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dealing with people on craigslist

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how do you deal with people on craigslist im trying to work out a trade and the dude isnt responding anymore should i give up or what


Yes. :)


I'm always very up front with craigslist time wasting asshats. When they want my address to come look at my whatever, I tell them I have a call coming in, and to give me a shout when they are heading out, and I'll give it to them. When they ask me about specs of whatever I'm selling, I refer them to google, as they most certainly have internet access. If they call me more than twice regarding my item, I discontinue answering the phone. When they want to trade, usually they are full of shit, because no one wants what they have, otherwise they would sell it.

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I had some wheels for sale a few days ago, I gave the first person to contact me first dibs, he didn't show up within a half hour if when he said he would and no call or text so I called the 2nd guy. 2nd guy shows up fast with cash and as he's looking at them the first guy shows up an hour late. He offered me $20 more than asking to sell them to him but I told him no, he didn't show up so I called someone else and it was too late. He wasn't happy, but I was :fu:

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I will never buy a Honda Civic off Craig's again, probably one of the most painful experiences in my life. I called on about 15 cars, only ended up looking at two, and bought the one from the first adultish person that had a clue.


One kid wanted $2000 for a hatch that booked at $1100 and was worth about 800. I offered him 1300 because of his situation in life (new baby, 19 years old, married, flashbacks to active duty for me), and I'm not afraid to pull a large dent. He said he had it sold to a guy for 1800 and he was coming at 2:00 (it was 1:45). Very politely I told him my offer stands I will wait until 2:00. So 1:58 roles around and he sends me a text saying his wife is calling the cops, I need to leave.


My response was: Do it, I said I would wait until 2:00. When the cops show up I will explain to them the situation, show them the texts between us along with my disabled veterans card and they will tell you to quit being a punk 19 year old kid.


Neither the cops or the other buyer showed.

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Haha, yeah, craigslist is always fun. I've had mostly good experiences on cl, a few bad ones, but you never know. Usually I try and do business not at my house, either meet at the Safeway, or I'm happy to drive to theirs with whatever I'm selling.


Buddy and I sold an '83 720 to this dumbass mexican kid for $450, at the house (stupid), TOLD HIM the tranny was fucked, and needed to be looked at before he drove it anywhere long distance. So what does he do? He buys it and heads to Tri-Shities. Locks in 2nd about 60 miles outside of Spokane, he calls Buddy who says, dude, we told you.


Next morning, knock on the door, it's the guy. I had a quick convo with Bud saying, look he's here, he's a dipshit, but the fact that he showed up to get help/money back/something, means we need to just accept the facts and take the truck back. Which is what we did, but I told him were were keeping $100 for gas to tow the stupid thing back. Which he agreed to, and I white knuckled the 720 back home with the 620.


Moral of the story: Never sell a car, unless brand fucking new, at your house. And even then, meet the buyer somewhere else, unless you know the guy.

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I rented a room in a house when my gf and i split up, that i found off craigs list. All my room mates were women. I nailed two of them. My gf and i got back together, and i had a threesome with one of the chicks from that house.


Oh, cars... Yeah, funny how i only get the good shots of cars, and when i see it in person its a dump... Sucks. And they always ask way to high for what they got. I do understand asking a bit more, since everyone on CL is looking for a deal and wants to tlak you down.


I have met some crazy fuckers off CL

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well shit dude seemed interested then he hasent said anything maybe he will get back to me later maybe not in the mean time anyone got some 16 inch lt tires?


Just change the ad to read:

16" inches....

Then see what kind of freaks you get!

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Haha, yeah, craigslist is always fun. I've had mostly good experiences on cl, a few bad ones, but you never know. Usually I try and do business not at my house, either meet at the Safeway, or I'm happy to drive to theirs with whatever I'm selling.


Buddy and I sold an '83 720 to this dumbass mexican kid for $450, at the house (stupid), TOLD HIM the tranny was fucked, and needed to be looked at before he drove it anywhere long distance. So what does he do? He buys it and heads to Tri-Shities. Locks in 2nd about 60 miles outside of Spokane, he calls Buddy who says, dude, we told you.


