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No this isn't a bitch about not getting enough. I was reading in the paper where people think that drivers have no respect for other drivers, which is no surprise, but they say it's noticeably worse in the last few years. I grew up in the 50s and drove in the 60s and never ever heard of road rage, and if it was around it was so rare that it didn't have a name. When someone made a whoops the driver that felt was wronged would just tap the horn twice quickly to let him know that a mistake was made. Escalation was very rare. Ego was satisfied and they moved on. If someone wasn't paying attention when the light turned green a short 'pip' on the horn was all that was needed. Everyone was courteous and driving was a team effort to see we all got there safely.


I have many an occasion to work on or along in town roads and long loud blasts are common for the simplest transgressions. No one wants someone to cut in front of them so they follow the next guy too closely. Everyone is in a hurry to get there. Merging is a nightmare of horns and fingers. The worst are the elderly and the young, all ages are bad. The police don't help it's widly known and accepted that you can exceed the limit by 10Km and nothing will happen so all speed limit signs are read +10.


So here is my plan to clear up this mess and fix the world. Have the police simply enforce the laws. You don't have to add more laws just enforce them and the police are already in place. If more are needed then hire them. 1 km/MPH over and a fine say $100, car towed to impound for 24 hrs, 2 to 5 over $500 and car impounded, you walk for two weeks, 6-10 over $1000 fine, loss of license for a month, car gone for two months, over 10 and you car is gone permanently, license for a year and $2500 fine. Street racing?... car gone license gone permanently and $10000 fine. Court date??? LOL no court, you are automatically guilty, pay up, do the time drive slower.


Here's what happens...Soon people who see a cop on the road feel their bowels turn to water. Law enforcement has a new face and new respect. People soon realize that they must work together to get where they are going and those who are slow learners help balance the economy. Insurance rated drop by half for everyone else. People leave earlier for work and enjoy the ride more. Stress reduced people live longer happier lives. The respect for laws spills over into the rest of society and crime drops, the environment is better respected, people and companies are more ethical. Car companies build cars that GPS the location option and cannot exceed the limit. Slowly the new enforcement is phased out as not needed. Global warming begins to slow.

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I have many an occasion to work on or along in town roads and long loud blasts are common for the simplest transgressions. No one wants someone to cut in front of them so they follow the next guy too closely. Everyone is in a hurry to get there. Merging is a nightmare of horns and fingers. The worst are the elderly and the young, all ages are bad. The police don't help it's widly known and accepted that you can exceed the limit by 10Km and nothing will happen so all speed limit signs are read +10.


So here is my plan to clear up this mess and fix the world. Have the police simply enforce the laws. You don't have to add more laws just enforce them and the police are already in place. If more are needed then hire them. 1 km/MPH over and a fine say $100, car towed to impound for 24 hrs, 2 to 5 over $500 and car impounded, you walk for two weeks, 6-10 over $1000 fine, loss of license for a month, car gone for two months, over 10 and you car is gone permanently, license for a year and $2500 fine. Street racing?... car gone license gone permanently and $10000 fine. Court date??? LOL no court, you are automatically guilty, pay up, do the time drive slower.




The reason (here at least) that you dont get a ticket for the first 5 miles over the limit is because not everyone speedometer is perfect so they allow for the chance that you think it's right

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But Your Friend Skib would be in Prison Based on what you've requested..





lulz :lol:



Id better start saving now .......




actually my only outstanding ticket atm is a failure to register.

but thats because someone decided to hold onto the vin tag for my 620 and it took me 7 months to get it so I could register it :rolleyes:


Iv been good on the other shit lately :lol: (its been like a whole year since Iv broke 100 on the street)

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If those were the fines, I would walk.... in the middle of the fucking road. And I would vote that the states to the south of you secede and make our own country... oh yeah, you're Canadian, do your thing man. Just leave USA out of it.

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Guest kamakazi620

No this isn't a bitch about not getting enough. I was reading in the paper where people think that drivers have no respect for other drivers, which is no surprise, but they say it's noticeably worse in the last few years. I grew up in the 50s and drove in the 60s and never ever heard of road rage, and if it was around it was so rare that it didn't have a name. When someone made a whoops the driver that felt was wronged would just tap the horn twice quickly to let him know that a mistake was made. Escalation was very rare. Ego was satisfied and they moved on. If someone wasn't paying attention when the light turned green a short 'pip' on the horn was all that was needed. Everyone was courteous and driving was a team effort to see we all got there safely.


