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glad i wasn't in the truck....

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my dad was pulling a trailer up to maryville to do a package unit changeout when the two right axles on the trailer locked, and the tires blew. he was doing 50-60 mph on the interstate, and the trailer pulled him backwards down into a ditch. (no injuries)


















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The trailer tires and the front truck tire are off the rim from sliding sideways and haven't blown. Note they are all on the same side.


according to what i have heard, when the axles seized, the tires blew, the trailer went sideways, and pulled the truck and trailer down into a ditch. my dad tried to counter-steer, and the front tire (the one that is blown) hit a couple of large rocks.

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according to what i have heard, when the axles seized, the tires blew, the trailer went sideways, and pulled the truck and trailer down into a ditch. my dad tried to counter-steer, and the front tire (the one that is blown) hit a couple of large rocks.


What are the chances the two axles on the same side of a trailer seized? Check the tires and you'll find they just peeled off the rims from sliding sideways off the road. (Sh)it happens.

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it's a company trailer. not well maintained. not my problem tho.


I hear that! Up here the driver is responsible for the trailer and any load. It's up to the driver to check these things and refuse to use it if he feels it unsafe. Not your problem but this could gave turned out far worse for your dad.

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I hear that! Up here the driver is responsible for the trailer and any load. It's up to the driver to check these things and refuse to use it if he feels it unsafe. Not your problem but this could gave turned out far worse for your dad.


ive been telling my dad for about 2 years now to retire. he's almost 60, as blood pressure problems and has a fused ankle (work related injury, story for another time) but he never listens. confused1.gif

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Just like a teenager.


I swear that at some point we turn around and regress. We start out drooling and in diapers and end up that way near the end.


lol! too true. i kinda feel bad for him. he works himself to death and his boss is a dick. (my former boss, i couldnt put up with it)

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