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I need your advice!

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This is kind of a long story that I'll try to make brief. Read it all before posting. Here's just a little background.


My girlfriend has a deep passion for horses and has been training them since LONG before I ever knew her. She's been working with them recently for a friend and I've been taking her over there a lot lately because seeing them and getting to train them makes her happier then anything I've ever seen, and I will do anything to make her happy. Seeing her around the horses is amazing because she's so different. She's concentrated and so much different around them. And you can tell they love her.


The last few times I was there with her, the one horse that she works with the most, Calvin, has been acting kind of strange. They aren't sure why yet, but they think some kids might be messing with them at night. A week or so ago, I was walking the other horse Sophie, and she had Calvin to the side just behind me. She was on Calvin stretching his neck and he reared up and threw her off. This scared Sophie and she kicked her in the knee while she was in mid air. Long story short, HUGE nearly 1 ton horse kicked her ass. He knee was swollen pretty bad and hurt her back a little, but didn't damage her too bad. Just her ego. LOL


A few days ago when we were back over there, she got on him and he took off running out of control and threw her off onto the ground nearly stepping on her when he did. (He let a big ass fart out when he did. Funny as HELL!) She got up bloody and bruised and holding her bum knee but altogether not in too bad of shape. Really scared the shit out of me. We ended up tying Calvin to a tree and leaving him for an hour as punishment while we tended to her wounds.


She went back out there again the other day when I wasn't there and ended up calling me it happened again. This time no more serious then the last.




Seeing stuff like this happen to her really kind of worries me. I know horse injuries can become VERY serious or deadly. Theres a lot of people that have been paralyzed by horse injuries related to falls or getting stepped on. And seeing her come so close to this really scares the living shit out of me.


I know that falling is part of training but It seems like every time I get more worried that it might be the last time it happens. I don't want to ask her to stop doing what she loves, but I don't want to see her get seriously hurt from it. She's still pretty busted up about her knee and has trouble walking on it.



I need your advice Ratsun. You guys seem pretty good at it cool.gif




Random horse oics...






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She has a deep passion for horses eh?


Whatever you do, dont let her move to Enumclaw WA.


**Edit, hell maybe she'd really like that :rofl:


Don't say that!! She's actually on Ratsun!


My posting of boobs everywhere scared her off, but you never know when she might come back blink.gif

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(whisper) maybe Calvin is used to having your g/f to himself and is jealous of you being around.



Hmmm this was written before I saw the post above. No connection is intended. My dog gets jealous if I pay too much attention to the other dog. Horses can't be that much different.

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Give me an ATV over a horse any day. If the ATV runs out of gas, I'll happily walk. I almost got buck off a horse when I was a kid. Ended up hanging onto his mane after I was out of the saddle. At that point he didn't like it any more than I did. I never have trusted horses and never will. Not to mention they fart ten times more bad for the environment than a B13 Sentra.

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- Every dang girl wants a horse.

- My sister got a horse.

- I learned how to ride a horse (boring)

- My sister fell off of a horse.

- Does she have a horse now? Of course not. Does her daughter want one? Of course.


I dunno, people are gonna crack their heads open. Did your parents tell you no football?

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My sister loves horses and has been hurt few times while riding. It is her passion as well. To make things worse she is a small girl, 5'4 105lbs. Her other passion is she is a Police officer here in Seattle. She loves both her job and her hobby, both scare me to death. She has been riding for 15years now and only been hurt a few times. Basically the point i'm trying to make is it is her life and even though it freaks me out, I have to stand back and let her be. Hard thing to do when you love someone.

She is 30yo now and is one of the only women on the SPD with tactical shotgun training, and assault rifle training. She is a bad ass and carries an AR-15 in her car :unsure: . When shit goes wrong around this city she is there, but she has the proper training to back it up.

So what it comes down to is making sure your GF is careful and protects herself properly. You can't stop these strong women, and why would you want to.

I have had some nasty car wrecks, and no one is trying to get me out of cars. They know it is what makes me happy. Also I have been hurt a number of times working on cars, It is a risk I choose to take.

So encourage your girl to wear a helmet and to be careful, other than that just enjoy her having a passion other than being in your shit all the time. So enjoy your Girl and support her, and love her, that is all you can do.

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if i were you i would try and convince her to take some time off so that he leg can heal then suggest she deal with a different horse it seems like the horse is having some kind of issue and it may be best to leave him be for a while

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I have been around horses, well, since I was using a fairly new Datsun 521 to go to horse shows. I do not own horses anymore, but board a few.

Generally, horses are dumb. Really dumb. They are a creature of habit. When faced with a threat, their first instinct is to run. Occasionally, they will take a shot at whatever is attacking them, but they would rather just run.

The problem with a horse, is that they outweigh you about 10 to 1. You can never forget that.


Just a random guess, have a vet check the horses mouth. Horses teeth are always growing, and sometimes they get a point on them that can cause the horse pain, especially with a bit in their mouth. If this is a problem, this could of set the horse off.

Here is something else interesting. Female horses have a monthly cycle, just like humans do. Male horses can actually smell the time of the month is is for a mare. Male horses can also smell the time of the month for the female rider.


If the horse your girlfriend rides is in a stall, and maybe blanketed in the winter, when you take the blanket off, the horse starts to get cold. Horses maintain body heart by moving, and when they get cold, they want to move a lot more, just like a frisky puppy, except like I pointed out before, a horse weighs 10 times what you do and can do some real damage. If it is cold, before riding the horse, lunge them a bit, to get is moving, and work off some steam.


Does your girlfriend feed the horse? If you feed the horse, you become a source for food, and there is a much less change you will be thought of as a threat in some spooky situation to a horse. This change does not happen overnight, it will take time.


Tying a horse to a tree for an hour, not much use. You know how when to train a puppy, you have to reward and or punish immediately? With a horse, that principle is even more important. literally, ten seconds after you have tied the horse to a tree, they are thinking of something else.


Do not stare into a horses face. It makes them very uneasy, because that is what predators do before they attack.


Horses do not understand cause and effect. They cannot really reason that out. Because of that, rewards and punishment has to be simultaneous. Two seconds late, is too late, do not bother.


I almost forgot, here are the necessary pictures.




Two horses


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