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cops hate old school apperently

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Guess Ill be the first to say..If you are looking for flexibility..Do like me and get to know your neighbors..beer helps and hot laps everyday gets on everyones nerves like a dog that barks all night man.

I agree cop callers suck...but dude people LIVE in neighborhoods.


As far as profiling goes there may be a little of that going on especially since you make minimal effort to give them a reason to be flexible.


someone once said to me instead of always pointing your finger at everyone else see if pointing it at yourself makes any sense first.

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thank you indy, but wow you guys went crazy on me. look i know what your saying but i didnt go cruising, i literaly only drove around the block surrounding my house. plus i just got it plated and insured today. i wasnt saying that i wasnt in the wrong but they were very harsh about it and would let me explain that i just got the car a like a week ago and i was just working on it and didnt see the point to license and insure it when it doesnt run because i dont much money at all and all the money i do have has to go towords my car so it can run and can be legal

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Guess Ill be the first to say..If you are looking for flexibility..Do like me and get to know your neighbors..beer helps and hot laps everyday gets on everyones nerves like a dog that barks all night man.

I agree cop callers suck...but dude people LIVE in neighborhoods.


As far as profiling goes there may be a little of that going on especially since you make minimal effort to give them a reason to be flexible.


someone once said to me instead of always pointing your finger at everyone else see if pointing it at yourself makes any sense first.



me and my family tried to makes friends with them cause thats how we are, i dont a war but they just point their noses in the air.

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me and my family tried to makes friends with them cause thats how we are, i dont a war but they just point their noses in the air.



thats how my neghbours are. I make a sorts of fuckin noise and shit. but im well within my legal rights so I can just smile and say fuck off

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I know this is a bit late to the party, but you drove on a public road with no plates/insurance/no exhaust you are asking for it as other members have stated what if you had hit one of those peoples brand new cars? do you have the money to replace the rear bumper and paint a mercedes bumper, if not you should have insurance.


You complain about not being able to "Jam' out in your garage, why does it have to be so loud that your neighbors have to hear it to, sounds like you haven't been courteous to your neighbors and your neighbors are returning in kind.


I am not trying to get you to hate me but think about things before you do them, what if you hit a pedestrian think of the medical bills. Driving is not a right. My car is loud and my neighbors are OK with it why because I don't fire it up at midnight.


Grow a set it isn't your neighbors that put you in that predicament.

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You guys need to lighten up ...... :lol: ... .. in Cali you can't get a "temp. day pass" unless you pay for the whole year's registration


and your registration gets cancelled if you don't have insurance ......... .. so of course I'm going to do a few test runs around the block before I put headlights in


You got lied to friend heres my PNO as of the 15th of feb. and my moving permit for today and monday.

it was super easy to follow the rules.



IMAG0377 by jbirds510, on Flickr


IMAG0376 by jbirds510, on Flickr

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Hey, no lasting harm done and it's fixable. If you need a car for work which generates income so you can pay for things then get insurance and a plate before you drive and fix the exhaust on the next pay cheque. If you don't have a job you don't need a car so stop driving until you can pay for these things.



The ill will you have generated with your neighbors isn't so easy to fix. Remember I said "don't shit in your own back yard"? well when in your neighbor hood drive quietly and carefully and tell your friends the same and they will notice a difference and see that something was done about their complaints. Just play their game and give them what they want, the police could care less about you. As long as they don't have to do something they're likely happy to ignore you. Simply don't give them a reason to stop you.


Like everyone here we all did this at one time or another when we were young, not saying we're perfect because we aren't. Not by a long shot. I learned to play the game and keep a low profile.

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You got lied to friend

I got around it with the 710......


.. .. I paid insurance on it while it was sitting for six months,,, ,, then renewed the registration and kept paying insurance on a car that can't drive


I wanted to cancel the insurance,,,,, but the only way to keep my current registration was to pay $5/month for comprehensive... and I can get a day pass now

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#1 wow you guys went crazy on me.


#2 i just got it plated and insured today.



#1 This is Ratsun, you should have known, you was going to get FLAMED. I bet you will think twice about posting this kind of stuff again.


#2 take that info to the court clerk, she will copy it and let the Judge review it, most likely the charges will be drop, money back in the pocket but will prob have to pay for the fine on the loud exhaust.

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i do work its just right now im just geting on my feet, cause i lost my job at the toyota factory and couldnt afford to fix my 210, and i borrowed money to get by in the mean time so im trying to get my car runing and pay people back, its just a little tough and im starting to realize thats all a part of life. i didnt want people on here to hate, so sorry if i made anyone mad

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You can get a one day operating permit in ca no problem. You pay for the permit and one day of insurance coverage and you are good, I do it all the time on my truck which is on non op.


As for the tickets, the cops were right. They've probably gotten enough complaints about you. I wont even let my z touch the street until I register it, its not worth the bullshit. I dont have an exhaust on it, and I fire it up once in a while to keep the fuel moving and battery charged and my neighbors don't mind. I always make it a point to let my neighbors know when I will be doing something loud and I give them my cell number to call or text if I am being too loud. I have had them text me before, and I will quiet down just to avoid animosity. Try to make peace with them and ask them to come to you first. If that doesn't work, fuck them and continue as you please, as long as you are within the law

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thats funny indy, but so true.


what can it hurt to try, it might just save him a few bucks but if not, he would be at least legal. :D





EDIT ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)

indy, deleteing is cheating.

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my dad went asked them to come to him first if me and my brother do anything they dont like and they just throw their noses in the air


Sounds like the neighbors are racially profiling. :lol: the fuckers.


i didnt want people on here to hate, so sorry if i made anyone mad


No one here hates you or is mad at you. We see a bit of ourselves in you and are just trying to help. It's all good advice.

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wouldn't go and say cops hate old school cars might want to change that title but the message was sent so hopefully you learned from this on what to do and what not to do. I get cops all the time telling me they love my car or say it is a keeper. Yeah gotta respect the neighborhood like others said don't shit in your own backyard. Hope you get the car fixed correctly so others that do like old school cars don't get a black eye from issues like this

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I got around it with the 710......


.. .. I paid insurance on it while it was sitting for six months,,, ,, then renewed the registration and kept paying insurance on a car that can't drive


I wanted to cancel the insurance,,,,, but the only way to keep my current registration was to pay $5/month for comprehensive... and I can get a day pass now



haha california...if you ask 2 clerks the same question you get two answers..if you dont like the first answer get back in line..youll get a better answer from a different dmv clerk haha

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