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Drifting with Derka-Derkas

Guest DatsuNoob

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But you my friend are ignorant. The other videos are at least car related but you went out of your way to find videos that make a religion look bad which make YOU a racist because your post is putting down one specific religion which by definition makes you a racist. If i wanted to see and read shit like that from ignorant people I will go to a forum like that cause you are spread hate and unlike the other guys they were actually trying to get a laugh out were you are just spreading hate. I can also do the same like you and find a million videos of christians, or jews, or any other race or religion for that matter the makes any race look bad. Your telling me women don't get beat here? I think more people get beat here then in the middle east. You dont' think crazy gun men don't go crazy here and fire upon innocent people? ohh yes they do. There are crazy extremist in all races and religions



I'm loling pretty hard, because i deleted that second video almost immediately because even i thot that went too far but you brought it back for very one to see. secondly that first one is pretty funny. thirdly, i didnt go out of my way at all... those both came back when i was looking for "saudi drift" vids, amazingly enough you just put the word saudi in and a whole world of honor killings pops up


:rofl: :rofl:


ps - i know this is hard to understand - but my thoughts and opinions will not hurt you


and americans beat their wives too - they just don't have how-to tv shows



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your post is putting down one specific religion which by definition makes you a racist.



just so you know a racist is someone who hates someone or something based on race..... not religion.




fucked shit happens in every country and every religion has carried out some sort of bloody conflict in the name of god in one form or another over the years because of radical believers.


like i said, the world is fucked cuz it needs more lolz



lots of jokes are made here, some can be pretty daring.

but outright intentional hate based off sex, race, religion ect. is not tolerated.


this a tight community and thats why we can make alot of jokes and take jabs at everyone and know,

that its just a joke ;) so have a lolz






like this one :rofl: I lol at it every time, his face is fuckin great :lol:

do I support spousal abuse, fuck no. if you hit your wife Im prob gonna hit you with a bat.

but its just a joke ;) so I lolz

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I didn't make it back in to check on this thread for a while, and it went somewhere.... kinda awesome.... so far everything has been all good and fun. Especially the part about how you shouldn't beat your wife the way you would a child.... cause the kid is new and hasn't earned respect like your wife should have by now. And besides, who wants to have loveless cold sex with a chick with a black eye?

Oh and calling people racists is kinda fun too.


Only part I had a problem with was that part where the stick bastard pushed over Texas... DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!!!



Is there any way to ban Skib? He was totally just messin with Texas.

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Guest DatsuNoob

I cant help but feel partially responsible for some of the sparks flyin' here. Never meant for this to turn into a town hall meeting on racism vs religion, I just thought it was funnier than shit how these idiots can be so foolish while operating motor vehicles. If it were some white dudes, I woulda laughed just as hard. I was just attempting to illustrate stupidity as a fail, not intentionally piss anyone off. I dont care to watch muslims murder children, so I didnt click that video. People have the same opportunity to avoid offensive or disturbing materials here, and anywhere else for that matter so long as they choose. for example:


Here is a deadly saudi accident best to serve as a P.S.A on how-to not be a total dumbfuck (your choice to view)


Here is another example of saudis being dumb without all the blood and death (pretty G rated)


with that, can we all stop freakin out with the serious stuff (racism, hatred, religion, intolerance, etc)? I now return you to your normally scheduled program


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personally, I think if you guys are gonna argue about petty stuff like this, you should all just go back to your own countries and get the hell out of mine.fighting_terrorism_since_1492.jpg :lol:



red pride FTW!!!

Now, THAT'S racism!!

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You know you guys are all right, I think I took the thread way out of proportion. That was a little up tight of me which is really weird cause thats not like me at all honestly and it take A LOT and i mean A LOT to get me offended usually. Its all this politics and shit going on got me all up tight and making me assume everyone is attacking me now adays I need to relax!! I'm gonna relax take Skib's advice and LOL!! and by the way nismo dr I owe you an apology bro, shouldn't be rushing into conclusions too quickly! I need to finally put my 510 together tomorrow and take it out for a spin that should help

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I don't care what color, sex, religion, race you are, if you get caught doing stupid shit on tape, I want to see it!


Stupid knows no bounds and anyone can get it! Being hispanic these days is getting pretty rough in some parts of this country and no, we are not all wetbacks, beaners, rusty trombone players and shit! But sometimes we all get lumped into the racist four door impala with mismatched tires and one hubcap that someones uncle painted, but that is just life!


So just enjoy the stupid mayhem that these folks where nice enough to film!


As-Salaamu 'Alaykum

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I didn't make it back in to check on this thread for a while, and it went somewhere.... kinda awesome.... so far everything has been all good and fun. Especially the part about how you shouldn't beat your wife the way you would a child.... cause the kid is new and hasn't earned respect like your wife should have by now. And besides, who wants to have loveless cold sex with a chick with a black eye?

Oh and calling people racists is kinda fun too.


Only part I had a problem with was that part where the stick bastard pushed over Texas... DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!!!



Is there any way to ban Skib? He was totally just messin with Texas.



Texas? Where's that? It's so tiny, like a spec on the map in the US. Alaska, now THERE'S a big state! :D

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Is there any way to ban Skib? He was totally just messin with Texas.



I fuck with texas every fuckin daaay! whatcha gonna do about it :fu:


you could chase me down in your car, but half way into it Im gonna make a right turn and then your fucked :rofl:


cuz the south only knows how to turn left :lol: (ya thats right, I just lumped texas into "the south" :P )

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