Next morning, knock on the door, it's the guy. I had a quick convo with Bud saying, look he's here, he's a dipshit, but the fact that he showed up to get help/money back/something, means we need to just accept the facts and take the truck back. Which is what we did, but I told him were were keeping $100 for gas to tow the stupid thing back. Which he agreed to, and I white knuckled the 720 back home with the 620.


Moral of the story: Never sell a car, unless brand fucking new, at your house. And even then, meet the buyer somewhere else, unless you know the guy.


Wow !!


Bill of sale ,,, "as is parts car" or "tranny is no good",,, have witness sign time of day ,,, have them initial it next to their signature and even copy the drivers license if you can on the contract ( if possible and agreed between two party's involved ) :)


even then liability's still suck :(

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

The way I look at craigslist and other online sites selling shit,

If I am buying, cut to the chase(then the seller knows I am serious)If I like it I will buy it period,how do you think I have in my lifetime owned well over 100 510s :lol: :cool:



If I am selling

(not too often,Did try to sell a bit of a beater goon about 5 years ago,to many flakes, guess what, I cut it up :P sent the flakes pics of it cut up :lol: :lol: ,once had a real dork trying to get into 510s, he picked apart a rear bumper,tell yah what bud get the FUCK of my property now!! scared the shit out of him :fu: )



filter mode comes big time, usually look for people like myself,straight foreward not a million stupid fucking questions, if you need to ask if a 40 year old car has over xxx amount of miles, Fuck off...

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Is that 12,000 original miles on the odometer?!!! :cool: Yeah, it is. By the way, I'll sell you a cop car too. It's parked down the street, just get in and drive off.



You know it, play the fools :lol:

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Haha, yeah, craigslist is always fun. I've had mostly good experiences on cl, a few bad ones, but you never know. Usually I try and do business not at my house, either meet at the Safeway, or I'm happy to drive to theirs with whatever I'm selling.


Buddy and I sold an '83 720 to this dumbass mexican kid for $450, at the house (stupid), TOLD HIM the tranny was fucked, and needed to be looked at before he drove it anywhere long distance. So what does he do? He buys it and heads to Tri-Shities. Locks in 2nd about 60 miles outside of Spokane, he calls Buddy who says, dude, we told you.


Next morning, knock on the door, it's the guy. I had a quick convo with Bud saying, look he's here, he's a dipshit, but the fact that he showed up to get help/money back/something, means we need to just accept the facts and take the truck back. Which is what we did, but I told him were were keeping $100 for gas to tow the stupid thing back. Which he agreed to, and I white knuckled the 720 back home with the 620.


Moral of the story: Never sell a car, unless brand fucking new, at your house. And even then, meet the buyer somewhere else, unless you know the guy.

I think I would have kept half for him also blowing the tranny. About five years ago, I sold a posi rear-end I'd rebuilt and upgraded to a dude from CL once. I specifically told the dude, "Look man, it MUST be allowed to cool down completely after the FIRST 20 miles of driving, then an easy drive for the next 500 miles to let everything mesh out."


Two days later numb nuts is in my yard throwing a box of grenaded diff gears at my house and was shortly arrested after, when he refused to leave, instead opting to threaten to "beat my beat out my asshole".


The best part was, pencil dick's coke head girlfriend up loaded the "first drive grenade" video onto Youtube and a buddy found it. Suing him was a cake walk after that. Took about 3 months for his fuckwit friends to stop driving by my house though.


Moral of the story: I never sell anything out of my house unless I feel good about them (this dude seemed shady from the get go; my bad).



Too soon?

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The Fucktard-Flaking-Robots to Good Buyer/Seller Ratio ,,,,, is astoundingly high on Craigslist ,,,,,, nuff-said



That being said ,,, contact 1 more time ,,, if they are interested they will get back to you soon ,,, if not move on ,,, I always give priority to First Contact ,,, But I give a deadline that is agreed/understood by both parties involved ,,, if they fail to meet on their end with no contact/bullshit,,, then I move down the list of names ,,, unless that particular person pisses me off ( offer 5% less in person then they promised or agreed to ,,, wasn't the money ,,, the principle !!! ,,,,I actually told a buyer to leave naow as there are 10 people behind him waiting to get this volvo car I was selling ,,, as there truly was ,,, fucktard-flaking-robot called for two days after ,,, I already sold the volvo car 1 hour after he was told to leave ,,, :D )

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