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DATSUN HOTWHEELS (and some other ones)

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So I'm in LaGrande this weekend through tuesday for work


lol Im sorry. :rofl: used to live there and it blows.


If your back by walmart go into the gamestop


ask for Kyle and tell him Skib says "they became one" hell know what it means :rofl:


if hes not there have them leave a note :rofl: for teh lulz

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if only you knew flat :rofl:


Inquiring minds.




Anyone want to send me a ae86. =)


The 4 I have are the only 4 I have seen.


I did find 37 Manga's at a freshly stocked Wally World a couple weeks ago.

All mine.


When are the Datto trucks getting released, Jun?

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lol Im sorry. :rofl: used to live there and it blows.


If your back by walmart go into the gamestop


ask for Kyle and tell him Skib says "they became one" hell know what it means :rofl:


if hes not there have them leave a note :rofl: for teh lulz


I was there for an install of our equipment at the Elgin Boise mill, I'm the lead engineer on the project so I had to be there and oversee (answer dumb fuckin questions). It's cool though, $180/day perdiem, mileage, hours paid for drive time and standing around the mill all day.


LaGrande is a worthless town foe shoe, the best part was that everything closes at 9pm, so we ended up having to eat at Denny's one night. The "bartender" came out front and told the hostess it was about to get crazy back in the lounge....ha ha, still can't stop laughing at that one!

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to everyone who has taken these apart how do you do it? i have a ken mary im looking to get really detailed with but the only thing i can think to do is drill out the rivets that leaves me wondering how to put it together

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Yeah all you have to do is drill out the rivets, easier said than done unless you have a drill press, then you can do your thing. Afterwards, some model glue, hobby glue, or epoxy will keep it together. Just make sure you don't hit the axle when drilling out the rivets or it won't roll properly once put back together.

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doesnt matter if it rolls im planning on bending the rear axle a little to get some camber back there

You should glue the axle in place afterwards then, because if it's bent, more than likely it'll turn with the corner facing upwards, rather than down like you'd want for negative camber. That's what happened when I did it, anyways.

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My hot wheels collection and a couple of custom models I've experimented with.


Picked up the blue models in Indonesia of all places. Never saw this particular color in Australia.


We've only just started ( in the last month) to see 2012 carded models where I live, though no 510's yet :-(









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Look at the rookie.


Those things are like herpes.

Come back when you find a Hako in the stores.




i was just kinda happy to find somthin kinda fun. im not planning on buying any more, i was there buying a fatherday card and saw it as i was walkin by :D

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