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I found out yesterday before right before I left for the Vancouver meet that I lost a homie.


Alex died Friday night in a car crash along with a 15yr old girl that was in the car.

there where a few other people in the car who suffered critical injuries as well.

His brother was driving and crawled out of the over turned car to find him thrown

30ft from the where wreak stopped after rolling 4 times. They said he died on impact so he at least didnt suffer.


he died a young and violent death, he was 19.










RIP Alex Alagoz

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Owch this hurts Skib. Particularly right now. This weekend was 1 year since the death of my nephew who was 18. Car wreck. He was the passenger. He was a partier, but there were no drugs or booze involved. Driver walked away with a cuncussion and some glass in his legs. Nothing else. He has to live with this the rest of his life, poor guy.


If I had to guess, in my case, the driver was trying to jump a hill at high speed and lost control on impact. Hit a tree on the passenger side. Pushed the passenger seat into the back seat.


MAn it still hurts so bad. We were close. He was the coolest kid on the planet and all the girls flocked to him. I even took him to japan with me. Just the two of us. What a time!


The impact it had on his friends was astounding. The wake was something I will never forget. So powerful.


Anyway I feel your pain bro! Remember the good times and celebrate his life.

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thanks guys.


they where foolish and not wearing a seatbelt, sadly i dont know if a seat belt would have saved them. they where broad sided on the pass side by a large van, it was a really violent crash. i heard the details that came from his brother, and i really wish i hadnt...



i started my day at his memorial service, its a very very old school russian orthodox church and we normally wouldnt be allowed in but a group of us showed up and we where lucky enough that his mom talked them into letting us stand in the back.

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