I have many an occasion to work on or along in town roads and long loud blasts are common for the simplest transgressions. No one wants someone to cut in front of them so they follow the next guy too closely. Everyone is in a hurry to get there. Merging is a nightmare of horns and fingers. The worst are the elderly and the young, all ages are bad. The police don't help it's widly known and accepted that you can exceed the limit by 10Km and nothing will happen so all speed limit signs are read +10.


So here is my plan to clear up this mess and fix the world. Have the police simply enforce the laws. You don't have to add more laws just enforce them and the police are already in place. If more are needed then hire them. 1 km/MPH over and a fine say $100, car towed to impound for 24 hrs, 2 to 5 over $500 and car impounded, you walk for two weeks, 6-10 over $1000 fine, loss of license for a month, car gone for two months, over 10 and you car is gone permanently, license for a year and $2500 fine. Street racing?... car gone license gone permanently and $10000 fine. Court date??? LOL no court, you are automatically guilty, pay up, do the time drive slower.


Here's what happens...Soon people who see a cop on the road feel their bowels turn to water. Law enforcement has a new face and new respect. People soon realize that they must work together to get where they are going and those who are slow learners help balance the economy. Insurance rated drop by half for everyone else. People leave earlier for work and enjoy the ride more. Stress reduced people live longer happier lives. The respect for laws spills over into the rest of society and crime drops, the environment is better respected, people and companies are more ethical. Car companies build cars that GPS the location option and cannot exceed the limit. Slowly the new enforcement is phased out as not needed. Global warming begins to slow.

I will ONLY agree to this if its ALSO legal to SHOOT the cop when HE lies and said i was speeding,when i was going 10 under the speed limit

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Guest kamakazi620

Ooh ooh ooh, and everyone has to be a traffic officer for one month out of the year, so they know what it's like.... and cops make 10000 a month.

+1!!!!!!!!! THATS What im talking about when EVERYONE has to walk in EVERYONE Elses shoes then there is Mucho Respect!

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I drive 3000 miles a week and I see it all. Road rage, cuttin across 3 lanes of trafic to make the next exit, etc etc. Cars are not the only ones doing this. There are just as many stupid truck drivers out there too!


Speeding in construction zones is one of my pet peeves. If it says 55 I'm doin 50 or 55. Especially now with all this holiday traffic, a little patience goes a long way. It may cost you 5 minutes in travel time to slow down and be more observant, but that is a lot better than having your blood spilled all over the interstate for the world to see.

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+1!!!!!!!!! THATS What im talking about when EVERYONE has to walk in EVERYONE Elses shoes then there is Mucho Respect!

That works too. I was just looking for an easy. 10 grand.

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Guest kamakazi620

That works too. I was just looking for an easy. 10 grand.

My Ex guitarist was just in a horrible car wreck in Texas,He told me the Texas cops were SUPER nice to him.

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I believe Texas still has some courtesy left, but it is getting steadily worse as far as the road rage and rudeness goes.

Hate to hear about wrecks though. Hope everyone came out okay.

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The reason (here at least) that you dont get a ticket for the first 5 miles over the limit is because not everyone speedometer is perfect so they allow for the chance that you think it's right


Out of order!!! Get it fixed or pay. Zero tolerance. :lol:


Seriously, if people were made responsible for their actions and fear the law it's a start. Slowly it would spill over into other things in life. I remember reading a study once done to correct bad writing. (not spelling but legibility) Slowly over many months of being forced to write carefully and legibly the poor writers found their lives changing for the better. They were more organized.

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Out of order!!! Get it fixed or pay. Zero tolerance. :lol:


Seriously, if people were made responsible for their actions and fear the law it's a start. Slowly it would spill over into other things in life. I remember reading a study once done to correct bad writing. (not spelling but legibility) Slowly over many months of being forced to write carefully and legibly the poor writers found their lives changing for the better. They were more organized.



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And i never like being automatically guilty ever. I didn't know Canadians had no belief in democracy or due process


It's wrong to assume that all Canadians have these beliefs just because Mike does :P


Dam mike, the law, and law enforcement isn't ment to be feared, it's ment to understood and respected.


Fear is by no means a answer for law and the police.


If you fear the cops you won't be in a good state o mind should you need help in a emergency.



I think he more or less means the fear of getting pulled over and ticketed. Not so much the cop themselves

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Respect is something you earn from people you know or from people that know of you. Comman courtesy is something that everyone should give to each other, being courtious may mean being respectful, but it is not the same as the word "respect", respect you earn. There are not a lot of curtious people driving cars nowdays, that is because the police don't inforce laws that would demand drivers to be curtious, doing so would not get an elected politition re-elected because these people don't think there doing anything wrong, the best example of this is the sign on the freeway that says, "keep right except when passing"



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