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WOW....clown shoes.

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See, I knew someone smarter than myself in the engineering department of Ratsun would help me out there! :D Oh crap, I made some THICK stew and drank a beer and I'm totally feeling it. I'm surprised I can type. Think maybe I'll go put a turbo on the 510.

:rofl: I kid, I kid!


I know a guy that will sell you a manifold and turbo cheap! Custom made out of a engine hoist boom :rofl:

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You guys should shut the fuck up!!! He's doing what he loves to do. Trial and error my friends. You guys should look at the rides here on ratsun. Cobbled together piece of shits. Let alone some peoples skills. Can't wire up a matchbox. Or ir alternator. Tune a weber dgv. Even tighten lug nuts. Lol. The list goes on and on.We don't give them shit. We say yeah I'll show you how. This whole thread is clown shoes. Even my opinion


wow so can you give me a ride in your beast of a rx 7.....u went from angry to shit head in 2.8 seconds good job...way to contradict yourself in the same paragraph..


metal how did he convince the neighbor kid to hold the rear end of his car during the burnout to keep from doing himself a nice lawn job...i woulda kept tha vid to myself ...what was the sound reccorded on a can of tomato soup and a string..

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wow so can you give me a ride in your beast of a rx 7.....u went from angry to shit head in 2.8 seconds good job...way to contradict yourself in the same paragraph..


metal how did he convince the neighbor kid to hold the rear end of his car during the burnout to keep from doing himself a nice lawn job...i woulda kept tha vid to myself ...what was the sound reccorded on a can of tomato soup and a string..


Dude you need to chill out. You're taking this thread WAY too seriously! If you don't like the car, don't build one like it. Jesus dude.


Have you looked at most of the cars on here and all of the "ghetto" ways that people go about repairing their car? This is Ratsun dude, not Ferrari forums.



I suppose you would also try to convince me that this is a POS?





I suppose it's a sin for him to park next to a better looking car?


Edited by metalmonkey47
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wow so can you give me a ride in your beast of a rx 7.....u went from angry to shit head in 2.8 seconds good job...way to contradict yourself in the same paragraph..


metal how did he convince the neighbor kid to hold the rear end of his car during the burnout to keep from doing himself a nice lawn job...i woulda kept tha vid to myself ...what was the sound reccorded on a can of tomato soup and a string..

Wow bud . Yeah I'll give you a ride I'm my rx7. If I had one. I don't think you'd call me a shit head in person. Funny how people change when they are face to face. All smiles. Just trying to stand up for the guy. Give him some credit. Atleast he's trying. Unlike morons I've mentioned. Who quit. Just don't know how a feel about his backyard gorgia engineering.


Hey atleast you will forever know how to install a matchbox! Was just an example not trying to single anyone out. But Sure enough we can duel it out over the Internet.

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I'm a little confused as to what your purpose for starting this thread was.. you titled it "Clown Shoes", which doesn't exactly carry with it a positive connotation, but when I started reading, it didn't seem like you were bashing at all, but showing off some of your friend's projects...

I'm all for a good laugh, but I don't know what to think here. I can't say that these are anything I would build, but I also wouldn't say that he's doing anything worse than some of the Clown Shoery that I've seen praised on this forum.

Why all the hate? Seems like it's becoming more and more as of late.. and it's a pity, really. Let the man be creative. If you think he's ruining something, just be happy that it's not a Datsun.


Oh yes, and of course...


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Wow bud . Yeah I'll give you a ride I'm my rx7. If I had one. I don't think you'd call me a shit head in person. Funny how people change when they are face to face. All smiles. Just trying to stand up for the guy. Give him some credit. Atleast he's trying. Unlike morons I've mentioned. Who quit. Just don't know how a feel about his backyard gorgia engineering.


Hey atleast you will forever know how to install a matchbox! Was just an example not trying to single anyone out. But Sure enough we can duel it out over the Internet.



Nice dude, people need to stay positive and optimistic about the hard work our fellow rAtsunerz put into their projects, yeah if you think the design is off say so, but shit guys I have read like 2 full pages of just bashing the guy and straight talking crap.


Opinions on the car should always be positive or at least constructive, show a little respect for something that a person has put a lot of time and hard work into, if you would have done It different at least shOw the common courtesy to express your opinion in a way that won't be mean or rude.


I love ratsun but you guys can be real dicks sometimes

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Opinions on the car should always be positive or at least constructive, show a little respect for something that a person has put a lot of time and hard work into, if you would have done It different at least shOw the common courtesy to express your opinion in a way that won't be mean or rude.




