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Is there something wrong with me?

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HA I hear you on the wife thing!! I am in the same boat. My 1959 is my dream Datsun and I finally found one after 2 years of looking. It is my big project.


My 521 could use an engine swap but is on the road and drivable as is so not a real 'project' anymore.


Somehow I talked her into letting me get a 510 a few weeks ago, BUT, it is a daily driver capable beast as is, just cosmetically challenged. However the deal is that I have to sell my normal DD as soon as the snow melts next year in order to keep it.


If you had 2K you could get REALLY far with this 810. Especially for the buy-in of $200! Dudes are already offering up parts for it. Start PMing and see how much they want for the things you need to get a sense of what $ it would take. I'd bet most Z stuff will work (brakes, driveline, etc)! So non cosmetic parts shouldn't be too hard. I even wonder of Z seats would bolt in with few mods? 510 guys often used them. I also wonder how close a Z dash would be? Someone is bound to have round headlight buckets for it eventually.


But in the end, will you be satisfied with a bad ass 810 with a ton of Z guts and a fat L6 when you look out in your driveway? Or will you go, Damn I wish it were a 210... personally, either is a coin toss for me on the desirability scale. But I didn't buy that 210 FS around here. I waited for a 510 because in the end, as much as I like the 210 I knew, when I peeked out my front window to see a Datsun car in the driveway at my daily, I wanted it to be a 510. (Also passed on a couple of 60's yota Coronas which was hard to do!) I also passed on a sick deal for a 411 SSS because I wanted the '59. And I LOVED the 411!


Also ask yourself why you wanted a b210? It is because they are usually a cheaper way into the seat of a Datsun than a 510 610 710 1200? And as a plus they are a cool looking little car? If that is the case, this 810 is a cheap way into a Datsun too, and can be a cool looking car and way more unique! Coin-flip time!


(Sorry to be long winded, but I have this same discussion with myself constantly, so I know the boat you are in!!)

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For $200 this car should already be at your house. Way, way cooler than a 210 of any year in my opinion. And with a little work(project) that 810 will be a super nice driver. And i think it needs a L28/30 stroker motor.


What does the 810 2dr weigh compared to a 240z. Those stroker motor and turbo motors really make the Z cars fast.

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Ed, you lack the eloquence that Fisch possesses.


I agree with every word you speak Fisch. My dream car of all dream cars has always been an AE86 Corolla. For onwards 10 years. And any other older Corolla would always get my heart racing. I grew bored with the Corolla. Everyone of them is the same. They're cool. And perform every way I've ever wanted a car to. But, no soul.


Always being a Nissan fanatic, I've loved many of cars. I want a 210/B310 for the simplicity of what it is. Almost the exact same car as a Hachi, but with character. I want this as a project/DD/Canyon-Beater. My current DD is my wife's Honda. It has a great personality, really. And it means well. She won't even let me lower it. All the while she gets to drive my A33 Maxima. So after suffering a downgrade, it's time to start climbing again.


I'm just rambling at this point-but I know right what you're saying Fisch. Big help. You've said everything that is on my mind.

(What would be the icing on the cake, would be some Fisch 810 artwork.):P

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If the front end is all mashed up, what's the bet that someone played demo-derby with it in a drunken tri-cities stupor? What's the likelihood of finding a donor front end? Rare, yes. Cool? Maybe. Money pit? DEFINITELY. I'd hold out for a lighter Datsun, truck or 1200/510/610. Something a little more easy to find body parts for.

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I grew bored with the Corolla. Everyone of them is the same. They're cool. And perform every way I've ever wanted a car to. But, no soul.



Man I hear you. My daily is a 1989 Suzuki swift GTi. It is a bitchin and rare care (took me years to find one up here.) Amazing little engine with such a sweet sound. A fast lil nugget, TONS of aftermarket and mods available and handles like a go cart. I love it. Driving it is a pure joy and you can't help but smile behind the wheel. I joined all the suzuki forums and drove the snot out of it for 2 years now.


