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Dis-functional family? ON VIDEO!

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rolleyes.gif As a pre-curser to any of this, it is essential that you read the story before watching the video. Trust me, it's worth it.



Alright, this is for you guys at Ratsun and SoFresh. It's got a bit of a story behind it. My brother has an attitude problem, and he shows it, but this really tops it off. The little fucker pushed my mom into a pile of my engine parts so i decided to record the aftermath.


Here's the story:


It starts early this morning. I wake up at 6AM on the dot, ready to go to work and show up early. I always get there early, because I like to sit for a few minuets and eat my breakfast before clocking in and working. I got up this morning in particular, and my brothers shitty little Hyundai Tiburon (fail wheel drive) is parked like... 2 inches from my bumper. I could not get out. My mom went down stairs and asked him nicely 4 times to get up and move his car so I can get out. He starts yelling about how I shouldn't have parked my car there (I was working on the brakes last night) and how it was my fault that I hadn't put my car in the street. Fast forward 30 minuets, I'm late for work, and STILL haven't left yet. I'm caught in traffic behind school busses trying to get there. Fortunately, I don't get written up for being late.



Right before this video was recorded, he was complaining about how he broke the lip on his car and needed the garage so he could pull it off and fix it. I knew he didn't need the garage, but whatever. I have my L/Z20 parts laying around from mocking it up earlier. I move it over and make room for him to pull in. He goes flying into the garage like the ricer faggot he is. Opens his door into a jack stand. PISSED. And I'm secretly LOL'ing inside. He grabs the sheet metal I have on the floor near my engine that I scooped the oil dry onto and throws it into the driveway. Shit is EVERYWHERE. Grabs the jackstands, goes running to the closet with them and on the way there.....



FUCKING BAM! Smacks his freshly painted fender with the corner. Deep ass dent, and a major gash. He goes off. Louder then i've ever heard him yell and more pissed then I think he's ever been. He knocks my mom into a pile of my parts, screaming and I'm on the edge of knocking him sensless. he's throwing my parts around, I'm sure stuffs broken, but I will get my revenge. After my mom gets up, I started recording.....


Here is the video....


The video stops recording because my mom got ahold of it and stopped it. I went after my brother, he came after me with a tire iron, and you can guess what happened from there....











Sorry the videos so shitty, I was trying not to make it obvious I was recording unsure.gif

Edited by metalmonkey47
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Sounds to me like both of you should have your ass kicked for talking like that in front of your mom.

Your both a couple of punks in my book. :rolleyes:

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I have 6 brothers ,,, been there done that ,,, :lol: ,,, no family is "normal" ,,, Keep the cursing to a minimum ,,, things can be replaced








But seriously ,,, pushing your mom into a pile of parts ??? :blink:









The best thing you can do in these situations ,,, is make sure your mom doesn't get hurt ,,, and be as ekually positive to your brother as he is pissed off :D ( makes pissed of people even moar pissed off :lol: )

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In my world your mom would have failed the requirements to be permitted to have children. The language, the temper tantrums on all sides...pathetic.



Sounds to me like both of you should have your ass kicked for talking like that in front of your mom.

Your both a couple of punks in my book. :rolleyes:


Words are words. How do words make anything different? He treats my mom like shit, and I defend her everytime. He has no respect, so I do what I can to keep him in his place. How is that make me a bad person?

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Keep the cursing to a minimum ,,, things can be replaced








But seriously ,,, pushing your mom into a pile of parts ??? :blink:









The best thing you can do in these situations ,,, is make sure your mom doesn't get hurt ,,, and be as ekually positive to your brother as he is pissed off :D ( makes pissed of people even moar pissed off :lol: )


Meh, if I didn't already know my mom was okay, I would have beat the shit out of him. He didn't come at me at that point, so I stood my ground and kept myself calm as I could.


My brother has no respect. I have to do what i can to keep her safe from the little dick. I was walking away, and he came at me. I got into it woth him because he threatened me. I won't fight him in front of my mom unless theres no other way.dry.gif He just doesn't get it.

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Holy hell dude. And did I read joker on his windshield? Y'all don't look Mexican. And no disrespect to any Mexicans/other Hispanics on here, I knew a few Jokers back in Cali.

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AH!! equally i tried and tried i just could not figure what the hell word you were going for but i finally figured it out..Not grammar nazi -ing more obsessiveness ing..


Sorry that`s all i had to say

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AH!! equally i tried and tried i just could not figure what the hell word you were going for but i finally figured it out..Not grammar nazi -ing more obsessiveness ing..


Sorry that`s all i had to say


:lol: ,,,, thanks ,,, that button on my keyboard is broken !!! :P :lol:

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Just so you guys understand where I'm conming from with this, I am not some disrespectful teenager with no respect for my mother. This is far from the norm for me, however NOT for my brother.


I've already sat down an hour ago after it happened and explained to my mom and appologized for my harsh words and all the stress I put her through tonight. I'm a mama's boy. I love my mother, and seeing my brother take advantage of her eats the shit out of me, so tonight I figured I'd finally stand up for her. She was pissed at first, but once I explained myself and that I was not intending on letting her get hurt nor put stress on her over this, she gave me a hug, we exchanged kisses on the cheek, and all is fine.


I am NOT like this normally and don't usually speak like that around her. I just kinda started breaking up once I saw what was happening.