800 - 1000 hp in a FB Rx-7, should propel that automobile very swiftly!




That Garrett T444E turbo is pretty awesome on Ford diesel trucks! It should work well for your Chevy 350cid RX-7.




Man...all that boost without detonation! You're working some voodoo!



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800 - 1000 hp in a FB Rx-7, should propel that automobile very swiftly!




That Garrett DT-466 turbo is pretty awesome on Ford Trucks! It should work well for your Chevy 350cid RX-7.




Man...all that boost without detonation! You're working some voodoo!





:rofl: Pretty sure theres gonna be TONS of detonation if he gunned it blink.gif



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Wow bud . Yeah I'll give you a ride I'm my rx7. If I had one. I don't think you'd call me a shit head in person. Funny how people change when they are face to face. All smiles. Just trying to stand up for the guy. Give him some credit. Atleast he's trying. Unlike morons I've mentioned. Who quit. Just don't know how a feel about his backyard gorgia engineering.


Hey atleast you will forever know how to install a matchbox! Was just an example not trying to single anyone out. But Sure enough we can duel it out over the Internet.



Actually I like the color, white is the best.. and actually yes I would say it to your face. just like I would openly question everything on that car in person... So let me get this straight, Im the asshole for people giving opinions and me, not being one to blow smoke up someone's ass, and called it as I saw it.....Just like I wouldn't want someone to look at my project and lie to me when there's glaring issues that might not be so street worthy or might just endanger others on the road...so in the end since you came on here defending the free world from reality, I guess the true question is did u think i missed your first dig about the dizzy...hey at least I took the time to publicly thank someone for helping me out of a jam and pointing out some stuff I hadn't seen(anti jerk behavior..)...and ultimately helped educate me...but I guess since you know everything and are the internet vigilanty i will defer all my posts to you in a pm for proofreading and content approval..so my answer is yes I got got your first dig on me personally...But if your defending him from my negativity whos gonna defend me from your underhanded sly little comments about me... oh wait I don't care the dizzy works great and I need no one to defend my actions... maybe your ok with smoke in the ass and people snickering but saying oh hey thats awesome...but Im not ...yeah i had questions I asked them and left myself open to flaming by posting it publicly, much like metal threw this up for his buddy with a title to attract attention knowing full well he was gonna get more wtf's than thumbs up...especially when you make some whacked out claim of a 1000 hp... were or I were not being dicks just being real... like we dont candy coat our love for datsuns..the funny part is you think I am mad but I am not ...and yes kudos to dude for turning a wrench and getting after it. I dont fault the effort, the execution is where i would be skeptical of showing if I had done it...


As for the rat rod yeah its cool but those are a mix mash of parts from cars and actually are intended for the use there being used for... not a 2am decision of hey i need to build a turbo mani for this thing, um grab that mail box post , two ten pennny nails and pop can squished flat for a flange..give me ten minutes and we can make boost...as fopr parking it next to a done car dont care either...I am a consieur of cars no matter the style I like to see fresh ideas and invovative ideas...not I saw a z car on you tube with a turbo charged small block gm making 800 horse beating a street bike so I bought the valve covers, a old rx and what ever turbo and small block pull a part had and tried to emulate it and then said it makes 800 horse, whne you , metal me and the rest know its probably closer to 400...over 600 horse has a sound to it and that rx ain't making built type sounds..so yeah i called it out just like people have called out my shiney airbagged trucks... hey its not for everyone i never questioned people for not liking what i have put together ... i like them and really thats all that matters...cause u know what i am the one driving them...i love going to the gas station in my dually and have poeple ask why did you lower it seems uselss...he its tows my drag boat fine, and i guess i would ask them why did you buy a white crew cab super doodie....now i cant wave at you cause i might be waving at one of the 500 other super doodie.


So i guess in the end I ask, does it really matter what I think..NO ...does it mattter that you think i am a dick for being honest, NO...i guess all we have to ask is metal why did you call it "clown shoes" then get upset when people clowned on it...uh oh there i go again being a dick:(


Ps i love ratsun, one of my favorite and most helpful forums i am a member of and proud to say i rock ratsun tech on my datto...


besides if you think this is clowny you should see my lake jet boat... its runs a bb ford with a pink tunnel ram and is painted like a tennis shoe from the late 80's... its fast but requires sunglasses in the shade..my mullet is on back order, so i tend not to take myself overly serious...nor should anyone else..