But as perfect as it is for me when I am behind the wheel, when I look out in the driveway... it looks like a late '80s car. Sure it came stock with a cool body kit and is rad lil hot hatch, but I am into styling that is way older. I like customizing things, but the Ol' Skool vibe (pinstriping, vintage wheels etc.) just doesn't fit it. I could 'rice' it, but that is just not me. Add to that that it is front wheel drive...


Tastes change, and before I discovered Datsuns, this Suzuki was my 'affordable' dream car. But I just got a 510 with a hot LZ22 ready to roll. And it is half spraypainted with camouflage (As I feverishly scrub it off to get to the original patina underneath.) and has bad fiberglass quarters and almost no interior. But, but... I find myself standing at the window just staring out at it. Gawking like some turned-on stalker. Forcing the dogs out in the cold for yet another potty break, just so I can look at that ratty beast. My ratty beast. It needs a car cover (nasty winters) BUT I don't want to cover it! Not yet!!!


Will this crush fade too? Maybe. But I have 3 Datsuns currently and I think it will be a much harder addiction to quit. My friends think, if(when) I strike it rich, I will move into older hotrods and customs. I don't know about that. If I am that rich there will be room for both in my massive garage!!!

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Oh and all this talk makes me want to draw a 810! So you never know! If it were mine I would take some cues from the 60's muscle car customizers!


Another thought, though we build them for love rather than an investment, a consideration is- if you are thinking it would take 6K to make it your dream ride, I would hesitate. I don't know if you could ever get 6K out of it no matter how nice it is. For that matter, I don't think you could get 6K out of a b210 no matter how nice it is. For example, check out this '79 b210 goon for sale by me and was for sale a few other times too with no takers.


Freakin SR 79 210! I am sure it is one hell of a car. Someones dream build for sure. I have tons of respect for it. But 8K+ for a 210 goon? Tough sell as nice as it is. Gotta find just the right buyer, because when you are up to that kind of cash there are a lot of options!


My link




Had this much attention been put into a 68-73 510? Well then you'd have something that would hold much more worth.


(That said I see more and more interest in 210's and the later 70's early 80's Datsuns. Prolly 3 fold in the last 4 years. So maybe they will come up in value?)


But if your goal is to have that canyon carving DD Datsun. Tons of character and fun, but not a expensive restomod. You can't go wrong with a Z infused 810!

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If the front end is all mashed up, what's the bet that someone played demo-derby with it in a drunken tri-cities stupor? What's the likelihood of finding a donor front end? Rare, yes. Cool? Maybe. Money pit? DEFINITELY. I'd hold out for a lighter Datsun, truck or 1200/510/610. Something a little more easy to find body parts for.


It's actually in really good shape. Any damage to it, looks like it is minimal. It appears really bad, but some punk, skater kid owned it previously. He had no love for it. With that being said, we come to my dilemma. Why don't I want such a rare car, that really is in great shape? Especially since it is only $200. I know I might never run across an opprotunity like this ever again. And as far as I can tell, I am the only person for miles that gives a shit about this car.


Fisch-to me, it has nothing to do with the value after completing the project. No matter what I spend on it, it's mine. Not in it for the profit. I'm in it for the car. And this car deserves more than I'm willing at this point. That is my concern though, actually. Will I ever be able to complete it? I can see me owning other cars, and driving them in a less than appealing manner. This car wouldn't get that treatment. It would not ride, until it is dialed. That's full interior, the way I want it. Paint. Body. Suspension. Drivetrain. Powertrain. In other words-$$$$$!!! And in my quest for a DD project-this is not it. When I did finish this, fuck me if it wouldn't be a Garage Queen. And the dilemma is this. Wanting it a certain way-nothing but money. I wouldn't be able to strain myself in not wanting this beast to shine.


If my goal was to be an epic, gorgeous, dialed whip-then I would be in hog heaven. But at this time in my quest, I just can't get over the hump. Damn my OCD.

If I change my mind, I'm pretty sure it isn't moving for a few months. It hasn't in the last 6 I've seen it in the exact same spot. And props for any of us, the owner is none the wiser as to what he really has on his hands.


