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no driving relatives

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ok folks im wondering does anybody on here besides me has a family member that just can not drive? for me it is my younger cousin. i mean wow he just turned 21 this year. had his first wreck at like 16.5 coming up to a y didnt go the right way ran over a stop sign off in the bushes he went smacked a pine tree. a couple months later he was third party to a wreck in a curve but not at fault. then he went a little while with no wrecks. then twice he ran off in the ditch pulling out of somebody's driveway while i was saying hey ur not gonna make it, dude you need to stop FUCKING ST clunk off in the ditch frame touching ground as end up in the air <i didnt let him drive me there anymore after the second time> . then i guess he goes about a year no wrecks and one day calls me and says he is coming over he bumped a pole and needs to use the tractor to pull the bumper off the tire <this is after he drove it around for a couple days and ruined the tire> so i say what happened? he says oh stupid fast food place dont have

their drive thru built right and it was raining and i slid as i turned and bumped a pole :unsure: .then he bumps into the back of somebody not long after that in traffic in his dad's new to him car <07 impala had it for 3 months or so> and a few months after that he plays pinball off the guardrails on the interstate in the impala <the car had got broken into earlier that day and his computer got stolen so he was on his way home to get the serial number for the popo> well his story goes i had just sped up to 70 and all of a sudden the bottom fell out and a gust of wind blew me into the guardrail <believable> until he blames it on the window being broken out and the pressure not being equalized inside and out and that is why it happend. totaled that car. then night before last he was driving his friend's car hit a curb and both driver and passenger airbags deployed and the power steering stopped working <thats all he knows> and the car had to get towed back to his place. now i am not perfetc either i have gotten speeding tickets careless opp tickets but my crash history is this. i'm 24 and i drive like a bat out of hell! when i was 17 i knocked a decent amount of bark off a tree <stay out the damn woods when you drinking mad dog 20/20> i backed into a lightpole at my house not paying attention. i was involved in a hit and run <they did the hittin and the runnin> and i met a guy half way in the middle with the left rear of my truck couple years ago we agreed it wasn't worth reporting. so my real question is at what point in time does he have to admit he is not a very successful driver?

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This is a majority for most drivers nowadays. its asking if there is anyone in your family that can drive. Im really good at avoiding wrecks, its why i always drive and why my wife always wants me to drive. Ive had people spin out in front of me before and gotten around them on the freeway, its just because i react very fast.

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i consider myself an above average driver because i have a general understanding of how to make the vehicle behave the way i want it to..my cousin on the other hand thinks he has it without even seeing the honda he just wrecked i can say the insurance would prolly total it that makes 2 in a year maybe a year and a few months neither of which were his or he paid for which i didnt pay for them eiher or he would be walking like i have to since i have tore my cars up but i mean wow i can't believe it really i cant i pay out the ass insurrance so he can play demo derby



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My family is for the most part good drivers. Dad is by far the best with no accidents or tickets on record (EVER). Brother is a moron ricer who drives like an asshole.


I'm young, but so far have no tickets or accidents on my record. Never so much had a cop look at me funny, and I drive a straight piped jap mobile unsure.gif

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i got my first speeding ticket 3 days after i got my license 74 in a 25 yikes been hell on wheels ever since even got arrested for traffic tickets but it wasnt my fault i told the people id pay them when i got it they said thats fine a month later they pull in behind me at the store and take my ass in for failure to appear when i didnt know i had to appear <its sumtin like a kidnappin big guys bind your hands and force you in a car and take you somwhere u don't wanna go they shoulda put out an amber alert on my ass lol but back to my original point i aint tore nothin all to pieces except a motor and a transmission well and i broke the frame on the chevy i had but i did it all by myself and never left the road doing it plus when it is my fault i openly admit it i have no shame i'm sumtin like bigfoot you hear about beings like me but u dont ever meet them hahaha

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My dad drove semi for 13 years. I remember a couple times he did stuff because he thought it was funny. Once when he was going to quit his job, getting on the offramp about a half mile from where he needed to drop the truck off for them he decided to take out all of the reflectors on the side of the road. Well atleast enough of them to call it all of them. I thought he was passing out behind the wheel but when he was done he just snickered to himself. Pushed in the middle of the front bumper pretty good, then somehow convinced them it was like that when he gave it to him.


Later on he said to me "it's ok it's just a freightliner :D"


He didn't have a drivers license for some time before he passed away but he drove alot. He got pulled over constantly for speeding, no turn signals, expired tags.