Where did the the lug nuts thing come in though..i get the dizzy, alt and dfev(not dgv)digs but dont think i ever shared a wheel flying off story..

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here in case you havent met google ...thats what power sounds like..

ps I am not a z car man by any sense of the word but i would eat a live goat for this car...


sorry for the street bike donut at the end...

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This aggression will not stand...man!


True Georgia engineering:






this is equally beautiful...i love this color and and would like the color code ...thinking it will look nice on a boat.. and the engineering looks tip top..

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Actually I like the color, white is the best.. and actually yes I would say it to your face. just like I would openly question everything on that car in person... So let me get this straight, Im the asshole for people giving opinions and me, not being one to blow smoke up someone's ass, and called it as I saw it.....Just like I wouldn't want someone to look at my project and lie to me when there's glaring issues that might not be so street worthy or might just endanger others on the road...so in the end since you came on here defending the free world from reality, I guess the true question is did u think i missed your first dig about the dizzy...hey at least I took the time to publicly thank someone for helping me out of a jam and pointing out some stuff I hadn't seen(anti jerk behavior..)...and ultimately helped educate me...but I guess since you know everything and are the internet vigilanty i will defer all my posts to you in a pm for proofreading and content approval..so my answer is yes I got got your first dig on me personally...But if your defending him from my negativity whos gonna defend me from your underhanded sly little comments about me... oh wait I don't care the dizzy works great and I need no one to defend my actions... maybe your ok with smoke in the ass and people snickering but saying oh hey thats awesome...but Im not ...yeah i had questions I asked them and left myself open to flaming by posting it publicly, much like metal threw this up for his buddy with a title to attract attention knowing full well he was gonna get more wtf's than thumbs up...especially when you make some whacked out claim of a 1000 hp... were or I were not being dicks just being real... like we dont candy coat our love for datsuns..the funny part is you think I am mad but I am not ...and yes kudos to dude for turning a wrench and getting after it. I dont fault the effort, the execution is where i would be skeptical of showing if I had done it...


As for the rat rod yeah its cool but those are a mix mash of parts from cars and actually are intended for the use there being used for... not a 2am decision of hey i need to build a turbo mani for this thing, um grab that mail box post , two ten pennny nails and pop can squished flat for a flange..give me ten minutes and we can make boost...as fopr parking it next to a done car dont care either...I am a consieur of cars no matter the style I like to see fresh ideas and invovative ideas...not I saw a z car on you tube with a turbo charged small block gm making 800 horse beating a street bike so I bought the valve covers, a old rx and what ever turbo and small block pull a part had and tried to emulate it and then said it makes 800 horse, whne you , metal me and the rest know its probably closer to 400...over 600 horse has a sound to it and that rx ain't making built type sounds..so yeah i called it out just like people have called out my shiney airbagged trucks... hey its not for everyone i never questioned people for not liking what i have put together ... i like them and really thats all that matters...cause u know what i am the one driving them...i love going to the gas station in my dually and have poeple ask why did you lower it seems uselss...he its tows my drag boat fine, and i guess i would ask them why did you buy a white crew cab super doodie....now i cant wave at you cause i might be waving at one of the 500 other super doodie.


So i guess in the end I ask, does it really matter what I think..NO ...does it mattter that you think i am a dick for being honest, NO...i guess all we have to ask is metal why did you call it "clown shoes" then get upset when people clowned on it...uh oh there i go again being a dick:(


Ps i love ratsun, one of my favorite and most helpful forums i am a member of and proud to say i rock ratsun tech on my datto...


besides if you think this is clowny you should see my lake jet boat... its runs a bb ford with a pink tunnel ram and is painted like a tennis shoe from the late 80's... its fast but requires sunglasses in the shade..my mullet is on back order, so i tend not to take myself overly serious...nor should anyone else..


Where did the the lug nuts thing come in though..i get the dizzy, alt and dfev(not dgv)digs but dont think i ever shared a wheel flying off story..




All that and no oics??? :blink:

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What's a Mind fuck?





1. An idea or concept that shakes one's previously held beliefs or assumptions about the nature of reality.


2. An image that totally fucks with your mind. When you see it, you will shit bricks.


3. A cinematic technique that uses misdirection to lead to an ending that is at first glance completely unexpected or contradictory, but is coherent and reasonable given hindsight and careful observation of the clues presented.






this dude only has 4 fingers

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