MAYBE-Is there another Ratsun'er here in the Tri-Cities that may want to go in on this together? In a situation like that, I'm game. Maybe one of you guys wants it? I'll go secure it for you. But at this time, as asked-It is a no. If circumstances were just a little different-SOLD! So in the mean time-I'm just gonna keep lurking Ratsun, and searching for a better-suited mate.


To everyone-Thanks for your insight. Very informative. Insightful. I appreciate it. You guys came through, in every way imaginable. Oddly enough, I heard exactly what I needed to in the words of those saying jump. Oh, the conundrum :mellow:.

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I'm not sure why there aren't pics of this in front of your house yet. $200, can you talk em down any. $199 would make you feel better. @200 your that much closer to an RB, racing seat, JDM wheels, paint, anything.


I have ran this same argument against my responsible side for 2 days now. If anyone were to ask NismoDr, my childish side is way stronger than my adult side.

As I wrote already-the car hasn't moved for months. And I can almost guarantee that it's not going anywhere for a while either. It was there when I showed the wifey earlier today.

Her reaction alone tells me to get some. "That is the most heinous thing I've ever seen!" If you knew our group of friends from when I was still living in Portland, you would all understand that she know's what she's talking about.

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if I had $200 i'd be all over this car! hell, if I didn't still owe anyone money for parts on the project/DD I have now, I'd find a way somehow to scrape $200 together to get this car. if you can swing it,jump on it,before the guy trashes it any worse,or figures out what he's got there. someone will want to buy it from you if it turns out you don't end up wanting to keep it. Good Luck!

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if I had $200 i'd be all over this car! hell, if I didn't still owe anyone money for parts on the project/DD I have now, I'd find a way somehow to scrape $200 together to get this car. if you can swing it,jump on it,before the guy trashes it any worse,or figures out what he's got there. someone will want to buy it from you if it turns out you don't end up wanting to keep it. Good Luck!


It's in the "rock-lot" of a used car dealership, located in what I would consider, for all intense purposes, Tri-Cities version of 82nd Ave. I really don't think he's gonna figure out what he's got. I'm sure he just want's the coke money from selling it. I'm sitting now at about 52% sure I will own it.

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dude this car has so many advantages to it 1: its rate 2: its a 6 cyl car meaning you can swap whatever the hell catches your fancy into it 3: suspension is nearly identical to a 510 meaning making it handle is a breeze 4: its a bluebird one of the last of the line at that

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It was there when I showed the wifey earlier today.

Her reaction alone tells me to get some. "That is the most heinous thing I've ever seen!" If you knew our group of friends from when I was still living in Portland, you would all understand that she know's what she's talking about.



Ahhhh now this one really hits home. My wife is awesome. Hell I have three Datsuns and she is still supportive. (But i sense it is borderline after the camouflage 510, which she said to get (but maybe to just make me stop whining!)) And to convince her of that I had to show her pics of fully restored ones.


Her brother is a full on classic restorer. Paint booth and everything. She rocked a Karmin Ghia in highschool and looked like Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink. She gets classic cars (thank goodness!) and is an artist as well so she has an eye.


BUT- she really dislikes Datsun styling after 1973. Period. There was a 20Kmi 610 coupe south of me for $500. We were broke, but I was excited enough to buy an original 610 brochure off ebay to TRY to sway her. Could I have got it if I really pushed? Yes. But the look on her face, part humorous part "Are you serous?" kinda killed it for me. She wasn't being mean at all, it was just he honest reaction to the mini muscle car styling. And if I am being honest, when I first got into Datsuns the post '73 Datsuns weren't attractive to me either. (But they have grown on me in a BIG way thanks to Ratsun.) So I understood where she was coming from on the 'style'.


You see, for folks like me who were born in '71, the late 70's Datsuns kinda remind us of what grandma drove, or Aunt Ruthy... (Other than Z naturally.) they weren't sexy. As adults you live and breath Datsuns, you get past this and start to see how cool they can be (WITHOUT THOSE BUMPERS!) and I am a fan now. 810, 610, 710, 210, 200sx and even the bastard child- f10 get me worked up when I see them for sale. But I LOVE things that are older than '73, because by the time I started paying attention to cars, there were less of those on the road so they feel more classic. This is why I prefer the round headlight 810, just a little more classic than rectangle headlights which dominated grocery getters through the 80's.