One time he was getting pulled over in Michigan, which takes driving with a suspended license very seriously, especially when you have a couple warrants and no insurance, and he decided to run in his 197-something rusted lincoln. I don't remember the model but it was a boat. He knew he was going to jail, and he had my big ass rottweiler with him, so as the cops kept coming and started boxing him in he figured the only way to get out was to take a couple out. Guess he rammed the two in front of him pretty good and ran them off the road. They ended up beating the piss out of him, and when he got bailed out a week later he was pretty fucked up.


I read about it in the paper the day after it happend and they got the color of his car wrong and the breed of dog :blink:

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hell one time in new orleans me and my working buddy was goin public relations <where you go to the bar and drink before you go to work> at the bar a few blocks from the jobsite well come time to go he looks at me and says your drivin i said ok we are at a redlight and i say hey man can i cut through this parking lot he said wesley you are in new orleans you can do whatever you want. :rolleyes: you sure? yes you in new orleans u can do whatever you want! i said ok so i whip it into the parking lot honk at the mexicans <they kinda scatter like roaches> by this time he has ahold of the oh shit bar by time i make it accross the parking lot he is screaming "i can see we gonna have to calm you down i aint got no insurrance on this mother fucker " check my shoulder never let up bounce off into traffic slow down put my blinker on and proceed on to the job site. few months later he got pulle dover a block from his house for dui and still didnt have insurrance cop said u aint gonna be driving around my town drunk he said i been driving around this town drunk longer than you been driving!

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ok folks im wondering does anybody on here besides me has a family member that just can not drive? for me it is my younger cousin. i mean wow he just turned 21 this year. had his first wreck at like 16.5 coming up to a y didnt go the right way ran over a stop sign off in the bushes he went smacked a pine tree. a couple months later he was third party to a wreck in a curve but not at fault. then he went a little while with no wrecks. then twice he ran off in the ditch pulling out of somebody's driveway while i was saying hey ur not gonna make it, dude you need to stop FUCKING ST clunk off in the ditch frame touching ground as end up in the air <i didnt let him drive me there anymore after the second time> . then i guess he goes about a year no wrecks and one day calls me and says he is coming over he bumped a pole and needs to use the tractor to pull the bumper off the tire <this is after he drove it around for a couple days and ruined the tire> so i say what happened? he says oh stupid fast food place dont have

their drive thru built right and it was raining and i slid as i turned and bumped a pole :unsure: .then he bumps into the back of somebody not long after that in traffic in his dad's new to him car <07 impala had it for 3 months or so> and a few months after that he plays pinball off the guardrails on the interstate in the impala <the car had got broken into earlier that day and his computer got stolen so he was on his way home to get the serial number for the popo> well his story goes i had just sped up to 70 and all of a sudden the bottom fell out and a gust of wind blew me into the guardrail <believable> until he blames it on the window being broken out and the pressure not being equalized inside and out and that is why it happend. totaled that car. then night before last he was driving his friend's car hit a curb and both driver and passenger airbags deployed and the power steering stopped working <thats all he knows> and the car had to get towed back to his place. now i am not perfetc either i have gotten speeding tickets careless opp tickets but my crash history is this. i'm 24 and i drive like a bat out of hell! when i was 17 i knocked a decent amount of bark off a tree <stay out the damn woods when you drinking mad dog 20/20> i backed into a lightpole at my house not paying attention. i was involved in a hit and run <they did the hittin and the runnin> and i met a guy half way in the middle with the left rear of my truck couple years ago we agreed it wasn't worth reporting. so my real question is at what point in time does he have to admit he is not a very successful driver?



i consider myself an above average driver because i have a general understanding of how to make the vehicle behave the way i want it to..my cousin on the other hand thinks he has it without even seeing the honda he just wrecked i can say the insurance would prolly total it that makes 2 in a year maybe a year and a few months neither of which were his or he paid for which i didnt pay for them eiher or he would be walking like i have to since i have tore my cars up but i mean wow i can't believe it really i cant i pay out the ass insurrance so he can play demo derby





