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I have to write a paper on Greed. Figured I might as well see what the humble owners of Datsun think about the idea of Greed in Movies. Anyone have any thoughts, fire away! Should stir an interesting conversation and could aid me on writing my paper!

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1. Greed is and always will be, thats why some of us have more Datsun that dont run then Datsun that do run. but greed just seems to be part of the human condition. Not all are stuck by it but in one way or another it does affect us all.

2. your post count is at 420

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Greed is always ever-present, whether it be in humans or other animals. If you were to look at it chemically, it would simply be an imbalance of overabundance. The question is, how much excess does it take to screw things up?


You could examine the General Motors problem, capitalism in general, or Saddam Hussein in the middle East. Hell, I could write a 100 page thread on ratsun based off greed! We could even analyze it down to the basest instinct, that of having just enough to be satisfied, but wanting that extra little bit just to make sure. Say caveman X has 1 piece of wood. Caveman Y has a 30 pieces of wood. Is caveman Y greedy? That depends. How much demand is there for wood? Do the cavemen live in Miami? Then yes, caveman Y is probably greedy. If they live in Spokane, caveman Y is more prepared, but not greedy. And caveman X is going to be one cold muthaf***er! :D


That's it, I'm done babbling, come up with your own damn ideas! :P

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No Tomorrow

by ~motavated


I hate the man filled with corruption and greed

Giving us no inner peace

Freedom seems out of reach

Giving up on our dreams


The man only gives us fear and hate

Making us play there little game

The mind never in the same place

Always hiding our true face


The strong feed on the weak

The light never to be seen

Boxed, chained in the rain

The man will never know this pain


The ones who want to shine

With money only on there mind

Loses their soul in time

Disconnects from mankind


He becomes the man, filled with corruption and greed

He gives us no inner peace

He makes freedom seem out of reach

Makes us give up on our dreams...

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greed is usually portrayed as insatiable lust for something in a movie.



most purely expressed by golum in lord of the rings.


its something that takes over the character, forms them. greed is widely held as a sin, so it will most always be the villain.



tho oddly enough, disney is the best example of greed in a positive role.


scrooge mcduck,it was his gimmick. you would almost think they were trying to get kids used to the idea of wanting more even tho you had it all.

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Golum was obsessed over the ring not greedy.


Greed would be having more than you need but not seeing it, or perhaps seeing it and still wanting more. Greed can also be wanting for the sake of wanting. A hunger that is never satisfied.

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The common misquote is "money is the root of all evil", when it actually is something like "The WANT of money is the root of all evil"


Greed and religion are two of the greatest drivers of conflicts/war (imho). Remove the want, i.e., if all basic human needs could be met so that various groups around the world wouldn't feel as though 'someone is keeping them down'. And then could somehow remove the beliefs in various magical beings in the sky ("my deity is better than yours"), then *poof* - you would have world peace!

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BUT, IF we had world peace, there wouldn't be any progress nor would we need any weapons. So the first alien visitors hellbent on enslaving our planet would then find us an easy target. And I don't want to work the spalagtum mines, do you?! :blink:

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Movies are greed. Made to make money. Why so many are made. Also why you have to search high and low for quality films. Quality meaning movies with real substance, or great artistic expression.


a good point is made here so many people want to make money in the world today that they are driven to the easiest way to it, in a way they driven by greed because there is want they see the that the producer has a X thousand dollar car and most go "hey thats a nice ride" some have the financial backing to go about making the movie to achieve such a thing most lose ALOT of money in the process some who dont have the financing to produce a movie go to the less legal ways (drugs prostitution and theivery) to be able to have the ride sooooooooooooooooooooo there



cut and paste as necessary :lol: come on i know you wanna

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Greed is my bosses sister whose 47 and still insists on delivering pizzas and collecting tips we could have gotten though she doesn't need them to get by instead she goes to Vegas and drops what I pay for rent each month into a slot machine. Greed is my boss for charging 40 dollars for a shittt low quality pizza made from the cheapest ingredients and cutting back our hours. Greed is had by anyone you can pin down as Thr Man. Ok rant cut off abruptly! Submit the combined works of this thread as a sociological conglomeration of the varying beliefs of people who have less yet still in the breakdown of each rebutal contains a shred of greed yet not outright express but rather hidden under the greed of not being greedy. Shazam! I'd give it atleast a D+

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so if i invest my life savings and start a buisness of my own, and 10 years later it is making millions, does greed mean i pay my employees more than myself? I dont get this greed thing, some one put their ass on the line and made it and now they are greedy bastards? while they created jobs?


just look at the guys that started life is good t-shirts. made jobs for lots of people and got rich, is that greedy or just good buisness

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so if i invest my life savings and start a buisness of my own, and 10 years later it is making millions, does greed mean i pay my employees more than myself?

NO cause you risked it and "put your ass on the line" when i worked in a small buisness they based pay on skills effort and productivity you provided more than enough of an example for them to make millions they just never acted upon it and took the time to do so :huh: but hey what am i to say im just an 18 year old ?


I dont get this greed thing, some one put their ass on the line and made it and now they are greedy bastards? while they created jobs?


their not this is just the lazy ones playing the blame game cause they dont wanna work for it i beleive my father put it best we are the instant gratification generation we just want everything handed to us with out the effort so we can drive the "hot cars" :huh: but again im only an 18 year old?


just look at the guys that started life is good t-shirts. made jobs for lots of people and got rich, is that greedy or just good buisness



good buisness plain and simple


enough said by me and back on topic

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Greed is me thinking I can own a Z car without rust or ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, electrical problems :lol:



Greed is INDY thinking he can own two running ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and driving datsuns ,,,,,,, at the same time :lol:




Greed is hoarding Datsun parts until our eyes explode ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, until we sell them to the next duder , and the cycle rinses and repeats !




Greed is thinking that my datsun + lead foot = Good Gas mileage ollz !





Greed is Kama thinking 1 is just enough ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( kitty kats dat is ! ollz )




Wait wat were we talking about yo ?



ima let you finish with yo comment for naow !

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well if a teacher wants a paper on greed you know thats what they expect, is a paper written bashing on big industry


You can do 3 things


Option A

You can investigate both sides of the story and provide a unbiased opinion




Option B

You can find out what the teachers point of view is and brownnose an A




Option C

Blow it off completely cause its "too hard"


Sadly most kids choose option B or C cause there afraid of there teachers or they dont wanna try


Take your pick id choose option A but what do I know right?

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