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What is Ratsun ? ,,,,,,,,, :lol:


I joke ,,, I joke ,,,, :cool:


Ratsun is the best forum on earth cool.gif


Full of car enthusiasts here to keep the Datsun dream alive. cool.gif



You a brawler ? ,,, :blink: ,,,





sorry for post-whoring on your thread MM47 :P :lol:

No need for appologies, I need a good laugh laugh.gif

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Why? Seriously... I understand this is general discussion 'talk about anything' and I have always dug your enthusiasm since you have joined. But why?!?!?! Are you a member of other forums where you post your personal domestic disturbances? Honestly not trying to be a dick but how is this adding to our Datsun community? It doesn't seem that funny/anecdotal. Its not rare or unheard-of. And is sure as shit isn't use full! The only reason I can fathom from posting your family drama is attention...


No Hate... Just WHY!

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Why? Seriously... I understand this is general discussion 'talk about anything' and I have always dug your enthusiasm since you have joined. But why?!?!?! Are you a member of other forums where you post your personal domestic disturbances? Honestly not trying to be a dick but how is this adding to our Datsun community? It doesn't seem that funny/anecdotal. Its not rare or unheard-of. And is sure as shit isn't use full! The only reason I can fathom from posting your family drama is attention...


No Hate... Just WHY!


Theres a simple answer to that: It's Ratsun. I respect the opinions and advice given by people here. Honestly, i wouldn't post this on any other forum, because this is the only one that actually provides me with any resonable advice. Especially DTP, Indy, and 510freak, but thats all strictly PM shenanigans mostly.


The forum is more then just a Datsun community. It's soooooo much more then that.


"how is this adding to our Datsun community?"


It's not. Thats why it's in general. Honestly, read through all the threads in general discussion, and you'de be surprised how many threads are irrelevant, un-interesting, and not beneficial in any way.







As said by DTP via PM:

MM47 ,,, you did the right thing dude ,,, just keep defending your mom ,,, I had a brother that was MUCH WORSE ,,, than this when he was younger ,,, fawker was twice my size ,,, when I turned 16 ,,, I was bench pressing 300lbs ( one time on a really good day :lol: ) ,,, so he didn't fawk with me ,,, but he felt it neccessary for screwing with my mommy :mellow: ,,, She would defend him ,,, AFTER ,,, he hit her ,,, if I saw anything on her ,,, or saw him doing it ,,, there are no words ,,, I have never lost a fight to him since I was 15-16 naow ,,, :D:lol:

You can't change him ,,, neither can your mom ,,, I gave my brother MANY opportunity's and tried to help him ,,, doesn't work that way ,,, ;)



^^ that kinda stuff really mellows me out when I'm in a shitty mood. I don't know anyone that can calm me down and change my perspective other then some of you Ratsun guys.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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ok so how old is your brother and you??? i think once i saw someone pushed my mom into car parts i would jump off my ass and leap towards the MF... i know it can be kinda hard since its your brother but dude he needs to learn to respect her and obey her wishes... clearly he was spoiled as a little kid.. must be the youngest of the family... you should show him of how he acted with your mom in the room and ask him for a apology for your mom. where is your dad in all of this.. clearly your brother has mad issues and does need to take anger management classes.


i am freaking pissed just watching this... your mom should have called the cops after he pushed her..

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Why? Seriously... I understand this is general discussion 'talk about anything' and I have always dug your enthusiasm since you have joined. But why?!?!?! Are you a member of other forums where you post your personal domestic disturbances? Honestly not trying to be a dick but how is this adding to our Datsun community? It doesn't seem that funny/anecdotal. Its not rare or unheard-of. And is sure as shit isn't use full! The only reason I can fathom from posting your family drama is attention...


No Hate... Just WHY!


I see your point ,,, but we are all open minded people ,,, typically Datsun people are very good/humble people ( most of us anyways ) ,,, it is general discussion after-all ;)


If you don't like the Topic ,,, no clicky ,,, and move onto a thread you do like :)


Ez Peezy friend :D

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Why? Seriously... I understand this is general discussion 'talk about anything' and I have always dug your enthusiasm since you have joined. But why?!?!?! Are you a member of other forums where you post your personal domestic disturbances? Honestly not trying to be a dick but how is this adding to our Datsun community? It doesn't seem that funny/anecdotal. Its not rare or unheard-of. And is sure as shit isn't use full! The only reason I can fathom from posting your family drama is attention...


No Hate... Just WHY!



Seriously? Youve "dug his entusiasm since he has joined"? Do you realize you joined a year after he did?



All ive got to say is good for you. Everyone saying that is not how you should have handled it are also probably those whiny little sissies that think spanking a kid is child abuse. Your brother needs a good ass whooping, and no one better than his big brother to do it. I had to do it to my little brother once, its not a good feeling but it has to be done sometimes. If that was my mom and one of my brothers, my mom would have beat the shit out of him. Little boys act like that, not men. You need to set your brother straight, because I dont think hes learned his lesson yet. Next time he blows up, clock him right in the nose and lay his ass out. Then when hes laying on the ground blind from the tears, explain that you will no longer stand for him acting like a child and disrespecting your mom.


Who cares about language, words are only words. Some people find curse words offensive, others dont. For those of you who say violence is not the answer, you are wrong. Sometimes the only way to get through to someone is physically, and nothing but physical violence will take them off of their high horse.

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Seriously? Youve "dug his entusiasm since he has joined"? Do you realize you joined a year after he did?


Yes I have MetalMonkey47 is Majorly enthusiastic about Datsuns and the knowledge base surrounding Datsuns. OH BTW I joined on the 10'th of June 09' and Monkey joined the 9'th of march 10' Not that IT MATTERS AT ALL!

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Yes I have MetalMonkey47 is Majorly enthusiastic about Datsuns and the knowledge base surrounding Datsuns. OH BTW I joined on the 10'th of June 09' and Monkey joined the 9'th of march 10' Not that IT MATTERS AT ALL!



My mistake, thought it read June 9th '10.

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