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Jacob's Goon Build - Now L19 powered.


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Well I got the bolts. Should be going on tonight. But first, need to wait for the driveway to clear up...


I know I need them, but driving isnt terribly exciting right now, just an issue with ruts really.

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Niceeee. Gotten it in yet?



I wish I had the money to get one before his last run.


Well didnt check the mail until this evening, say 8:30pm. I have tomorrow off from work, so it goes in then.



I should also say, when I replaced my suspension bushings, the front end lowered itself 1/2 an inch. Now my floor jack doesn't fit under unless I pull up on the bumper.

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Good to meet you to Tristin! No worries.



Got the push button mounted. Since I have no steering column shroud, I decided the button would look odd out in space. So new place it is!




and now what my column look like:




On a side note. Looks like my DD is no longer my DD. Since my sister crashed her van, she is going to buy the Jetta from my mom (dumb move if you ask me, I have been begging to sell the Jetta for awhile now), which to me was always unofficially my car, as in I was handed the keys since my mom got a new car, and my current car had just given up the ghost 3 days prior. Oh well, I think worst of all is all the good memories my friends and I have had in the Jetta. I am now not going to touch the car maintenance wise and just watch it fall apart with my sister driving it, I was the only reason that car still works. So time to save up for a new car. Yes that means motor plans are delayed, but that is life. New plan is winter 2013/14, so time to save for some good parts :) So now I need to figure out what the next car is gonna be. I have a few ideas. Currently I am thinking of a Toyota Pickup, Tacoma most likely. A Volvo 850 Turbo wagon. BMW E30 4dr. Or a S30... The BMW gets bad mileage but I still love these cars, The Volvo is fastest probably without modifications, Tacoma is most useful, and well a S30 is well a Z car... Tacoma's are a tad pricey, but findable. Volvo 850s are fairly cheap, and nice cars, just wish it wasnt FWD. Really I want something practical, and either of those could be. Oh and a tacoma, I want a 4dr... just easier to get people in and out.

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The hood release cables were designed to not quite get in the way of the clutch pedal,, but just enough to worry about it ... :rofl:


.... I can't remember the last time I actually used the pull handle ... :lol:


been like that, well since I pulled it down before I even did the primer. Never bothered me enough to put it back.

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the e30-325e gets decent gas mileage compared to the 325i. Pretty slow though. how about the older 240 volvo wagons? 4 cylinder rear wheel drive, they even have the turbo model and the run forever and have lots of cargo space.


Yea, I kinda want faster and decent mileage, something the e30 doesnt offer, really sucks because I have wanted one for as long as I wanted a 510, and I think they look similar... Problem with the 240, its replacing a 2001 Jetta, with power everthing, leather, 30mpg, a very nice modern interior that somehow felt tighter than most new off the lot cars. Really I need to drive a 240, but I am just not the hugest fan of their looks, but I do like them and respect them...

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The 240s are ridiculously tough. They're heavy and drive like trucks in stock form. Even the turbo models aren't quick. However, they are dirt cheap and the yards are full of cheap parts. Like most cars, if you want to throw some money at them they can be made to handle and perform well. Just remember, IPD = idiots pay double. I have a soft spot for manual transmissioned 242s and 245s. My brother just sold a '69 145 that was superior to my 510 in almost every way. Overdrive, dual SUs, 4whl power disc brakes, underfloor storage, quieter, smoother, etc... . If you can resist the urge to improve it (and who among us can?) they make pretty good daily drivers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, No real progress, just been driving it everyday. I now have 2 license plate lights.


I ordered some leaf bushings from Mexico, should be here any day... actually I just checked the mail, post office decided I have to pick up the box, tuesday that means.


Bought a Cargo dome light lens, My first NOS part ever!


And I have started redoing my door panels. This time how I want. Doors are gonna be last, still gotta figure out something I may want to do...I bought some 1/8th inch ABS Sheet from TAP plastics. So far only have cut out 1 panel, but its the only one with a bend. These panels are going to receive foam and marine vinyl over them, black of course. Also contemplating new speakers before I finalize anything... Started with buying a box of panel clips (Au-Ve-Co 11460), and a jigsaw.


Anyways, here are some pictures of what I have been doing. (Yes I used flame to bend the panel).





















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