Anyway I am going on and on again. But if you and the wife still have a rockin relationship, and she is supportive of a classic Datsun in the slightest, her opinion of the looks is important for marital harmony. (i.e. the sack) Especially if there are other Datsuns that float both your boats more. It is important that your lady doesn't feel embarrassed to cruise with you. Humorous "that silly husband of mine." is OK sometimes, but not full on embarrassment "I wouldn't be caught dead it that!". Marriage should be a team, not a dictatorship. (Unless you two are already miserable, then do whatever floats you boat man!!!)


Folks say "Buy it, and play with it and if you don't like it sell it and get another." But I know me. Once I get a car I am slow to let it go. Even if something comes up that I want more. Had I bought that 411 when what I REALLY wanted was 1959 Datsun, and a '59 finally came up (as it did) I don't think I would have jumped on it as aggressively as I did. Or the 'fun money' would have been drained into the 411 and there wouldn't be enough time to sell it to get the cash for the '59.


But if you are used to buying and selling cars (I kid you not I am 39 have only sold one car in my adult life. The rest were drivin to the grave.) and can live with the loss of sex appeal from the wife, GO FOR IT! THIS IS A RAD CAR!


(HA I know this just confuses you more!!!)

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Ahhhh now this one really hits home. My wife is awesome. Hell I have three Datsuns and she is still supportive. (But i sense it is borderline after the camouflage 510, which she said to get (but maybe to just make me stop whining!)) And to convince her of that I had to show her pics of fully restored ones.


Fisch. We have so much in common. Her and I were driving around, when I started heading towards the dealership where "Blue" is being held. She asks me where I'm going. So I start to tell her about the ad I saw online. I did not tell her I went there during my lunch break the day prior. We pull up next to it. I start rattling specs, and the ol' "Imagine if it was..." Ya know? Then she goes on to tell me it is oh so wrong. We kid back and forth about it for a minute or two. As we're driving away, I ask "So you wouldn't cruise to car shows with me in that?" Silence...for five minutes. I know she heard me. The next thing to come out of her mouth..."Can we go to Target?"


So we get home hours later. I get on here. Yada, yada, yada. I go to the first page of this thread, and show her that white Bluebird with the gold wheels. "Thats the same ugly piece of shit you showed me earlier." So it's not that the shiny vs. rusty thing coming into play here. She hates it. No matter what. No love from her.


I love my girl to death. And she is amazing. But I can't get one past her. Polish a turd all you want-my girl will still know that the 20K you just put in to that car...is still ugly.


Thought you guys might get a laugh out of that.


And honey... :fu:

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different strokes for different folks my girlfriend doesnt like my car yet its not going anywhere just cause she doesnt like it its somthing she has to except just like your woman would have to accept it if you get this 810

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different strokes for different folks my girlfriend doesnt like my car yet its not going anywhere just cause she doesnt like it its somthing she has to except just like your woman would have to accept it if you get this 810



One difference is B that you have a true love and obsession for the 610. If he had this passion for the 810 it would be in his driveway already. Men gotta have what they want. But this is a bit of a more casual , "Yeah I'd hit that." sort of situation. Not a "It is my dream and I want to marry it and have kids with it!!!"


Big dif. If there are other Datsuns that flatcat digs as much or more and his wife digs them too, it is better for everyone! Lotsa flavors of Datsuns out there thank goodness!


ALSO, your 610 is already a part of your life before your GF came into the picture. It is like already having a kid when you start a new relationship. She got used to the idea of it before she agreed to commit. Not gonna kick the kid out for a new GF! When you've been married for years happily (me 15 years and still in love) the idea of bringing a classic car into the picture is a bit different. Especially if you are still best friends with your wife, and she actually likes going to car shows.


If someones relationship is already strained, and you are more roommates with your wife than best friends and lovers. Get what ever you want!!


So after you and the GF have been married a decade, still in love and you decide it would be 'casual fun' to get that F10 and put a bunch of the family finances into it even if your wife thinks it is the ugliest thing on the planet, report back to us!! :D

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