i got my first speeding ticket 3 days after i got my license 74 in a 25 yikes been hell on wheels ever since even got arrested for traffic tickets but it wasnt my fault i told the people id pay them when i got it they said thats fine a month later they pull in behind me at the store and take my ass in for failure to appear when i didnt know i had to appear <its sumtin like a kidnappin big guys bind your hands and force you in a car and take you somwhere u don't wanna go they shoulda put out an amber alert on my ass lol but back to my original point i aint tore nothin all to pieces except a motor and a transmission well and i broke the frame on the chevy i had but i did it all by myself and never left the road doing it plus when it is my fault i openly admit it i have no shame i'm sumtin like bigfoot you hear about beings like me but u dont ever meet them hahaha



hell one time in new orleans me and my working buddy was goin public relations <where you go to the bar and drink before you go to work> at the bar a few blocks from the jobsite well come time to go he looks at me and says your drivin i said ok we are at a redlight and i say hey man can i cut through this parking lot he said wesley you are in new orleans you can do whatever you want. :rolleyes: you sure? yes you in new orleans u can do whatever you want! i said ok so i whip it into the parking lot honk at the mexicans <they kinda scatter like roaches> by this time he has ahold of the oh shit bar by time i make it accross the parking lot he is screaming "i can see we gonna have to calm you down i aint got no insurrance on this mother fucker " check my shoulder never let up bounce off into traffic slow down put my blinker on and proceed on to the job site. few months later he got pulle dover a block from his house for dui and still didnt have insurrance cop said u aint gonna be driving around my town drunk he said i been driving around this town drunk longer than you been driving!


I would be embarassed to admit to this grocery list of driving fuck ups. Both you and your brother, sorry, cousin, stay out of Canada.

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umm my brother is not mentioned...the whole point i was making is if you are going to be a screw up at least admit you are a screw up as far as canada goes i don't plan on going anyway im find down here in the south besides my datsun can't handle any salt its already on life support

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The daily paper is full of people like this. :blink:

"I wasn't used to this road" "I over corrected" "My foot slipped off the brake and onto the gas" And my favorite-" I just looked down for a second"

Pay attention people!

It's scary to go walking sometimes..



yea what is the world coming to when u have to worry about a distracted emo kid running you over while he is trying to find his My Chemical Romance cd?

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Holy f. Some people should just not ever drive, period. My accident history includes backing into a guy in the high school parking lot when I was 17. Minor damage. The big one was rear ending a guy in Flagstaff while at college. To this day, have no idea how I hit him. Looked up, it was clear, looked down, looked back up, full panic stop and hit him at about 25 mph.


That said, those are all (knock on wood) the accidents I've had in my 16 years of driving history. (Idaho license at 15) I've done a lot more stupid things. Hell I made if from Flagstaff to Phoenix airport in an hour and 45 minutes in the 2wd D21 previous to my other two D21s. I made it from Spokane to Olympia in 3 hours and 45 minutes with two gas fill ups and lunch in the Miata.


I'm not saying I'm the world's best, or safest driver as some of the above mentioned stories indicate. However, I do drive defensively most of the time. I race autocross. Generally I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the mechanics of driving.


But the absolute most scared in a car I have ever been was my buddy's wife Kathy driving us around in Seattle. She's asian, very smart, and should never, never be behind the wheel. Completely oblivious to changing traffic patterns or anything else outside the car. I about had a heart attack in one outing. Whereas I can get in a rig and have a buddy go balls out and be perfectly fine because I know he pays attention and knows how to handle the car.

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Holy f. Some people should just not ever drive, period. My accident history includes backing into a guy in the high school parking lot when I was 17. Minor damage. The big one was rear ending a guy in Flagstaff while at college. To this day, have no idea how I hit him. Looked up, it was clear, looked down, looked back up, full panic stop and hit him at about 25 mph.


That said, those are all (knock on wood) the accidents I've had in my 16 years of driving history. (Idaho license at 15) I've done a lot more stupid things. Hell I made if from Flagstaff to Phoenix airport in an hour and 45 minutes in the 2wd D21 previous to my other two D21s. I made it from Spokane to Olympia in 3 hours and 45 minutes with two gas fill ups and lunch in the Miata.


I'm not saying I'm the world's best, or safest driver as some of the above mentioned stories indicate. However, I do drive defensively most of the time. I race autocross. Generally I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the mechanics of driving.


But the absolute most scared in a car I have ever been was my buddy's wife Kathy driving us around in Seattle. She's asian, very smart, and should never, never be behind the wheel. Completely oblivious to changing traffic patterns or anything else outside the car. I about had a heart attack in one outing. Whereas I can get in a rig and have a buddy go balls out and be perfectly fine because I know he pays attention and knows how to handle the car.



