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Ratsun SOS!


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well the L20B in the truck just killed itself.








developed a nasty knock (theres deff chunks banging around) in there on the way home,

its not even drivable (hope insurance covers towing)



I need to find a good L4 bottom end around PDX, 16/18/20 dont care just needs to be able to be a runner when I slap my head on it.






PM me or shoot me a text (5o3-833-2k) need to find one ASAP!

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ya Iv added oil, it burns.



same oil I always run tho



Same oil, from the same case, or a new quart bought recently?


I ask, because I've heard some nasty rumors of the new EPA-required oil (required for 2011, but the oil companies already started shipping it a couple months ago). It may be nothing, but you're not the first person to have a sudden engine failure recently.

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Same oil, from the same case, or a new quart bought recently?


I ask, because I've heard some nasty rumors of the new EPA-required oil (required for 2011, but the oil companies already started shipping it a couple months ago). It may be nothing, but you're not the first person to have a sudden engine failure recently.



its from the pump stuff at work (large tank) so its nothing different as far as I know.............. but who knows.




eather way I have to replace the bottom end.


on the bright side its the perfect time to put in my good 5 speed and have a motor with all new seals and timing chain.

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its from the pump stuff at work (large tank) so its nothing different as far as I know.............. but who knows.




eather way I have to replace the bottom end.


on the bright side its the perfect time to put in my good 5 speed and have a motor with all new seals and timing chain.



That sucks man! Talk to freaky510, i bet he has a block laying around

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after lookin at it i see that now.....maybe ill go buy it and give skib my l20b bottem end......




Hard to see if it is a 4 or 8 plug head. Dizzy cap has 4 wires but could be wrong. Can't see any plugs on this side either. This is important because IF it is a 4 plug head it will have a matchbox dizzy that will fit the l series. GET IT!!!


A 4 plug head makes it a Z20 E maybe or S can't see the manifold. If an EFI motor it will have the coveted 6" rods on 85mm (L20B) size flattop pistons.


Z20E piston 2nd over from the right



Someone should go check the engine size and take a few pictures.



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