

It's been said again and again; a Datsun is NOT a throw away car like some 90's Civic. There are an extremely limited number of them. If you think "Invader" kits are cool, then fine, just don't ever think of adapting one to a Datto without months of research, mock ups, and opinion polling. If you're not a complete troll, then you have landed in the middle of a community of experienced, intelligent, and skilled artists who can help you get to where you're thinking of going, and DO IT RIGHT. The big problem with the Honduh scene is every little snowflake wants to be unique on the cheap and quick.


Unique, Cheap, Quick. You can only pick two, and even then you often only get to pick one.


Those invader kits often look like complete Hobo's ass because they jump the shark on actually trying to look like part of the car. I've seen full Invader wrapped Civics and the bottom half of the car looks like some space fighter while the top half looks like a rape victim. There is zero integration between kit and car, and the whole suffers for it.


You're 19; believe me, the 510, if done right, is going to be the car you want to still have when you're 39. But if you just start bubbling gumming bullshit onto it, you're going to get frustrated as you grow up and you're going to throw it away.


How many times have you seen some ULTRA MEGA UBER JDM YO VTEC WING JDM NIGGAH YA YA YA YA BADASS BULLS BITCHES JDM YO VTEC piece of shit Honda somewhere for sale for $16k on a $1800 car because some numbnut spent a K note ($10k) on "tuner" mods, only to never have done it right to begin with, and now he's trying to sell it because its an embarrassment?


Don't be that guy.


Here's the car Rustina 510 posted.... in Super Street. A car magazine that matters, unlike the majority of the "tuner" magazines.






Quality builds get recognition and trophies; rice just gets steamed.


haha well I am so it makes sense... but what pictures should I get? Like just the outside? or inside too? and engine?

Everything you think is going to be important. If you're considering changing it, take a picture of it, post that picture, and tell us what you're thinking and why.

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Im gonna feed it.


If you buy a body kit that is mass produced then what is unique about that? Also, not to many 510's on the road so they are semique (yes i made that word up). You want something unique and unique means one off a kind like uni = 1. So if you want to have a unique 510 then you have to make your own body kit and never produce it again or make sure nobody ever copies it.

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I'll feed it too.


Here is a copy of a flyer for a 510 body kit that was available in the late 80's - early 90's.








Not to my liking but this is what was available.


Futofab sells nice fiberglass and CF stuff for 510s.



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If you're leaving honduh to try to be unique, you're in the right place. Everyone is trying to tell you you've got to change your whole way of thinking. No bodykit, nothing original comes from any manufacturer. You jump into my old pickup, you wonder if you're in a 510 or a 280z, nothing I ended up with was manufactured from anyone or anything but my own mind. Just a combination of datsun/nissan and every kind of upgrade gauges mixed with my own fabrication. You want unique, you have to dig into your head, and decide what makes you tick, what is so beautiful to you that just thinking of it can keep you up all night just appreciating it. forget what you think everyone thinks is cool, even forget about impressing girls. If a chick likes what you created from your soul, you've found the right woman. forgetting impressing them weeds most the wrong ones out and leaves the compatible ones to see what you're made of. My gf never liked Datsuns, even thought they were ugly, but That's what alot of people that have never rode in one think. I picked her up in my completely unique low 521, and she -came-, about 15 minutes into the ride. Embarrased, and not knowing what "came" :) over her, it took weeks for her to admit that, but the truth is, after the 1 hour drive to my place in my datsun, all her plans of not rushing into anything, etc, etc...... were out the window.


Given, she's a rare type that knows what's what about car's, mostly a fan of american muscle, and extreme 4wd, I think it was the truly unique, the rumble of raw hp that just happens to get 20-25 mpg, and can smash you into your seat at over 40 years old. My approach is reducing rolling resistance, air restriction, overall weight, and taking traction to the max. Leaves plenty mpg. That's my unique though, you have to chase your own dreams. Maybe airflow, aerodynamics are your thing. you want a beautiful 510, that cuts the wind like a fatboy addicted to taco bell? There's old school, what you've seen, or you can research what's functional, puts the weight in the right proportions over the right tires. I don't know what's cool to you, but I hope you do, and even if you're the only one thinking your car's cool driving it the way you built it, good for you. As long as it's not a copy of the "I just want to fit in" Honduh, you won't get any shit from us. Well, not much shit, because we do like to fuck around with eachother. At least you'll know we mean no harm.

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Yo. So my dad got me a 510 coupe for my birthday and i wanna make it better but i dont know what to do. for the body, are there any invader style kits for it like i have on my civic? I really like the look of those, but i cant find any online angry.gif. Im also wondering about exhaust. I want to run a 3 inch straight pipe with a 4 inch tip but the biggest kits I can find are only 2 inch. It has the stock motor now, but Im gonna put in a turbo motor. does anyone make fender vents or spoilers stock for these or do i have to find some that just fit? I also noticed that the ebrake doesnt work when i tried to pull it to slide in a corner. how do i reconnect it? im gona sell my civic to get this thing running right so ill have some cash.


Thanks man



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We saved Mater; maybe we can save this one too. :)


We saved Mater from a proper ban-hammering.

Mater still needs tons of help.

The jury is still out on that case.


We ain't gonna save a troll.

He said he has one pic-then asks us what pics we needed him to take.

The jury is still out on this case too.


No matter which way it turns out...


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