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Are these comments toward me, if so let me know, I'll me comment anyway, Jester, you talk about a new guy being a know it all, I'm not that new on here just don't know all the groupies out west, and never said I know it all. That would be hoov. Read your own words about insults ( If your just here to throw out insults to people you have never talked face to face, without knowing what their about) thats what this was all about in the first place. Yes I know what the sheep thing meant, just wanted to know how it pertained. Hoov, I was in the Army also, but that doesn't make you a badass with your .45. I would say I'm one of the biggest conservatives on this site, no silver spoon here. Zuum if the being banned comment is to me then let the ratsun gods speak, but it's hard for me to sit back and watch assholes, be assholes, and if you call them on it and give them their shit back, it's not ok then. datzenmike, I myself have not said anything on here that I wouldn't say again or say to any of these guys face. You guys can dish it out but when its thrown your way, then it's time for change. If you want to attack me for what I've said, bring it on, if the mods want to kick me off, so be it. This site is not a worldwide or not even a U.S. group site, it's strictly a west coast site, unless you have something totally amazing or your left nut to give to the ratsun gods you will not actually be part of this group. I know some of you will come back with maybe its you rubberman, but I've seen it time and time again. I never visited the 510realm, just talked with people about it, but I see the resemblance.

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Are these comments toward me, if so let me know, I'll me comment anyway, Jester, you talk about a new guy being a know it all, I'm not that new on here just don't know all the groupies out west, and never said I know it all. That would be hoov. Read your own words about insults ( If your just here to throw out insults to people you have never talked face to face, without knowing what their about) thats what this was all about in the first place. Yes I know what the sheep thing meant, just wanted to know how it pertained. Hoov, I was in the Army also, but that doesn't make you a badass with your .45. I would say I'm one of the biggest conservatives on this site, no silver spoon here. Zuum if the being banned comment is to me then let the ratsun gods speak, but it's hard for me to sit back and watch assholes, be assholes, and if you call them on it and give them their shit back, it's not ok then. datzenmike, I myself have not said anything on here that I wouldn't say again or say to any of these guys face. You guys can dish it out but when its thrown your way, then it's time for change. If you want to attack me for what I've said, bring it on, if the mods want to kick me off, so be it. This site is not a worldwide or not even a U.S. group site, it's strictly a west coast site, unless you have something totally amazing or your left nut to give to the ratsun gods you will not actually be part of this group. I know some of you will come back with maybe its you rubberman, but I've seen it time and time again. I never visited the 510realm, just talked with people about it, but I see the resemblance.


Could we agree, we hate eachother for the most part and both shut up and let this thread continue to spiral downward towards it inevitable doom?



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Rubberman, chill man... I wasn't actually directing my comment towards anyone, everyone has a right to their own opinion... but theres always an invisible line where you're gonna offend the vast majority (even though we don't share the same opinions or think alike), its fine if someone feels the need to be over the top and outrageous... whatever, more power to them. With that said, when your flinging shit all over the place, you're gonna get it on yourself too. I don't control who gets banned, I don't even care who does, but I've seen simliar shit flinging and that guy didn't last very long. THAT was my point, I was NOT giving instructions on who should get banned, not my place, rather letting people in general know that some of whats going on looks familiar to what happened the last time a ban happened.

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Its fckn ammazing and entertaining how a majority of the threads have led to arguments, threats, negative comments ect. I have a idea....the next ratsun event we have lets get a boxing ring there and settle all this stupid shit once and for all that way we can get back to having a cool, fun informative forum where we get together, make friends and teach eachother new shit. Sounds good to me.....ow you should delete this thread...its gay



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