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Bad news for me

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This week I worked tons of hours at work. My wife told me that this week I could take some funds and buy something for my car. I was pumped. Monday I worked the night shift from 4pm to 11pm. I came home and was looking at my dog Ive had for 12years. She had been breathing short for about a week and I knew it wasnt right. Her spine and ribs were alot more noticeable than normal. I began to rub her belly while she was standing up and she just collapsed on her head right into my night stand. I went to work the next day for a half day then rushed her to the vet. I spent 3 hours there getting the diagnosis. IT WASNT GOOD. Turns out my best friend of 12 years had conjestive heart failure. Her whole body is full o fluid ...heart, lungs, ad belly. The vet told me that I was going to have to put her down. I stoo with on the table for about two hours trying to make the call. I just cant do it. I bought six bottles of pills, dieretics to make her piss the fluid out and some shit to try to strengthen her heart. I brought her home and today I am nursing her.........so losing my best friend and spending my Datto cash on the vet.....lifes a bitch but my dogs more important than finishing my car......:(



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Sucks. Sorry to hear.... I know it's not what you want to hear but you may actually being do her a favor by letting her go out peacefully with little pain. A hard call. Sucks. Good luck with your decision...

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sucks to hear that. i know how you feel, i am going through close to the same thing with my cat. she went mostly blind and has been getting viscious and attacking people that come over but if its just me and my wife home, she is an awesome cat. i know she will need to be put down but cant bring myself to do it.

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Thanks guys for your support.....I know Im just buying time but hey look she doesnt seem to be suffering muc and so far Ive bought her a day...to me thats worth it!


I had to put my dog down last year. He was the same age as your dog. I have to say it was a bitch. But when the doc gave him the shot he really looked like he was relieved. Was a sad day for sure I cryed like a little girl. As I write this I'm tearing up just thinking about it. Good luck. :(

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i know how you feel. i had to put my shepard down about a year and a ahlf ago. i didn't want to but the vet gave him a 30% chance of comming out of the surgery and a 20% chance that teh surgery would actually help him live. it had to have been the hardest decision i have ever had to make. just be prepaired to do it IF this doesn't work. i know its a hard decision but if it is nessessary, dont prolong the pain.


i iwll always miss my buddy Billy, but i know hes not in pain and watching over us to this day.

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I had to put my dog down last year. He was the same age as your dog. I have to say it was a bitch. But when the doc gave him the shot he really looked like he was relieved. Was a sad day for sure I cryed like a little girl. As I write this I'm tearing up just thinking about it. Good luck. :(


x2...cept my rottie was a girl, I still get tore up from time to time... :(


She had a long and awesome life though. Still talk about her and call her on occasion when calling my other dogs in.

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2 years ago, my white shepard/queensland heeler/hound mix passed away at 9 from bone cancer on his front leg, then he couldn't move his rear hips, etc., and so we put him down, he was my true friend. He chose me when I was 16. Damn I miss him. When I see somebody from the forums here, they will see his collar around my shifter. He used to go on rides with me, now he goes permanently......

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Went through the same thing 3 years ago with my Shepherd. She got bone cancer. She live three months after the diagnoses, but finally she couldn't stand up anymore. But she was a happy dog until the end. It's a hard thing to go through. Best dog I ever had.

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Sorry you're having to go thru this boss. In '08 my parents and to put my Lab/Pit down. She was 17-ish years old so she was pretty much beyond her life expectancy, but still it hits hard.


You can't put a price on life. The dog that I currently have up in Oregon (my wifes first dog) is now 8. When she was just 2yrs old she underwent hip reconstruction surgery ($3000). Worth every frikkin penny. She's our baby.


We're all with you bro.



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I stoo with on the table for about two hours trying to make the call. I just cant do it.





its hard, but dont allow her to suffer.



my malamute was almost 14 when they found 3 fist size tumours.

toughest week of my life!

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