First off, she shouldn't have been out of the kitchen. Secondly, I know what you mean man. I've rode with a few people like that.

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Only driving for 5 years now. 1 accident and 1 ticket. Accident was on a rainy day, making a left turn in a intersection that is downhill to the right. Car was a second gear start and sometimes wouldnt accelerate right, so I would hit the gas pedal harder to get it to go. The car decided to go and downshift into first, it broke loose and gravity pulled the rear end down hill. I was out of the intersection, now in the lane I was intending to turn into but sideways and facing oncoming lanes. My problem? I never hit the brakes soon enough. I countersteered, car hooked up again, and took a hard turn into a tree. Easily hit the tree at 25mph. I put it in reverse, then instantly back to 45 mph and then an hour of freeway cruising. I drove the car for then 8 months smashed as it was. I learned a bit. Car was a 89 Mercedes 300SE


My speeding ticket was for a 87 in a 55. My fault. I know I was going fast. But I still dont think that fast. The car made a death shimmy above 75mph. If the officer pulled me over and said I was going 75 I would have believed him, but I didnt believe him when he said 87. Paid my fine and the ticket never hit my insurance :blink: This was in a 93 Ford Thunderbird.


Hasnt even been a year with alcohol. And yet I am always the "driver" among my friends. Partially due to the cars I choose (now have a 2001 Jetta), partially cuz I like driving, and partially cuz I have a reliable track record.


I have learned this in my short 5 years of driving "there is a time and a place for having fun" also "ebrake turns are fun on your friends s-turn driveway that he has to re-rake".


I do have a friend who "day dreams" while driving on the freeway. I one time caught him going 45 on the freeway. I said go faster, he said he couldn't. I leaned over and pressed down on his leg. The car went faster. He scares me by how absent minded he is.

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i think the most scared i have been in a car was when i was 17. my mom had this white 94 buick regal maybe i dunno big damn car front wheel drive and i took a 35 curve at about 65 and it was slick and i hit a little gravel and the ass end got loose thank goodness nobody was coming but i knew to stay calm and turn whichever way the ass went and let off the gas while i was not in full control it kicked back and forth 4 good times needless to say i slowed down to 45 the rest of the way home. <--- there puncuation i completed my sentence!

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I learned when I was younger how to drive, I've drove everything from a go-cart to a cargo truck (the cab of it looks like a full size van but the back 10-15 feet is a big high rise box). I've been blessed to be driving since I was 11 to about 23 without any wrecks on the highway but that was without license (yes I know its a bad thing but whats done is done) and I've only had 1 wreck.


When I was 22...pulling into my mothers drive way. I usually pull in and being funny I would drift the rear just abit to throw a lttle dirt and gravel up agianst the neighbors deck. Well the day came that set me straight.


I was doing my usual turn in the driveway and it was early morning and grass was wet just outside of the dirt and gravel driveway and my bosses kid at that time used the car to do burnouts the day before (I didnt know this till later after the wreck). My lack of not paying attention to my tires being slicker then a babies ass greased with crisco caused me to run straight into the deck paneling that covers the area under the deck. Sad part is when I lost control on the wet grass I was slowing down and I could of jumped out and ran a circle around the car before it hit the paneling lol.



I have a cousin thats NOT to bright at ALL. he'll do things like drag race with a jeep he had, he rolled it a few times but other then getting stuck in the forehead with a piece of the windshield...he was ok.

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Got pulled over once for doing 80 in a 60 on 205. I had been doing the speed limit until the Chick Driver Trifecta started cruising beside me.


The Trifecta:


Make-up - being applied in the driver side vanity mirror (who the fuck designed that?!)

Cellphone - in hand and actively being yammered in to, absorbing most of the driver's attention not being taken by the application of make up.

Friend - continuely fucking with the radio, singing, etc, etc, etc. Chick passengers are often worse than chick drivers because they'll freak out and grab at the steering wheel creating accidents from what would have been near-misses.


Anyways, I end up leaving her in some traffic and put a good two miles between us; bam, red and blues.


Officer comes up and using that wise ass voice askes "Where you going in a hurry?"


The timing was perfect.


"Anywhere away from her, officer." and I point to Chick Trifecta coming down the free way. Still on her cell phone, still applying make up, and her friend is now half way in the back seat, unbuckled, ass wedged between the two front seats.


Cop just looks at me and goes "Understandable. I think I'll go have a chat with her about priorities."

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