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What the fuck is wrong with people these days?


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So I just vented to my roommate, but need some additional outlet and comments.


I got off work today and went up to mom and dad's to get a burrette. (Device for measuring liquid, 25 ml to be exact.) Going to measure my cylinder head volume that way, and the piston dish for the motor I'm building.


I go up there, get the burrette, go to Lowes, get some plexiglass and some flood light bulbs, and head for home. In Coeur d' Alene at this point. I'm driving normal speed, in the right lane, and some gold colored grand am starts passing me really slow like, and I don't care, I'm just cruising in the right lane thinking hurry up and pass you moron, there are people behind you.


He gets up along side, I have my window open, arm out, sunglasses, Datsun hat and Napa shirt, and starts making motions with his hand to him, then me, then him, then me. I catch this out of the corner of my eye and start paying attention like anyone would, what I have a tire flat, brake light out, etc.


Now that he has my full attention, he follows it up with a motion that's pretty much universal. Fist in front of face, moving back and forth in front of his mouth. You guessed it, guy wants a blowjob, then does some more me? you? motion with his hand. So I'm having a hard time comprehending this and literally say out loud to no one in the car, "What the fuck?" And he starts to pull away slowly and gets in front of me a few car lengths ahead while I'm still flabbergasted for lack of a better word.


So I'm thinking to myself, did that actually just happen? In Idaho? Yep, it did, so I say fuck that and kick it down a gear and pass him, get in front of him and start slowing down to force him to slow down. Box him in between a car in the left lane and then he executes a quick pass, to which I swerve over fully in his lane and make him ride the shoulder and he gives me the open arms "What did I do?" expression. And I give him a big Ratsun salute, and then he speeds off.


I can't catch him, don't even try, the hardbody is not fast, but I increase the speed to catch him eventually and somehow he must have taken an exit because I thought I had him and then got up to that car and it turned out to be a gold Honda instead.


Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out if I mistook his gestures for something other than it was, and I can't think of a damn thing. He didn't have anybody else in the car from what I could see. A smaller latino looking guy. I don't even care if he was gay, the fact that he thought it would be okay to proposition a complete stranger for a blowjob on the freeway really ticks me off. Especially because it was me. I can't think of any gesture that could be confused with "would you like to suck my dick?" It's blowing my mind that it would happen in redneck Idaho. I checked the truck when I got home to see if someone had stuck a rainbow coalition sticker on my truck or something. Nope.





I don't know personally I've seen just as much behavior from hetero folks. I really wish people would learn how to control themselves, don't need to see fatasses dry humping in lowes when I am there to get paint.

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I don't know personally I've seen just as much behavior from hetero folks. I really wish people would learn how to control themselves, don't need to see fatasses dry humping in lowes when I am there to get paint.



mmm...nothing like seeing a 400lb woman in stretchy pajamas with the phrase "creamy" emblazoned on the semi truck sized derriere having her muffin top and tonsils groped by a 100lb tweaker...yeah...try explaining that one to your kid in the middle of the grocery store...both you and your kid standing there trying to figure out if it is an expression of love or a hippie trying to save a beached manatee.

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how do you know the guy was queer? ... coulda just been a weirdo perv


but yeah, i wouldn't advise chasing the guy for any reason as it prolly just excited him :lol:



best to ignore and go far away...he may have misinterpreted the brake slam and ratsun salute as flirting and playing hard to get...be sure to let us know if you see a gold trans am parked around your neighborhood and what appears to be a very large owl in a tree outside your bedroom window...

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Guest kamakazi620

best to ignore and go far away...he may have misinterpreted the brake slam and ratsun salute as flirting and playing hard to get...be sure to let us know if you see a gold trans am parked around your neighborhood and what appears to be a very large owl in a tree outside your bedroom window...

Who who whhhhhhhhhhooooooooooo,and its raining white shit......

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And now I'm beginning to regret sharing this story, glad you're all amused. :rolleyes:



We could share in your outrage, but that would just piss you off more...now you won't be pissed anymore, instead you will be looking in your rearview mirror for a transam and out your bedroom window for stalkers...much better, right?

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Guest kamakazi620

And now I'm beginning to regret sharing this story, glad you're all amused. :rolleyes:

If i lived near ya i'd be right over to give ya a hug.......................From BEHIND!!!!!! wink wink.

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Joke 1. How can you tell if your buddy is gay? If he gets a hard on when you're effing him up the ass.


Joke 2. What do you call a guy from spokane that owns both sheep and goats? Bisexual.


Joke 3. Pedobear gets released from jail after 5 years. Reporter asks him if hes relieved to be out.

Pedobear says " i so feel great! I feel like a kid again!"

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News flash, gays have been around since time began.


You are correct- to an extent. Homosexuals HAVE been around for a very long time~ frogs have the ability to change sex in order to continue survival of the species.

It isn't right or wrong any more than the color of your eyes.


Wrong~ only certain cold-blooded reptiles and some plants have been enabled with this ability. Father God, Mother Nature, or Karma (choose your faith~ I've chosen mine, and STAND BY IT) has made it so procreation is capable only by bi-gender interreaction, yet the human masses thru shameless political endeavors and voter cowardiss to step forward and make your voice known have made it possible for same-sex couples to "procreate" via adoption, etc., thereby continuing and amplifying the moral degradition of current society.

If you believe in an infallible god then how could he have made a mistake like a gay person? Probably because he didn't and we are simply diverse and wonderful in our diversity. .


I do, and He is. It's no mistake, and well documented in both old and new testaments, and in the dead sea scrolls~ the three of which written hundreds to possibly thousands of years apart all quite literally confirm (my) God does not impose upon free will~ your belief or betrayal of Him is your own choice. So you're right in that respectI He didn't make that mistake~ he allowed us humans to.


we are simply diverse and wonderful in our diversity. .


I grasp and embrace the political position you're in, Mike~ the operative word here being political. But as a politician, whether it be ratsun, a democracy, or the dysfunctional republic we're now in, one must choose the higher path; which is not to say what one thinks the masses wish to hear, but to speak your piece (and have your peace) in what you believe~ and make your stand. And if what you believe- and how you manifest those beliefs in your actions- is truly important then those masses will stand behind you, loyal to the end.


Be you Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhust, gay, schizophrenic- whatever- I will engage you in courteous, respectful, calm, and deliberate conversation. But you must make a stand for what you believe. As Jesus said~ " be hot, or cold- but if you are lukewarm (indifferent) I will spit you from my mouth". Rev. 3:15-17


It is proven that no matter what one says or does to please others, one in ten will still not like you. I'd never make a true politician~ cuz I just don't get the math of pissin off nine to please the one!


So I now ask you all whom dare to respond~ What do YOU believe in...?


My stand....



P.S.~ that doesn't mean I don't get, or can't embrace the above jokes~ you guys are a riot!

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Guest kamakazi620

And IBTL! And frogs can spontaneously change their sex in order to mate, just sayin' :)

So...............Can we call it "Froggy Love"???? or "Kermits Delight"? wanna be my ms piggy?

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