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Lung "Association" Calls for Phasing out of Petroleum-fueled Combustion Engine by 2025

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In its new report, “The Road to Clean Air,” the Lung Association asserts that the switch “next generation” vehicles across the state would have a transformational effect on the health of citizens and on the costs related to hospitalization, lost work and school days and premature deaths.


The Lung Association envisions a state in which conventional cars are mostly weeded out between 2017 and 2025 and replaced with vehicles powers by powerful batteries, electric plug-ins or fuel cells.



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There is no "clean" energy. The carbon print left by the production of "green" cars is higher than keeping a gas powered car on the road. The only way to eliminate emissions is to eliminate all carbon producing transportation completely. I wouldn't mind riding a horse everywhere...

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But riding a horse won't do it! In fact, if we replaced all cars with horses, we'd be worse off due to the methane emitted and the need for feeding an inefficient animal. Horses waste a shitload of their food, literally. Just look at how much it costs to raise and keep a horse, now figure you're going to ride 10-20 miles each day. That cost just went up, and it's probably a lot more than the cost of gas!


There are multiple studies on methane gas production, it's also very horribly damaging as a greenhouse gas.

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Oh sorry horses are bad too. They exhale CO2 and prodoce methane as a by product of digestion. Not to mention how much carbon is expended in the production and transport of hay and other feed. There is no green vehicle these people would be happiest if we all just died I think.

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Hydrogen can be made by two methods. Out of natural (methane) gas, then you have to figure out what to do with the carbon that is in methane, or using electrolysis to break up water.

With electrolysis, you are back to burning something to make electricity, or nuclear generation.

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I highly doubt a horse can produce more harmful gases than a vehicle. The cost of a horse would be way less than a car, think about it. A horse is cheap to buy, no fluid changes, no parts failing and needing replaced, no speeding tickets haha, you have to shoe them and feed them, that's all. A bail of feeding hay is $10, that lasts about a week for one horse ridden daily (my family owns horses, I know). And that is if you pay to feed them, they can always graze on land. You city folk crack me up with your "horses cost as much as a car" rhetoric lol

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I highly doubt a horse can produce more harmful gases than a vehicle. The cost of a horse would be way less than a car, think about it. A horse is cheap to buy, no fluid changes, no parts failing and needing replaced, no speeding tickets haha, you have to shoe them and feed them, that's all. A bail of feeding hay is $10, that lasts about a week for one horse ridden daily (my family owns horses, I know). And that is if you pay to feed them, they can always graze on land. You city folk crack me up with your "horses cost as much as a car" rhetoric lol


Don't forget storage and maintainence. Can't park your horse at the condo man...and what's all that horseshit in the street :lol:

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Storage isn't a problem. If cars are eliminated, build a small stall around where you park your car, throw some dirt on the ground, and there you go, a horse parking spot haha. It would only be feasible to replace a car with a horse if all cars were disposed of and you live in the country, other wise bicycles are your best bet

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I am definitely NOT a city person, and have owned horses. They are expensive as hell. You're forgetting the land note for that pasture, and drought years, when hay goes through the roof. Then there's fences, and barn up keep. All of the various shit they break while trying to kill themselves (horses are naturally suicidal I've decided), vet bills when they hurt themselves or just get stupid sicknesses. They suck. My wife loves them. I hope I never have to deal with another one. My datsun doesn't cost a damned thing when I'm not using it, and I can't go to jail or get fined for shooting my datsun if it breaks down. And you can't part out a 30 y/o horse anymore thanks to Willy Nelson and his buddies who didn't like horses getting butchered.

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If you have a ranch and a herd of horses, it will obviously be more expensive than a single car, but not a fleet of cars. I'm not saying they don't have costs, just not as much as producing and owning cars.


I agree about horses being suicidal. Have you ever had one eat lavender? It's like lsd to a horse, its funny as hell but they can die from it

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We live next door to and across street from three families of barrel racers and penners and i think you`ve forgotten about daily stall cleaning and getting ride of waste. My oldest son makes enough cleaning stalls every night to buy anything he wants ANYTHING..I can leave cars parked for six - nine months with absolutely no ill effects or money output at all..Try that with a horse.

That`s just my opinion but i hate horses, accept maybe made into hamburger.

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That's assuming you are too lazy to do the work yourself. Your son does the work and it doesn't cost him a thing, just as it wouldn't cost the owner a thing if they did it themselves. Waste can be made into compost, fertilizer, and fuel, there are uses for everything. People did it for hundreds of years, why is it suddenly impossible to do now?

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When horses were the main form of transportation the population of the earth was a fraction of what it is currently. I have lots of experience with horses and it seems that everyone I know who has them complains about how much they cost. Sure hay is $10 a bail now see what it costs when the demand for it increases exponentially. Horses do break down and you can't get parts for them you just get a new one. Whether or not they are as wasteful as a car is immaterial. They will complain about them too. The PETA will get all peep pee harded that they are being exploited and on and on. There is no way to make these people happy there is nno solution accept it.

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screw PETA too, and the green peace douchbags that stand on street corners trying to get you to donate :angry:






Im by far not a redneck, right winger, or whatnot..........


and I think the engineering of electric cars is cool

but I keeping my damn real cars, and Im keeping my damn guns







suck it hippies.



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Actually, if we just killed half the people on the planet, we'd be fine. I'm waiting for another bubonic plague situation. Who gets to die though? There was an episode of sliders like this. They had a "lottery."

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