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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. :hug: sorry ive of no help...i have a l16 block.. if you want to get it :) i don't know the condition tho . :unsure:
  2. aww mann... i want a 4 door too!!
  3. thatss lots of flushing... :unsure:
  4. i daree you!!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Jennifer


      hangs his head...... to do what....hMMmmm?

    3. Jayden71


      I log onto ratsun just to stare at my avatar

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ^^^^ bahahahahhahaah ,,, thought I was the only one that logged in to stare at just yo avatar !!! frol

  5. Awesome!! Will do this weekend :D
  6. propylene glycol type anti freeze? ... i buy prestone... i haz brown gunk in my radiator... :( good flush.. buy flush fluid at the store? :)
  7. thankss!!! my antifreeze is brown :lol:
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0DeIqJm4vM&ob=av3e
  9. hahaha .sunlover!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: i remember that you didnt look too happy :lol:
  10. ahhhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Jus kicked in ...

    3. DAT510


      Then you crash into a telephone pole cause you can't haaaandle eeeet


    4. Jennifer
  11. sayss that theres a 70 510 in san jose...in pick n pull!!!!!!
  12. :hug: :hug: hope everything will get better :hug: :hug:
  13. hello and welcome :D if you have a photobucket, copy the code and just paste the code in the text box :) for parts, post what you need in the "parts wanted" section :D
  14. That would be awesome!! :D that house looks cool micro!
  15. goodnight mister! :)

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